1999-11-04 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commssion Subcommittee: Date: November 4, 1999 Place: Recreation Dept. Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell, Lauren Young, Patricia Adams and Ivy Mahan Board members absent: none Others pint: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully and Maril Matt Minutes of previous minutes were accepted as written. Diane Morgan was present representing a group that wants to donate a bench to Lynch in honor of Elaine Sangster. They want a name plaque on the bench not just on the Memorial Tree. The present policy does not provide for name plaques on the donated items. Chairman explained that the Commission is presently reviewing policies and this will be considered. COMMITTEE REPORTS · Beverly Golf & Tennis: Seeking a bond for capital improvements. · Open Space Committee: Dave has been elected Chairman. Group has met 3 times, committees have been set. Committee is required to submit 2 reports to the City, 1st is due in March. · Policy Committee met to discus usage of facilities, such as the Common, guidelines for Leagues using fields during inclement weather and naming policies. The process for the naming of a park or facilityas suggested by the Committee was discussed and some amendments made. Motion was made by Dave Gardner to submit the naming policy, as amended, to the City Council for their approval. Motion carried with all in favor. Mr. Powell reported on a letter received by the Lynch Trustees from Mr. Feenan (Fountain Committee) asking that the Trustees pay to have the fountain properly drained and closed for the season. It would cost approx. $1000. Mr. Scully felt that the way the City closed and covered the fountain is sufficient. Mr. Scully will talk to Phil and see if he feels extra measures (such as removing the pump and covering the tile) are necessary. DIRECTOR'S REPORT · Dix Park: Joan received recommendations from Camp, Dresser & McGee about the best areas at Dix Park to locate equipment with special consideration to the drainage problems. A hard surface (such as an existing court) was recommended. Dix Park group would like a public meeting. Tom said he could make the Farms Library available for the meeting. · Basketball courts are still not paved. · Work at Innocenti (behind the backstep) has started and will continue through November 2000. A 10' high fence will be installed. · Joan asked that a Finance Committee be created. Financial situation was discussed. Tom Scully suggested that the whole of the December meeting focus on understanding the City and Enterprise Budgets. Meeting adjourned Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department