1998-11-09 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING 9, 1998 PRESENT:; Commils~one~'s~nico, Duval, Eaton, Gourdeau, Lydon, Mail~ney Rosen, and White. ABSENT: Commissioners Dean and Vitale. PUBLIC: Ken Lewis, Ken Robinson, Victor Capozzi, and Richard Mello. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentations - Aero Manufacturing Building Presentation. (Not given.) 2. Reading of the Minutes for October 19, 1998 - Chairman White called for a reading of the minutes. Commissioner Gourdeau made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Mahoney. Motion passed with Commissioner Lydon abstaining. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for October 1998 - Chairman White said there was no report due to non-closed October figures. B. OLD BUSINESS: · Omni Fuel Tank Removal - Tom Rankin (Mobil' s tank remover) has submitted his Notice of Intent to Danvers ConCom to remove the two tanks. It will come before the Danvers ConCom on 11/18/98. Determination will probably be on 11/24/98. He is keeping Omni informed so they may Submit their aboveground installation request to the ConCom at the same time. Commissioners Mahoney and Barnico requested that the Commission be sent the specifications of the proposed Omni aboveground tank. · Land Acquisition Project - Gongas property evaluation has increased from $205,000.00 in 12/96 to current appraisal of $285,000.00 $295,000.00. Some other figures that may be added to this figure are home inspection costs, closing costs, and moving costs. Those figures will be computed by the D-H relocation specialist Lori Nadeau. The avigation easement valuation for the Gongas property increased from $60,000.00 to $70,000.00 - $75,000.00+/-. The Commission questioned the increase in value and asked ifFAA would require an examination of that re-evaluation. The Commission also questioned BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 1998 the way the appraiser showed market value before and after estimated damages due to proposed avigation easement. Ms. McLellan continues to pay us rent on the Muffin property. When she moves, she is entitled to up to $20,000.00 in rent subsidy, this can be taken either in lump sum or over a 42-month period. She has chosen lump sum (which is good incentive to not stay long on BurIcy St.). FAA would pay 90%, M.A.C. 7%, and BAC 3% (approximately $600.00). · Airport Master Plan Update - The first meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee will be 11/23/98 at 5:30PM at the Airport Administration Building. Several commissioners expressed interest in what the new forecast figures will show. Future PAC meetings will be held on a day other than Monday so the Beverly City Council PAC member can attend. Commissioner Mahoney questioned what recourse was available to the BAC if the BAC disagreed with forecast figures. Commissioner Barnico and the Airport Manager are members of the PAC and would challenge any foretasted figures that the BAC disagreed with. Airport manager will post the 11/23/98 PAC meeting at City Hall. · Ransom Phase II Remediation - There's been a long delay at City Hall in formulating the scope for the Phase II remediation portion. Delay involves whether or not Ransom will do it or will it go out for RFP. It appears Ransom will do it. The City's Director of Engineering keeps trying to get a meeting with the Mayor and Ransom to do a Phase II scope. · Vegetation Management Plan - The six trees between Taxiway "D" and Bradford Street that penetrated the transitional zone were cut on October 30, 1998. Representatives from Danvers ConCom and the United Neighbors were aware and had previously seen the trees to be cut. · 5-Year Capital Improvement Program - Proposed program distributed to Commissioners. There was some discussion/questions on Taxiway "D" extension time frame, jet blast shield by West Side parking lot, snow and mower equipment, rent from Ton Ford and industrial park land, and switching some project dates. Adjustments will be made. C. NEW BUSINESS: None. 2 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 1998 D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: The Airport Manager briefed the Commission on the following: a letter sent by the Airport to the Danvers Herald and Salem Evening News, the MALS update, G.A.S. underground fuel tank removal, G.A.S. Hangar I improvements and first response crash/fire truck. E. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Chairman White briefed the Commission on the Airport Update presentation given at the Wenham Selectmen meeting on I 1/3/98. · Chairman White discussed the Meola/Sentry settlement. F. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Gourdeau, seconded by Commissioner Rosen. Motion passed unanimously.