BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking & Traffic Commission
DATE: June 12, 2002
LOCATION: Third floor copy room, City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Tarsook, Bruce Palmer, Debra Hurlburt
MEMBERS ABSENT: Sue Mueller, Robert Mead
OTHERS PRESENT: Leah Zambernardi
RECORDER: Leah Zambernardi
Hurlburt calls the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. and states that the purpose of
the meeting is to review a modification to a site plan at 108 Cherry Hill Drive.
Axcelis Technologies/108 Cherry Hill Drive:
Hurlburt states that the purpose for this meeting is for the modification of Site
Plan Review #36-97. This project is for the proposed construction of a 10,500
square foot addition for the expansion of a shipping and receiving area and
additional storage at the rear of the existing Axcelis Technologies building. Don
Godfrey from Axcelis Technologies, Peter Ogren from Hayes Engineering and
Albert Fine of Fine Associates present the project.
Mr. Ogren explains that the proposed addition would be to the rear of the
building and that it would allow for the addition of storage space and more
loading docks for the shipping and receiving of Axcelis’ products. To support
this expansion they will remove some parking to the north of the building and
replace it with a truck route and truck maneuvering area. They will reclaim
approximately 80 additional existing parking spaces that are underutilized by
removing trailers that are stored on site.
Mr. Fine adds that the plan would reduce gridlock and internal congestion that
occurs on the site during busy periods. Mr. Godfrey states that Axcelis has
recently closed its Rockford, Maryland and Austin, Texas facilities and they are
consolidating their operation to Beverly. This expansion would create new jobs.
Axcelis has only (2) two loading docks now, although they sometimes have (6)
six or (7) seven machines that need to be crated, checked and moved out of the
dock at the same time. New loading docks and storage space would facilitate
this expansion.
Hurlburt asks the Commission if they have any questions. Captain Palmer notes
that this is a straightforward project and asks if there would be any overhangs on
the addition. Mr. Fine responds that there will be a canopy that projects (4) four
feet from the loading dock area for protection.
Sergeant Tarsook makes a motion to recommend that the Planning Board
approve the site plan modification. Captain Palmer seconds the motion and it is
passes unanimously (3-0).