1998-10-19 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ;, OCTOBER 19, 1998 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Dean, Duval, Eaton, Gourdea6,' M~;hon~Yi Vitale, White. ABSENT: Commissioner Lydon. PUBLIC: Tina Cassidy, Ken Lewis, Ken Robinson, Victor Capozzi, Harry Wheeler, Richard Mello, Bill Cianfrocca, Cathy Pydynkowski, Ms. Driscoll, a Danvers Selectman, and approximately fifteen (15) members of the United Neighbors organization. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentations - None. 2. Reading of the Minutes for September 14, 1998 - Chairman White called for a reading of the minutes. Commissioner Gourdeau made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Mahoney. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for August and September 1998 - Chairman White called for a motion to remove the August financial report that was tabled at the last meeting. Commissioner Barnico so moved, seconded by Commissioner Mahoney. Motion passed unanimously. Chairman White distributed financial information to the Commission. Total -- deficit year-to-date was approximately $5,000.00, deficit would not be if we were receiving rent from T. Ford. Commissioner Eaton inquired about spending in the Repairs & Maintenance: Field & Sewer line item. Airport Manager will get expense details and include them at future BAC meetings. Commissioner Barnico made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: Updates: · Erosion Concerns - Chairman White called on Commissioner Eaton to report on a 10/15/98 inspection of the Runway 9 cut area with Danvers DPW. Commissioner BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1998 Eaton reported that after approximately 6" of rain, the slope in back of Runway 9 had absolutely no siltation at all, and no erosion. Some debris was noted laying north of the culvert that slowed down an already sluggish flow. Recommendation of the inspection party was that MAC be asked if they would support cleaning out the stream. Commissioner Eaton also mentioned that it was the general consensus of three arborists that any commercial planting on the slope would be overcome by the natural growth. · Vegetation Management Sub-Committee - Commissioner Vitale reinforced what Commissioner Eaton had said regarding slope planrings, and also that the sub- committee was in the process of getting noise wall/berm information. Airport Manager Mezzetti said he should have some of that information in a few days. C. NEW BUSINESS: · Doozer's Sublets - Airport Manager Mezzetti reported that two new lessees are at the Doozer building: a German company which produces erosion control plants for highway slopes and D'Allesandro Construction, the contractor for the Sam Fonzo Airport Connector Road. Their sublet revenue to the airport will amount to $105.00 per month. · FAA Control Tower Lease and Operating Agreement - Airport Manager Mezzetti reported that the current lease and operating agreement was up and needed to be renewed. Commissioner Eaton made a motion that after the Chairman's review and signature the new lease would be sent to the City Solicitor and, in turn, to the Mayor and City Council for approval. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barnico and passed unanimously. · Airport Press Policy - Airport Manager read a proposed airport policy relating to newspaper reporters and airport articles. Commissioner Vitale made a motion to accept the policy into airport standard practices. Commissioner Rosen raised the question of who would be authorized to make statements to the press. After some discussion, which included input from the City of Beverly' s Director of Planning Tina Cassidy, it was decided that the Airport Commission Chairman or the Chairman' s designee would be authorized to make statements to the press. Motion was amended to reflect that, seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Motion passed unanimously. Design Plus Storage Shed - Airport Manager presented Design Plus' desire to have a shed for the storage of sign-making materials. Consensus was to use the existing shed at the end of the maintenance garage. 2 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1998 · Arnie Stymest Letter - Chairman White asked the Airport Manager to contact Arnie Stymest to establish authenticity of a certain letter/memo. C. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: Commissioner Mahoney questioned the need/requirement to pay for lead paint removal that was found on Gurnard building window caulking. Commissioner Barnico questioned if Omni had done any more leasehold improvements (This will be discussed at the meeting with Omni on 10/22/98). Airport Manager updated the Commission on efforts to obtain the Gongas re- appraisal results and McLellan relocation efforts. Commissioner Duval made a motion that the Airport Manager investigate some local realty companies who might help in locating a suitable habitat for Ms. McLellan, seconded by Commissioner Vitale. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Mahoney asked about the status of the latest Ransom remediation which the Airport Manager provided, and the Airport Manager added that a meeting will be sought for the next week with the Mayor and Frank Killilea to get remediation efforts moving. The Airport Manager updated the Commission on the VMP project, that in approximately ten days six remaining trees would be cut. He also updated the BAC on FY99 AlP Reauthorization, told the BAC that the City' s 10,000-gallon jet fuel tank (being used by GAS.) will be removed 12/1/98, updated the BAC on the Sam Fonzo project and water and sewer lines (project to be completed 290 days from 10/13/98), AMPU, Omni tank removal, and MALS. D. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Commissioner Eaton questioned validity and the authorship of a leaflet regarding an alleged interest by FedEx to operate at BVY. · In response to a recent newspaper article regarding the proposed G.A.S. hangar extension, Commissioner Duval said the Commission needs to meet with the Fire Chief and, if appropriate, the Mayor to resolve issues of progress and public safety at the Beverly Airport, to explore alternatives that may continue the progress that needs to be made at the airport while maintaining appropriate levels of public safety, such talk could include somehow utilizing the GTE water suppression system, or other resolutions, but the Commission needs to take an active role in BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1998 negotiating with the Fire Chief to help our tenants at the airport with their development plans. · Commissioner Duval also said GAS.' proposal to have fire apparatus on the airport should also be discussed and supported. · Commissioner Rosen was welcomed back by all the Commissioners and the Airport Manager. Public Comments: United Neighbors' spokesman Bill Cianfrocca and other United Neighbors' members had questions regarding the airport industrial park, commercial flights, airport growth, tree planrings, perceived decline in property values, noise abatement, fire "brigade", grant questions, and VMP notification process. F. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Gourdeau, seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Motion passed unanimously. 4