1996-08-15// MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BEVERLY ORDINANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE The regular meeting of the Beverly Ordinance Review Committee was held on August 15, 1996, in the Council Committee Room, Third Floor, City Hall, Beverly, MA. Meeting was called to ordered at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mary Grant, Gerry Parisella, Crystal Atherton, Art Powell and Elizabeth LeBrun. ABSENT: Thomas Alexander and Roy Gelineau Atty. Michael Curran also attended the meeting and passed out to the members additional information and up-dated draft ordinances. We now have the following draft ordinances and documents for review which are numbered as follows: Documents # 1 Budget/Management Analyst draft ordinance. Document #2 Listing of various City Department and sub-departments. Document #3 Department of Municipal Finance -draft dated 5/16/96 (This ordinance has been reviewed by the Committee and Redrafted by Atty Curran) See Draft Ordinance dated 7/25/96 See Article 5 of the Charter Document #4 Department of Minucipal inspections dated 6/14/96 Revised draft dated 8/15/96 See Article 5 of the Charter Document #5 Department of Human Resources (See Article 5 The Charter) Document #6 Elective Organization (First Draft dated June 6, 1996.) Containing 47 pages and listing all offices, multiple member boards and commission set up by (1) composition (2) powers and duties (3) Interrelationships and (4) other boards Document #7 City Council Organization and Procedures (A copy of this draft dated 5/16/96 has been Forwarded to the Council for its review and comments. Documents #8 General Provisions dated 6/03/96 And Administrative Code Document #9 Department of Human Resources, Public Safety and And Public works dated 6/20/96 This Document number 9 has been redrafted and And is now numbered with various new document Numbers (CHECK WITH COMMITTEE AS TO WHETHER THIS DOCUMENT NO. 9 IS NOW OBSOLETE Document # 10 Copy of Mayor' s Organizational Chart. The above are the 10 numbered documents which each member should have. Since we numbered the documents we have received from Atty: Curran the following new draft ordinances or re-drafted ordinances: Department of Community Services dated 8/15/96 (This is the ordinance that will be reviewed with Mr. Scully at this meeting to which he has been invited and accepted the invitation) Department of Public Works dated 6/20/96 Department of Public Safety dated August 15, 1996 Note: replaces Document No.___ dated 6/20/96. Crystal also has received from the Mayor's office copies of the job descriptions of the various new deparhnent heads under the Mayor' s reorganizational plan. These have been forwarded to Atty Curran to assist him in drafting the ordinances. Each member of the Committee should have received ~'om Atty Curran a new Draft of the following ordinances dated 8/9/96: Article 1 General Provisions Article 2 Elective Offices Article 2-300 The Beverly School Committee Article 2- 400 The Mayor; Article 3 Administrative Organization; Article 4 Administrative Code. Crystal had invited Thomas Scully, the newly appointed Director of Community Services, to the meeting to assist the group in drafting an ordinance for that department. This was an opportunity both for the Committee and for Atty. Curran, who is actually drafting the ordinances, to interview Mr. Scully and obtain the information needed to draft ordinances that reflect the intent of the Mayor' s new organizational chart but also fully comply with the new Charter. We had many questions as to the scope and powers of the position and Mr. Scully was extremely helpful in answering questions asked of him. There were a number of commissions that were ordinally listed on the organizational chart but are no longer a part of this department for various reasons i.e. Airport Commission but now also encompasses the following functions: Health Services, Transportation, management Information System and Youth Services. The Committee had several questions concerning the management information system function of his department. He explained that he saw his function as an overseer management information person. He has many plans for the information system i.e. a Home Page, tieing in with the school system, Web-cites. He also feels that to manage you need the power to hire and fire the directors of the various commissions, otherwise, you have no power to control and direct. The Committee suggested that that power is with the Mayor. The question of whether the Mayor wishes to delegate that power to the Director of Community Services came up and Mr. Scully said it was his understanding that the Mayor wanted that power in his office but would run it by the Mayor in the morning and get back to the Committee. Atty Curran said that with the information learned fi'om Mr. Scully and the job descriptions provided by the Mayor's Office, he has a clearer picture of the new organizational plan. With this information, he said he would draft additional ordinances and get them to each member as quickly as possible. The next ordinance we wish to clarify is the Department of Planning and Human Resources. Crystal agreed to get a copy of that draft ordinance to Tina Cassidy, the Director, for her review and invite her to our meeting on September 23, 1996, at which Atty Curran will be present. Since Mr. Curran will not be available this Fall on Thursday evening, after discussion it was decided to have one meeting without Atty Curran in attendance at which as many of the members as possible could attend and then met on a different evening when Atty Curran could attend. Mary Grant felt it would be extremely helprid to have a meeting with the Mayor and Board to present the ordinances to them in a somewhat formal setting this Fall at which time we would be available to answer any questions that either the members of Executive or Legislative Branch of the City may have concerning the newly drafted ordinances. The members reviewed the draft dated 8/09/96 with Atty Curran and several members had questions concerning some parts of the draft. Under Multiple Member Bodies there was disenssion concerning the eligibility for service wherein "no full time municipal employee of the city is eligible to be appointed to a multiple member body". Crystal felt that there were times when City employees can bring a great deal to a commission fxom their experience as a City employee. Atty Curran explained that this was covered in the paragraph will states that this limitation shall not apply to ad hoe committees as further defined. Because of a eonttiet of interest factor, some of the members favored no allowing City employees to be members of multiple member bodies. The Chair called for a formal vote on the issue: Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: that no city employee may be eligible to be appointed to a standing multiple member body of the city. The Committee will continue reading the drafts at home and making notes to discuss at the meetings. We will meet next on August 27, 1996 at 7:30 and again on September 23 with Atty Curran. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Crystal Atherton Chairman