1998-03-04Don ~ C3~airman Reitmd D~t~tu, ~ace-Chalrman Norwoods Pond Commission Dm~ C.a~dy J. ~l,ad~ad Joyu McMalum Brace Narddla Meeting Minutes March 4, 1998 Members present: Chairman Don Marlin, Todd Lempert, Tina Cassidy, David Lang, Neiland Douglas, J. Michael Lawler, Brace Nardella, Kevin Burke, Virginia McGlyan. Chairman Maxtin calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asks if any members of the public present wish to make comments or ask qnestions. Elise Bernstein notes that she did not see this commission meeting listed in the Beverly Citizen. Cassidy states that she will send meeting notices to both local papers in the future. Ron Johnson asks ff agendas, maps and handouts given to members can be made available to the public. Cassidy states that all information provided to members is public information to which the public can have access. He offers to point out vernal pools and weftands area on the Norwoods Pond site if that would be helpful to membex~. Next, Marlin welcomes commission member Todd Lempert to the meeting. Martin asks whether members have reviewed the draft minutes of the February 4, 1998 meeting and whelher there are any suggested corrections/additions. There are none. Douglas: motion to accept the February 4, 1998 meeting minutes as drafted, seconded by McGlynn. All members in favor, motion carries. Martin asks Caasidy for a summary of information provided to members in advance of this meeting. Cassidy explains that a map has been prepared showing lot lines, zoning lines, and ownership of neighboring parcels. It is on display at this meeting and copies will be made for each member as soon as the printing machine in the Engineers Office is back on-line. The City was informed earlier today that the grant application for Norwoods Pond was funded by the State' s Department of Environmental Management, and summarizes the work program outlined in the application for members' information. Norwoods Pond Cmsn. minutes March 4, 1998 meeting page two Next, members discuss the site visit to the Norwoods Pond site on February 28th. Frost traces the path participants traveled that day on the display map. Burke asks that topography and acreage information be added to the map provided to members. Lawler suggests that having wetlands information on the map would be very helpful. Lung offers to help this effort by interpreting aerial photographs in the possession of the Conservation Commission. Douglas reviews the information provided by staff listing hazardous waste sites in Beverly and asks that staff contact DEP to find out the location of file #3-0002033. Douglas asks if there is any flexibility to the design/location of the overpass as it was designed by the State in the 1970's - 1980's. Cassidy believes there is some flexibility in that regard. Next, members discuss the subject of an overpass. Lawler suggests that an interchange may be more appropriate than an overpass. Cassidy says that the Mass. Highway Depafanent has informed the City that their design standards will prohibit the construction of an interchange here (not enough distance between exits). General discussion takes place on whether an overpass should be used to provide access to the Norwoods Pond site and what it's impact may be on the Brimbat Avenue neighborhood. Next, Martin asks members to list their goals for the commission. Lung lists recreational activities (bike trails, picnic areas, ballfields) and the water quality of Norwoods Pond itself. Nardella lists goals similar to his; a collection of ball fields and better access to the site. He questions what the potential build-out of the industrial propen,/south of Norwoods Pond might be. Lainpen lists athletic fields, passive recreation, and solving the waffle problems on Dunhem Road resulting from the North Shore Music Theater. Cassidy lists active and passive recreation, maximizing open space, and facilitating more productive use of land currently zoned for industrial use. Martin cites active and passive recreation, open space and providing a buffer between these activities and adjacent neighborhoods. He states that he spoke with City Councilor Joyce McMahon (who could not be present this evening) who asked that her goals be listed as creating opportunities for active and passive recreation and the retention of as much open space as possible. Lawler lists ball fields, maintaining the rural nature of Brimbal Ave., and several other objectives (see handout). Burke lists preservation of open space, instant and convenient highway access, and coordinating recreational opportunities with industrial land uses. Douglas concurs with Lawler' s purpose statement in the handout, and suggests the commission delineate an area of focus for the commission's efforts. He questions the usefulness of an overpass that, if designed improperly, would simply shift traffic from Ehnhem Road to Brimbat Avenue. He suggests that redevelopment of the former landfill site may be too complex for this commission to handle at this early stage of the design/cupping effort. Frost states that his concerns and goals parallel what previous speakers have said. He mentions the diversity of wildlife living around the pond, the fact that ice fishermen used to fish the pond, and believes the City should develop a pond restoration/management program. He would like to see hiking and nature Wails, and suggests that any plan to place ball fields on this site should Morwoods Pond Cmsn. minutes March 4, 1998 meeting page three be accompanied by a drainage study, since any runoff from those fields will drain toward the pond given the current topography. He mentions that the City's landfill leachate pump on the south side of Route 128 may not be operating. Members discuss whether the pond could be dredged and the dredge materials used for field construction or landfill cupping. Lung states that dredge spoils make great topsoil, and there is a market for that material elsewhere. MeGlynn states that she views Beverly as a buffer zone between more urban communities to the west and south and the more rural communities to the north and east. She would like to see the maximum mount of open space lel~ undeveloped on the Norwoods Pond site, and to keep it as natural and undeveloped as possible. Members request that staff invite representatives from the consulting firm of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin to a subsequent commission meeting to explain the 1996 justification study they did for the state before it committed funds to this overpass project. Douglas suggests that commission members schedule a site visit to the landfill area to familiarize themselves with the property. Lung says he will work with staff to develop a wetlands map for the next meeting. He mentions that a trail system on the Norwoods Pond site has the potential to connect to other private conservation land owned by Essex County Greenbelt and a Mrs. Livermore. A site visit to the former landfill site off Otis Road is scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. with participants to meet on Otis Road. Douglas says that fithe commission decides to 'organize subcommittees, he would be willing to serve on one that focuses on the non- residential land impacts. Next, Martin reminds members that in February the commission deferred action on electing a vice-chairman to this meeting. Burke: motion to nominate Neiland Douglas as vice-chairman, seconded by MeGlynn. Martin ash if there are any other nominations. There are none. Vote on the motion is unanimous; Douglas is elected vice-chairman. Martin notes that the next regular meeting of the commission will be held on Wednesday, April 1, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. He asks if there are any members of the public who wish to address the group before adjourning the meeting. City Councilor Tim Flaheny asks that all of the commission's documents be made available to the public for review. He asks that as the commission develops a plan for this site, it keep in mind the question of who will be responsible for' maintaining the facilities that might be developed and how much that maintenance might cost long-term. Elise Bernstein thanks the commission for its efforts to date and expresses her relief that the Norwoods Pond Crash. minutes March 4, 1998 meeting pagc four commission will be considering the wisdom of the overpass concept in great detail. Ron Johnson wonders ff additional industrial development might negatively affect the pond, whether an overpass would affect the quality of life on Brimbal Avenue for those who live on it, and whether it makes sense to spend $5.5 mffiion on an overpass. Mr. Jim Alberghini states that every vehicle traveling to the North Shore Music Theater is already Waveling on Brimbal Avenue at some point to access Dunham Road. Renee Mary suggests that the South Essex Sewerage District (SESD) may have useful studies from several years ago on the area of the landfill. Martin asks ff anyone else wishes to address the commission. Douglas: motion to adjourn, seconded by Lang. All members in favor, motion carries. Meeting is adjourned at 9:20 p.m.