2001-01-10CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTE: DATE: January 10, 2001 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Tarsook, Pam McGrath, Bruce Palmer, Bob Mead, Tina Cassidy MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Bruce Oveson and Gerry McSweeney, Cummings Properties RECORDER: Tina Cassidy Cassidy calls the meeting to order at 10:35 a.m. and explains that Cummings Properties has filed two applications for site plan review with the Planning Board. The site plans propose the construction of a three-story office building and a parking garage at different locations in the complex. The public hearings on these applications will be held next Tuesday evening and the commission must review the plans and provide a recommendation to the Planning Board by that time. The first site plan to be discussed will be the proposed parking garage. Bruce Oveson addresses the Board and explains that Cummings wants to construct a garage in front of the main building facing Elliott Street. The garage will have three levels, one at grade level and two above grade. The garage will have a total of 336 new spaces. He explains that this will provide a net gain in the number of spaces on the site, if one deducts the number of existing spaces that will be covered by the footprint of the new garage (44) and the number of spaces that are on the two acre parcel that will be given to the City for a new public safety facility (133). Oveson says that the total net gain in the number of spaces will be 163. Oveson says that one of the planting islands in the existing parking lot will be removed to widen the aisle that will service the new garage; this island will be the approximate border between the public safety parcel and Cummings' property. The trees from that island will be transplanted around the garage as part of the landscaping plan. Hope Benne, Hillcrest Avenue, asks if the location of the new garage will preclude the construction of a new train stop in the future. Gerry McSweeney of Cummings Properties states that Cummings was interested in the idea of having the MBTA construct a stop at the Center, but has been told by the MBTA that such a proposal would be cost prohibitive. The estimated cost of building an additional stop was in the millions of dollars, and appears very unlikely. Parking and Traffic Comission minutes January 10. 2001 mccting Page two Cassidy asks the members of the commission if they have any questions. Tarsook asks if all parking spaces in the garage will meet the zoning requirements. Oveson states that they will. Tarsook asks if they intend to maintain the spaces on the public safety facility site and along the planting island mentioned earlier until the new garage is built. McSweeuey answers that they consider it essential to preserve those spaces until the garage is completed. Cassidy asks if there are any other questions from the commission members. Hearing none, she states that she will draft a letter to the Planning Board recommending the proposed site plan be approved. Next, Oveson explains the proposed three-story office building. He states that several months ago, Cummings received approval for another three-story office building on the Balch Street end of the site, and this will be a second new building. Numbered 400 Cummings Center, the new building will have approximately 37,285 sq. ft. of floor area on each of three floors for a total square footage of about 111,000 sq. ft. The building will have the same facade as the office building previously approved (known as #500 Cummings Center). Cassidy asks if the location of the new building will change any of the existing traffic patterns on the site in a significant way. Oveson explains the orientation of the new building and the likely accesses that will he used for both new buildings. Hope Benne, Hillcrest Avenue, asks how far the building will be set back from Balch Street. Oveson answers eighty feet. Cassidy asks if members of the commission have any questions. Palmer states that the code requirements for construction of this building will satisfy all of the requirements of the Fire Department. Cassidy asks if there are any other questions from members of the commission. Hearing none, she states she will draft a letter from the commission to the planning board recommending that the site plan he approved. There being no other business, the meeting is adjourned at 11:10 a.m.