BOARD: Parking & Traffic Commission
DATE: April 7, 1999
PLACE: Beverly City Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Mead, Tina Cassidy, Dennis Tarsook,
Bruce Palmer
OTHERS PRESENT: Public Safety Commissioner Ken Pelonzi
RECORDER: Tina Cassidy
Chairman Cassidy calls the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and explains that the first item
on the Agenda is a review of the Site Plan for the Marciano property at 240-250 Elliott
Attorney Tom Alexander explains the details of the plan to the Board, noting that they
have coordinated their design of driveway entrances & exits with the consultant in charge
of the Route 62 reconstruction project. The number of driveways will be reduced
from the present number (8) to four. Tarsook and Palmer express concern about the
width of the proposed driveway openings and the location of the easternmost curb cut.
They state that the curb cuts should be a minimum of 25' wide and that the easternmost
driveway should be relocated westward to align with the main driveway on the site.
Alexander and Cassidy will work with the consulting firm to obtain their approval of the
General discussion takes place on the width of one-way traffic aisles; two of the
driveways do not meet the minimum width requirement of 18'. Alexander states that the
aisles are currently less than 18' wide, and that they are dealing with pre-existing
conditions due to the location of the existing buildings. Members express concern that
the aisle in front of the stores, which is less than 18' wide could create a hazardous
condition for vehicular traffic. Pelonzi notes that he will review his department's policy
to see if the 18' requirement can be waived for the drive-through driveway in exchange
for installing sprinklers in Buildings #1 and #2.
Members decide to schedule a second commission meeting for Monday, April 12, 1999
at 1:00 p.m. to resolve the areas of concern before the Planning Board' s Site Plan Public
Hearing that evening.
Next, members review a preliminary site plan for redevelopment of the property at 112-
114 Elliott Street. The site currently has a coffee/donut shop with a drive through
window, and will be the home of a new Dunkin Donuts. Attorney Mark Glovsky and
owner Dinah Serpa explain that they have also consulted with the engineering firm
Designing the Route 62 reconstruction project to insure that the proposed egress point is
in concert with the State's design.
Following review and discussion of the plan, members agree to recommend approval of
the Site Plan.
There being no other business for the Commission, the meeting is adjourned at 11:20