1997-03-12BEVERLY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of meeting held on March 12, 1997 Present: Bruce Doig, Don Anastasi, Al Churchill, Dan Klemis, Sam Wilde, Jane Lyman, Joan Fairbank, Tom Scully and Marshall Handly. Marshall spoke about some complaints (4 or 5) that he received from people who were told that all fields were booked but when they checked these fields no one was playing. He said that the Mayor's office has received complaints as well from people unable to get a field. He encouraged the Commission to re-assert direct control of scheduling of fields rather than hand them over wholesale to various activities in an effort to provide better access to the general public. He also suggested the Commission take a more direct role in scheduling to make sure that everyone's needs are met. Mr. Klemis expressed frustration over the lack of resources to improve fields or even repair safety problems. But added that things seem to be inproving under Mr. Papamechail. Marshall talked about the willingness of Endicott College to open up use of their facilities to the City. He strongly urged that Commission to pursue this. Jane asked Mr. Handly if he had a legal objection to the issuing of the Harry Ball permit for a 10 year period. Marshall asked if it was signed off by the Mayor and City Council at the time. Mr. Anastasi explained that the solicitor at the time (Mr. Alexander) approved the permit as a field use permit not as a lease. It can be terminated at will. On the issue of public access, Dan suggested that we secure certain days and times at set fields for general community use. These time slots would not be permitted to a league. Marshall also expressed a need to find a way for the public to have some input into field scheduling, especially at a field like Harry Ball with a sound system and heavy use. The Commisson explained that restrictions on use of that field and the sound system are already in place. Motion was made by Dan that 1) the Chairman appoint a sub-committee to meet with Endicott and 2) that a meeting with the Mayor be set up to discuss the immediate need for money to repair fields. Motion was seconded and carried with all in favor. Marshall said he major concern was that the general public not be overlooked and be given fair access to play ball. Suggested somehow to carve out some time from the leagues and advertise these available times to the public so they can apply for a permit. He suggested we should not rely on the good graces of a league to accommodate general public use. In another matter, Joan reported a request from Little League to put up advertising signs at Harry Ball field as BHS Girls Softball have done at Innocenti. After some discussion, the group agreed that no advertising would be allowed at any field and that Girls Softball should be advised that their agreement was only for 1 season. Chairman asked for volunteers for a subcommittee to speak to Endicott, Dan Klemis volunteered. Mr. Scully said he would speak to the Mayor about the Commission's request for a meeting. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody, Recreation Dept.