2001-10-11City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: October 11, 2001 Place: Beverly Recreation Department Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, , Patti Adams, Elizabeth Caputo Board members absent: Lauren Young, Arthur Powell Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. Barn: · Guild members visited the Rec Office to complain that they had not been notified that the heat and water had been turned off in the barn. Joan directed them to Mike Collins. Joan asked the Commission if they would agree to allow the Guild to use the restrooms in our building when they have a meeting or event. Mr. Scully felt that the group should only be allowed access to the Rec building if a Rec employee was on duty during the hours of use. The guild would have to assume the cost. · It was reported that the barn needs a total roof job. · Tom Scully will ask the architect working on the Farms Library to advise the Commission on the next step in regards to the barn. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT · McKay: Mike Collins told Joan he could not help with McKay installation. Artie met with Jerry McSweeney of Cummings Properties who will do much of the site prep work. · Discussed: Bessie, Vittori, Maplewood · Centerville: reviewed conceptual plan to the tot lot · Tot Lots decided to keep: Oak Heights, Lynch & Bessie · Discussed: equipment to be removed at Cahill, Femino, Lyons (structure), Cove, Longfellow, Vittori (climber), Gillis Park. · Mariane Farm: Tom reported that there are many issues with the site which is owned by the Batchelders. · Estimate a minimum of a quarter of a million to make property into a field with parking and access road · The fertilizers and pesticides the City uses could run off to Wenham Lake · Many groups will have input on anything done on the property: Project Adventure, Batchelders, Department of Environmental Management, Dept. of Environmental Protection, City of Beverly, Trustees of Reservations, and Essex County Greenbelt. · It was suggested that the money could be better spent improving other existing facilities. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department