1998-02-12BEVERLY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of meeting held on February 12, 1998 Present: Bruce Doig, Jane Lyman, Don Anastasi, Sam Wilde, A1 Churchill, Liz Caputo, Mari Matt, Joan Fairbank Discussed openings on the Commission due to expired terms and resignations. Joan and Bruce have suggested replacements to the Mayor and also asked that four people be appointed increasing the Commission to 9 members. This will be presented to the City Council. Discussed scheduling of next Field Summit. Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. .Joan met with Design Review Board who asked for a few amendments to Lynch Park sign. Didn't like the brown, wants black with gold lettering and recessed inner frame of gold molding or a half inch gold around outside of sign and no lexan on outside .Discussed reinstating field fees. Fees have been $60 per team for leagues, $20 single use permit. Jane made a motion to resume charging for field permits at present rates, seconded by Don. Motion carried with all in favor. .Discussed signs at Innocenti that belong to Girls Softball. Permission was granted for last year only. Should they come down or will permission be granted again. Motion by Jane that the Commission not allow commercial sponsorship signs to be posted on a seasonal or permanent basis at any of the parks. Motion was seconded and carried with all in favor. It was recommended that Joan ask DPW to remove the signs that are still up at Innocenti and store them for Girls Softball to pick up. .Playground Tour was set for Sat, May 9 and May 16. Three wards will be covered on each date. .Discussed new budget. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department