1997-09-04 MEETING NOTICE BEVERLY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Thursday, September 4, 1997 7:00 PM Recreation Office, Lynch Park AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Acceptance of previous minutes 3. DPW Commissioner Report 4. Director's Report 5. Committee Reports · Sports Activities & Fields · Staffing/Programs & Budget · Parks/Beaches & Beautification · Golf & Tennis Club Report · Open Space Priority sub-committee report 6. Old Business 7. New Business a. Summer program wrap-up 8. Adjournment Bruce Doig Chairman BEVERLY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of meeting held September 4, 1997 Present: Bruce Doig, Don Anastasi, Liz Caputo, Dan Klemis, Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written on a motion by Dan Klemis. Mike Papamechail & Phil Klimowicz of DPW were present. Talked about Bessie Baker work that has been completed. Also completed a project at Cove Playground field. Working at Hannah, repaired backstop, re-edging, etc. Looking to have irrigation installed at Hurd. Phil would like to see Vittori be next big project for make-over. Bessie make-over ran about $17,000. Park St. irrigation being bid ($13,000 available from grant). Everyone complimented Mike & Phil on all the work they have accomplished. Commission discussed fees for field use. Joan was asked to write Marshall Handley and ask him to give us his opinion in writing on charging leagues for field use. As well, as check with surrounding towns on their policy. DIRECTOR'S REPORT -Discussed highs and lows of the summer programs. -Discussed the situation at Ahern Park that led to the closing and then re-opening of the park. Commission expressed concern that they were not notified in advance of the decision to close the park. Liz was unhappy with the way Russ Rollins handled the situation. Joan apologized for not speaking to them in advance. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Dept.