1972-01-06City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Board of Health Subcommittee: Date: January 6, 1972 Place: Board of Health Office Board members present: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair, A. Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R. Massa Board members absent: Others present: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Acting Director of Public Health, Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector, and Robert Russo, Plumbing Inspector Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr. BOARD OF HEALTH - MONTHLY MEETING - JANUARY 6, 1972 Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. Members present were Dr. Jacob H. Fine, Chairman; Angelo R. Massa and A. J. Callahan, Jr. members; and Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Acting Director &Public Health. Also attending were Robert Russo, Plumbing Inspector; Leo L. Panunzio, M~k and Food Inspector; Stephen Slane, Manager of the North Shore Music Theatre; C. Henry Glovsky, Attorney; and Anthony Ventresca, applicant for the Code Enforcement Tralnee position. The minutes of the December 6, 1971 meeting were accepted as mailed. The monthly reports of the various staff members were read and the monthly bill schedules were read and signed. The Beverly Board of Health on a motion duly made and seconded voted unanimously to elect as the Chairman for 1972, Doctor Jacob H. Fine. OLD BUSINESS Mental Health Mr. Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Acting Director distributed to each Board member a copy of the following letter ~'om the Greater Cape Ann Human Services, Inc., requesting an increase in their annual appropriation. GREATER CAPE ANN HLrMAN SERVICES, INC. Washington Street Gloucester, Mass. 01930Tel. 283-0440, December 31, 1971 Jacob H. Fine, M. D. Chairman, Board of Health 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Dr. Fine Relative to our 26 October 1971 introductory letter to you, we explained the change in corporate structure affecting the collection and distribution of tax allocated dollars from your community under Chapter 128 Acts and Resolves of 1958. These monies were previously collected by the Mental Health Association of the North Shore, Inc. to partially support the operational costs of the Cape Ann Children and Family Center in Gloucester which provides child guidance services the residents of Beverly. In spite of the upward inflationsty spiral, we have made a critical evaluation of our needs and priorities in an effort to insure that your community receives full-value for every tax dollar programmed. Therefore, we are in keeping with President Nixon's price and wage "freeze", and for 1972 we are requesting $12,183.36 from your community, the same amount we requested in 1971. However, only $7,627.00 was allocated, thus taxing the effectiveness of our services to all the communities we serve. In 1970, Beverly residents constituted 22% of the total number of new families applying for services. In 1971, that figure rose to 28%, an increase of 6%. While we are living in an era of ever-increasing prices for all goods and services, and therefore, must expect the cost of operating a children and family speciality center will also continue to increase, we are endeavoring to provide your community with at least the same number of professional hours as we have in the past and not reduce our services. In meeting this need, we have developed more comprehensive consultation programs aimed at preventing family breakdown which hopefully, in the final analysis, will reduce the need for direct services. Our active consultation participation to your community from ry 1971 through September 1971 amounted to 221 hours. This too is a significant increase over the 152 hours rendered in 1970. This service was provided in the form of consultation or participation in conferences and in-service training programs with clergy, courts, physicians, schools, and other related health and social agencies. From January 1971 to November 1971,46 new families sought our direct cat services. Approximately 15 hours per family is required to take a psycho-social diagnostic evaluation. This amounted to 790 clinic hours. Moreover, approximately 20 hours of treatment service was provided to each of the 84 active families, resulting in 1,680 hours of treatment service; or a combined total (diagnostic and treatment) of 2,470 hours spent to serve Beverly residents. Considering the Beve~y population of 37,786, this makes the per capita direct clinical services in the placement of an "outreach team" of children specialists to be placed directly in Beverly, in order to serve those families who are unable to utilize the center's services to transportation difficulties. Owing to the fact that the corporation has no reserve financial funds, we would greatly appreciate receiving from Beverly, on a monthly basis beginning in January 1972, an amount equal to 1/12th of the 1971 appropriation. The movies would assure us of the capability of delivering uninterrupted services until such time as the appropriation is approved by formal local governmental action. This is possible under General Laws, Chapter 44, Sections 5 and 5A which authorized cities and towns to borrow and expend 1/12th of a previous years allocation prior to adoption of the city or town budget. The Board of Directors of the Greater Cape Ann Human Services, Inc .appreciates the continued support you have given to the Cape Ann Children and Family Center through the allocation of tax dollars. Representatives from the Board of Directors and the Clinic would like to meet with you or the Finance Committee to answer any questions you may have. Sincerely, (signed) Herbert J. Wostrel President The Board of Health discussed the lack of Beverly's representation he Board of Directors and feels that if we are subsidizing the ter Cape Ann Human Services Inc., we (Beverly) should have a voice on the Board of Directors. After a brief discussion regarding the 1972 appropriation, the Board of Health instructed the Acting Director to change the suggested appropriation from $7,627.00 to $10,000.00. The Board further instructed the Acting Director to invite Mr. Herbert Wostrel, President of the Greater Cape Ann Human Services, Inc. to meet with the Board on February 3, 1972 to discuss in detail their services rendered to Beverly residents. Code Enforcement Trainee Mr. Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Acting Director, distributed to each Board member a copy of the following letter from Mayor Grimes regarding his selection for the job: "January 6, 1972 Board of Health Joseph Walsh, Acting Director City Hall Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 Gentlemen: Under the Emergency Employment Act of 1972, Section 6 provision, application has been made and approved for one Code Enforcement Trainee in the Board of Health, at $7,000.00 per annum, for the next two years. I propose to fill this position on January 14, 1972, as required by regulations, provided your approval is obtained at a regularly constituted meeting of the Board of Health. I hereby submit for your consideration my selection for this position: Anthony Ventresca, Pleasant Street, Beve~y, Massachusetts. Requirements of law stipulate preference treatment, under Section 6, shall be given to persons within an impacted area of unemployment, and within a designated area of the city as delineated by the Office of Manpower Affairs. After this requirement is met, then Veterans preference is to be applied. Mr. Ventresca meets the above qualifications under provisions of Section 6, and has considerable experience in the federally subsidized Housing Project #235J, has a good rapport with people living in areas considered for rehabilitation, and I believe a sufficient working understanding of code problems as a result of his work under Rehabilitation Programs. I have taken the liberty of requesting him to be available at your meeting on January 6, 1972. Very truly yours, (signed)Herbert F. Grimes Mr. Anthony Ventresca, applicant for the position, met with the Board of Health to discuss his application for the position of Code Enforcement Tralnee. After a brief discussion, the Board of Health voted to accept the assignment made by the Mayor of Mr. Anthony Ventresca of Pleasant Street, Beverly, Massachusetts. Mr. Ventresca is to begin work on January 17, 1972 and work under the direct supe~ision of the Acting Director. Transportation of Septic Tank Wastes The Acting Director informed the Board of Health that two individual firms had requested permits to transport and dispose of cesspool or septic tank wastes pumped from Beverly resident's sewage disposal systems. Ai~er a brief discussion, the Board requested the Acting Director to request that both parties appear at the next Board meeting to explain in detail the number of Beverly residents to whom they are going to render their service. The Board tabled further discussion until the February 3, 1972 meeting. Garbage Bids for 1972-73 Mr. Walsh, Acting Director, explained to the Board that he had begun advertising in the Beverly Times for garbage collection bids for Bevefiy's five collection districts and the bids are not due until the February 3, 1972 meeting. Change of Occupancy Permit The Acting Director submitted the following statistical report for November and December 1971: Number of Gas Company calls Permits issued Temporary Permits issued Permits issued - Temp. expired 79 35 0 38 Permits refused Permits refused (held over) 3 Referrals: 0 Inspections: A. Scruple 15 E. Curelli 13 R. Montoni 10 38 Mr. Walsh further reported that during the four months this program has been in operation, the inspectors have been providing inspections the same day they are requested and that all parties connected with the program are cooperating. The Board accepted this report as one of progress. North Shore Music Theatre (See minutes September 2, 1971) Mr. Stephen Slane, Manager, and Mr. C. Henry Glovsky, member of the Board of Directors, appeared before the Board of Health to discuss the installation of toilet facilities at the Terrace Restaurant. The representatives of the Music Theatre explained in detail their plans for the addition of new toilet facilities on the lower level of the Theatre and proposed future plans for the expansion of the upper level where the Terrace Restaurant is located. The Board of Health explained that the State Sanitary Code, Article X, in addition to sections of the State Plumbing Code, require toilet facilities be conveniently located for the employee's use. After considerable discussion regarding the location of the toilet facilities, the Beverly Board of Health requested the Music Theatre submit to them at the February Board meeting a preliminary plot plan of the proposed toilet facilities. This plan should include the location of sewer and water lines and all other pertinent data needed to evaluate said plans. The Board of Health tabled further discussion on this matter until their February 3, 1972 meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joseph W. Walsh, Jr. Director of Public Health (Acting) ADDENDUM - BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING - JANUARY 6. 1972 Change of Occupancy Statistics Month of November: Number of calls from Gas Company 265 Permits issued 57 Temporary permits issued 3 60 Permits refused Permits refused held over Referrals Inspections: 3 3 A. Serepie 19 R. Morttoni 16 E. Curelli 16 A. Semple/E. CureHi 9 60 Respectfully submitted, Joseph W. Walsh, Jr. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (acting)