2000-04-11RICHARD S, KELLEY, Esq.,Chairman GEORGE HELLER RONALD RANTA, Esq. LICENSE BOARD CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS BEVERLY LICENSE BOARD - MINUTES - APRIL 11, 2000 All members present. Meeting called to order at 6:20 p.m. Communication from Crossing Corner Market - Ms. Patel informed the Board that they had experienced a fire and were presently not in operation. Requesting she be allowed to maintain license and be given time to rebuild and reopen. Communication received and placed on file. One day licenses - Cindy Richter - License for a bar mitzvah at the Sr. Center. Waiver required from City Council to serve alcohol on City property. License approved for 4 hours. Motion made and seconded to approve the license a 3-0. Montserrat College - License for May 6. Motion made and seconded to approve the license 3-0. Clerk instructed to send notice to all License Holders reminding them of Regulations concerning Monte Carlo Nights and Happy Hours. OceanView @ Ellis Square - Briscoe Corp. - Application for a General On Premise All Alcohol License. Shelli Hermance - Executive Director of OceanView present. She stated there are 90 residents to whom they would like to be able to serve residents and their guests. Minutes - April 11, 2000 Page 2 Mr. Heller - Do you have any experience? No. Will take the TIPS course. Would like to license dining room and activity room (Briscoe Room) - primarily on the top floor. All on one floor? Yes. There are no CORI's. They have been applied for and will be sent when received. Mr. Costa - City Councilor for Ward 2 - Public opinion. Mr. Kelley - Anyone present in support of the license. An employee at OceanView. Anyone opposed? William LeBlanc - 22 Hale Street - What is entailed with General On Premise license? Any stipulations? Mr. Kelley - Yes we can stipulate. It will not be open to the public. How do you police? If we hear a complaint, we would call the licensee before the Board. Mr. LeBlanc - Still opposed. It is a trust problem. Jim Rome, 17 Brisoce Street - Do not trust Simsbury. Running a reputable business. Not opposed as long as it is stated very clearly that it will be specifically to serve only clients and guests. Mr. Costa - Would you explain the parameters of the license? Based on the calendar year. Basically on a yearly basis. Pay a fee to have the license. If a complaint comes in, the Board would invite the owners in. Have the ability to penalize them for a period of time. As a general rule, this meeting is a public forum. The public has an opportunity to be heard. Minutes - April 1 I, 2000 Page 3 Ken Glover, 20 Essex Street - representing his parents. No opposition to the license as stated. Mr. Costa - In the event this entity came to a close. Would the license end? No, it would depend on how the close occurs. If there is a change of use, would the license automatically transfer? No, would have to come before the Board. Mr. Heller - Motion to approve the application with the stipulation that the license is for the residents and their guests. Seconded by Mr. Ranta with the stipulation that the CORI's pass muster. License approved 3-0. John Athanasopoulos - Invited in by the Board to update the Board on the status of his establishment. Mr. Kelley - Has been an extended period of time that you have had the license. Construction on the restaurant has not seen any recent work at all. Mr. Athanasopoulos - We are working on the strip mall. When it is completed, we will start construction on the restaurant which will be in the old body shop. It is clean property. Hope to initiate construction in July. By September/October it will be up and running. Mr. Kelley - Motion - If not open for business by November 1, the license will be rescinded and Mr. Athanasopoulos will be forced to reapply. Motion made and seconded. Motion carried 2-1. Mr. Ranta stated his "nay" vote in no way indicates he is not in favor of the motion, only that he did not want to be tied to the decision in the event there are extenuating circumstances. Next meeting scheduled for May 4. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted,