1998-05-07WILLIAM E TERRY, Chairman OLIVER T. COOK, Esq. GEORGE HELLER LICENSE BOARD CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS MIlfOTES - BEVERLY LICENSE BOARD - MAY 7, 1998 Meeting called to order at 6:03 p.m. All members present. Board introduced by Chairman Terry. 1. T.J.'s Pub and Grille - Thomas Field - Reapplication for a new All Alcoholic Restaurant License at 338 and 342 Rantoul Street. Application was re-advertised. Green cards, ad and affidavit submitted to the Board. $50 check also submitted. Mr. Field stated that there would be only cosmetic changes in the restaurant. Mr. Terry asked if there was anyone present to speak in favor of the license. No. Anyone opposed? No. Motion - by Mr. Cook to approve the application for a new license. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 2-0. 2. Clerk informed the Board of correspondence from ABCC re Fusion's and Barney's. 3. Communication regarding Disabilities received and placed on file. Previously referred to Building Inspector and City Council. 4. One day licenses - Mr. Cook stepped down from the Board as his wife is employed at Endicott College. Endicott College - Applications for June 5, 5 and 6. Mr. Heller - motion to approve the applications. Seconded by Mr. Terry. Motion carried 2-0. Mr. Cook rejoined the Board. Letter from Mayor Scanlon requesting a license at City Hall for a celebration scheduled for the unveiling of the Hannah. Motion made and seconded to approve application. Motion carried 3-0. Minutes - May 7, 1998 Page 2 Application from Beverly Senior Center for a Beer and Wine License. Motion made and seconded to approve the license. Motion carried 3-0. Application received from John Boyle for the BHS 50 year and over Reunion for a one day license at Briscoe. Motion made and seconded to approve the license. Motion carried 3-0. Mr. Boyle also submitted a letter requesting that the license fee be waived. The Board's policy is not to waive the fees for any organization. Therefore, Mr. Boyle's request was denied. Trustees of Reservations - Applications for the following Dates - May 16, 24, and 31, June 6, 7, 13, 20, 21 and 27. Motion made and seconded to approve the licenses. Motion carried 3-0. 5. Miscellaneous - Annual Report received and placed on file. Clerk instructed to invited Piccolo Panni in for the next meeting to discuss their plans as business is not in operation. Mr. Cook extended thanks, congratulations and best wishes to Bill Terry as this is his final meeting. He has taken the position of Chief of Police and will no longer be serving as a member of the Board. Good Luck and thanks for many years of service. Next meeting June 4. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ C4erk