2000-01-06City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: ·. Date: January 6, 2000 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell, Mark Casey, Patty Adams, and Lanren Young Board members absent: Ivy Mahan Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Dick McNeill, Phil Klimowicz Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. Mr. McNeilI reported: · lnnocenti Park: work completed · Obear Park Tennis Courts: recycled materials no longer available, may need to go back to the original plan of crack fill (with new fiber material) and 2 coat overlay. This process will basically build a new structure and will be more costly. Plan will change if sub structure needs to be excavated. Discussed the fact that the two tennis courts will be turned into one tennis court and one basketball courL Discussed needed fencing and spacing. Mr. McNeill was unaware that a basketball court was in the plans. He asked if repaying of the parking area was also in the plans. · Retaining wall at Lynch Park: Mr. Powell still needs cost figures to give to the Lynch Trustees. Mr. McNeill stated that the work should be able to proceed soon ifthe weather holds. Public Services will provide the labor. · Dane Street Roof: When asked by Lauren Young about the roof at Dane, Mr. McNeill stated that Tim Brennan was in charge of that project. · Lynch Park: Two problem areas were reported. · 1) drainage on the roadway near the Garden. He recommended the installation of two catch basins at a cost of approximately $2000-$2500. 2) sink holes behind the wall on the Woodbury Beach side of the park need attention in the Spring. Public Service crews can do the work, but he cannot cover all the costs. Mr. Powell will speak to the Lynch Trustees and report back. Mr. Klimowicz reported: · Field Usage Policy: He reviewed the copy loan send him and agreed that he would like to see something similar used in Beverly. Commission agreed to review policy at next meeting and distribute in time for Field Summitt which was set for Monday, February 28th at BHS. · Innocenti Park Stands: Phil reported that the old stands have been removed. Replacing the stands will cost approx $3500 per set. He asked if the Recreation Dept could cover the cost of one set. · Hard Stadium: Discussed overuse at that field and the possibility of fixing up Memorial so some games could be moved there. · Field inside track at BHS: Work is planned there as soon as school is out. · Beverly Common: when asked about the benches promised by the Mayor, Phil reported he thought Tina Cassidy had some plans for them in the spring. Bslch Bruce asked about the plans for Balch. Joan reported she has contacted Dawn Goodwin and was told that the Community Development Grant received will basically provide for an inline skate area and some tot lot equipment to be installed over the spring and summer. A motion was made by Dave Gardner, seconded by Kevin Hobin that a letter be written to Tina Cassidy reminding her that the Recreation Commission must review and approve any proposed park improvements. Letter should be cc to: Dawn Goodwin, the Mayor and the President of the City Council. Motion was carried with ail in favor. Lauren Young is going to write the letter. Cummings Donation -Bruce reported that it will soon be announced that Mr. Cummings is donating 1 million dollars to the YMCA to build a new Youth Center facility. The current Youth Center site is being considered. Code of Ethies Joan suggested requiring each coach, player and parent in the youth leagues sign the "Code of Ethics". Signed copies would need to be on file at the Recreation Dept before field permits would be issued. It was suggested that a temporary pre-season permit would have to be issued for practices. A motion was made by Mark Casey to require each coach, player and parent sign the Code of Ethics and that each league file the signed copies with the Recreation Dept two weeks prior to the start of their season. Field permits will then be issued. Motion carried. Open Space and Recreation Committee Mr. Gardner gave a Powerpoint presentation on the acquisition priorities set by the committee. Discussed the Symes Site. The City Council asked the Committee to advise them on whether the City should negotiate and aquire the property. Site is off Essex Street and consists of three separate parcels. The following resolution was approved and will be forwarded to Mayor and City Council "The Beverly Parks and Recreation Commission requests that the City Council consider acquistion of the properties adjacent to Sally Milligan Park and also along the Bass River shoreline as highest priority in obtaining additional open space lands in the City. Acquisition of the Symes site in whole or part will be an asset to the City's open space, but not as critical as those named above." Other Business A motion was made by Kevin Hobin, seconded by Lauren Young to purchase much needed windows and a new steel door for the office. Motion carried with all in favor. Estimated cost: $7500-$8000. Motion was made by Dave Gardner, seconded by Lauren Young to grant the Bev. American Sports Conference four time slots for their home games. Other practice times and location to be worked out with Beverly Youth Soccer. Motion carried.