1999-07-08City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parking and Traffic Commission
Date: July 8, 1999
Place: City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, Beverly
Board members present: Tina Cassidy, Pam McGrath, Capt. Bruce Palmet, and
Sgt. Dennis Tarsook
Board members absent: Robert Mead
Others present:
Recorder: Tina Cassidy
Cassidy opens the meeting by explaining the Commission' s role in the site plan review
process, and then explains the first project on the agenda. Mr. and Mrs. David Tyspkin
hope to renovate part of the retail building located at 261-263 Cabot Street and add six
residential units on a new second and third story addition. An existing retail
establishment already in the building will remain in its current location. The Building
Inspector has determined that the owners must provide sufficient off-street parking for
the new residential units; the nearby municipal off-street parking lot will satisfy the
parking requirements for the commercial units. The owners will pave a driveway on the
side of the building and create a seven-car parking lot in the back of the building to meet
the zoning requirements.
Tarsook and McGrath agree that the addition is a good one for the downtown. Palmet
notes that the Fire Department will require that the building have sprinklers and be
equipped with a fire alarm system. Tyspkin, who is present at the meeting, acknowledges
the requirement.
Following a brief discussion, members concur that they have no issues or concerns with
the development.
Next on the agenda is the site plan for construction of a new building to house the
relocated Stephy's Kitchen at 396 Cabot Street. Representatives of the property owner,
Baiboni Family Trust, have received the variances necessary to refurbish the existing
retail building on the site and construct a new building on a second lot. Site plan review
is needed for the new building.
Tom Alexander, representing the owners, explains that two changes have been made to
the plan since it was last reviewed by the commission. The dumpsters have been
relocated to new locations and screened with stockade fencing, and the proposed
easement has been moved. These changes were required by the Board of Appeals'
Members concur that the site plan represents a major improvement to the site. Tarsook
asks Alexander what the owners intend to do with the trucks currently parked on the
property. He says they detract from the neighborhood. Alexander assures Tarsook that
all trucks parked outside on the property will in fact be removed.
Following a brief discussion, members agree that they have no concerns or issues with
the site plan.
The meeting is adjourned at 11:25 a.m.