2000-03-09CITY OF BEVERLy MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMI~FEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission March 9, 2000 Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Chairman Tina Cassidy, Dennis Tarsook, Brace Palmer Bob Mead Pare McGrath Tina Cassidy Cassidy explains that this meeting has been called to review a proposed site plan for a new baking/warehouse/distribution center at the rear of 480 Rantoul Street. Serpa plans to build a 10,000 square foot structure w~th an associated enclosed loading area that Attorney Mark Glovsky representing property owner .Dinart Serpa explains the project. He states that · wi/l he used to prepare and distn'bute foodstuffs to 25 - 30 Dunkin Donuts establishments in the area. project received a variance ~'om the Zoning Board of Appeals last month The because the property lies in two zoning districts ('~G" and "CC"), and a variance was needed in order to access the industrial portion of the lot through the comn~rcial district. Palrner notes that this building must he equipped with a sprinkler system because it is larger than 7,500 sq. ft. in size. Serpa acknowledges the requirement. Palmer also states that the MBTA is embarking on a program to fence in all rail tracks, and asks if the applicant proposes to put any means of egress on the back of the building. Serpa points out the doorways to the building and states that none of them will he on the rear of the building. Members suggest that the applicant add additional security lighting in the back of the building to potentially elirrdnate vandalis~ Serpa states that the baking activities will be done at night, and expects three or four 14' - 16' long deliveries and on Dumpster service for this site. Serpa also notes that large trucks wili enter the site once or twice a week to deliver goods and materials. These trucks will he unloaded from the inside of the garage. .Members review the site plan and note that all driveways are a minimum of 24' in width, and that there ts an ample number of parking spaces on the site to meet the requirements of zoning. Glovsky notes Mead asks if the applicant expects to encounter any problems with rodents or pests at this facility. Serpa answers that the facility will he treated weekly, and that he anticipates no problem in that regard. Parking and Traffic Commission minutes M~ch 9, 2000 meeting Page two Members suggest that some son of demarcation be added to the site plan separating ' evelopment Next on the agenda/s a discussion with Don Preston, who has completed a survey of the municipally. owned or leased public parking lots in the downtown. plan that suggests/mprovements to Preston hands out copies of an improvement each of the six lots. He has some financial information on parking meter and viohtion receipts for fiscal year 1999, but has not received all the information from the City's Firmnee D/rector at this point. He also provides some construction cost estimates wh/ch are based on existing bid prices and discussions w/th personnel in the City' s Department of Public Services. Members review the suggested iraprovemems for each lot v~ ' ' - . . Preston suggests that according to the financial information be has been given, at least $100,000 should be available every year for these improvements, would be the beard . .. and suggests that the Parking and Traffic Commission responsible for umplementing the improvement plan. Members review the proposal for each lot. Preston suggests that the Commission request the aPpropriation of a portion of the meter/violation receipts to hire an engineering firm to develop design plans for each of the lots as well as cost estimates. Following discussion on the issue, members agree to dra~ a letter to the City Council requesting such an expenditure. Cassidy agrees to draft a letter for review by the commission and Preston by next week, with the hope that a letter of request can be submitted to the Mayor and City Council later this montk. There being no other business, the meeting is adjourned at 12:15 p.rrk