1996-09-05WILLIAM F. TERRY. Chairman OLIVER T. COOK, Esq. GEORGE HELLER LICENSE BOARD CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES OF MEETING - LICENSE BOARD - SEPTEMBER 5, 1996 Meeting called to order at 6:15 p.m. All members present. 1. Mikco, Inc. elba Skeeters Package Goods License. Application for a Wine and Malt Richard Stafford, Attorney from Salem present to represent Michael Groh, Owner. Site had a license in previous years. Former owner went out of business 18 months ago. Renovations to me made inside and out. Will operate a convenience store and Dell. Mopes to open in three weeks depending on the renovations. Mr. Cook Mother. years. Articles of Inc. need to be supplied. who is dawn. 5 year lease with option to buy and/or option to extend 5 Mr. Stafford - 16 years in the retail business and food preparation mostly in convenience stores and some large retail stores. what about liquor experience? 13 years in Kansas. Most stores have sold malt beverages and wines. Also through restaurants. Am familiar with rules and regulations. Mr. Terry ID book. You no what is acceptable for ID's. Yes we will use an Anyone present to speak in favor of Board granting this license? No one present. Any one opposed? No. Mr. Heller - Motion to approve Beer and wine License. Seconded by Mr. Cook. Motion carried 3-0. 2. Sullivan's Package Store dba Cabot Street Liquor - application for a change in stockholders and board of directors. Mr. Terry o Richard Marino will be manager. How much time will you be putting in the store? Will be in and out throughout the day and evening. Live on West Dane Street. Will be easy to go in and out to keep an eye on things. Present Jerome Dubrow, Steven Flink, new owner, and Richard Marino, manager. Minutes of Meeting - September 5, 1996 Page 2 Mr. Heller - Will Mr. Flink be absentee owner. No will be in and around 2-3 times a week. will not be an absentee landlord. Mr. Cook There is an option buy on the store? Yes. Mr. Marino, do you serve lunch? Yes we do. Looking to brink in upscale wine and so forth. You are not pledging license, just pledging stock? Yes, that is correct. Anyone in favor or in opposition to this application. present. No one Mr. Cook Motion that the application be approved as presented. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 3-0. 3. Barney's - Invited in by the Board - Police Report serving after hours. Mr. Cook - Disqualified himself. Stepped down from podium. Mr. Altshuler, Mr. and Mrs. McAskill present. Mr. Altshuler - Violation of liquor laws. Officer observed people in the bar closing up and cleaning up with a drink in front of them. He just got out of hospital. Were beers on the bar. The people in there, 2 were customers. Business was closed. Did not try to hid it. Should not have happened. 16 years have been very few infractions. Ask that the Board be lenient. Business is not what is used to be. Keep in mind he wasn't serving a minor. Doors were locked. were cleaning up and didn't take alcohol off the bar. Lt. Roccio - Happened March 29, 1996 at 1:48 a.m. I do not disagree with the facts that Mr. Altshuler presented. Mr. Terry - This seems to be a problem that keeps arising with people being on the premises after hours. Discussion followed. Renovations need to be done. Can only work after hours. Mr. Altshuler - He understands where the Board is coming from. Mr. Terry - I wasn't suggesting that he should not be doing repairs. His history is that there is alcohol on the bar and tables after hours. Mr. Altshuler - It is not sale to the public. He understands. He has been quite ill. Has tried to run a good establishment. He should be doing it and he understands that. Mr. Terry - Last violation was a three-day suspension. Motion - That he be given a 5-day suspension to be served on whatever days he decides, one day per week starting September 16. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 2-0. 4. Miscellaneous - One day licenses - Beverly Hospital - Gourmet Tasting - Minutes of Meeting - September 5, 1996 Page 3 Endicott College - Dining Hall - Motion made and seconded to grant both licenses providing they have proper insurance. Mr. Cook rejoined the Board on the podium. Received and placed on file Insurance Binder for H&D Catering. Communication from ABCC concerning Mike0s. Accepted offer to pay fine in lieu of 2-day suspension received and placed on file. Received an placed on file communication from Methodist Church concerning opposition to Giblin Realty Trust receiving license. Letter from Norman Ganley, member of the Commission on Disabilities. Clerk instructed to invite Mr. Ganley in to next meeting. Next meeting to be October 10, 1996. Received and placed on file communication from Pisani's Market stating they would serve their 2-day suspension on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 24 and 25, 1996. Menu from Pranzare received and placed on file. Certificate of Insurance from Endicott College received and placed on file. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted,