1998-06-04WILLIAM E TERRY, Chairman OLIVER T. COOK, Esq. GEORGE HELLER LICENSE BOARD CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES - LICENSE BOARD - JUNE 4, 1998 Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Cook and Heller present. Mr. Cook, acting as Chairman, introduced the Board. 1. Transfer of license from Haiku Haiku to John Athanasopoulos dba Caboose Restaurant. Attorney Nick Ambeliotis present to represent them. Sue Lee, owner of Haiku and her attorney James Gross also present. Requesting a transfer of the all alcoholic beverage restaurant license to Caboose Restaurant. It will be more of a Steak House restaurant. He has had many years of experience. He is current owner operator of Brother's Deli in Salem. Also formerly involved with Salem Brewery. There will be no major structural changes to the restaurant. Only cosmetic changes. Mr. Cook - Noticed on application 6A r__e occupancy not filled in. Is the license going to be pledged? No. Is this the purchase price? Yes. There are two Purchase and Sale Agreements One for the building and one for the business. Original lease - original lessor - assignment Laffy to Enon Realty. They are different entities. Enon purchased from Laffy. Presented green cards and affidavit submitted. no school or church involved. There is Anyone present to speak in favor? No. Anyone present to speak in opposition? No. Mr. Heller - What %age of time do you intend to be present? Full time. Minutes - June 4, 1998 Page 2 Motion - Mr. Heller - that the License Board approve a transfer of license to John Athanasopoulos dba Caboose Restaurant. Seconded Mr. Cook. Motion carried 2-0. 2. Brewery - Transfer of an all alcoholic beverage restaurant from Beverly Commerce Park to Frank Hurley, President, The Brewery, A Restaurant and Pub dba The Brew House Cafe & Grille. Attorney Thomas Alexander present representing this application. He presented the signed affidavit and green cards to the Board. Mr. Hurley already owns a Brew House in Lowell. This will be his second operation. Will be serving American Cuisine, moderately priced. There will be a function room and they will service tenants in the Cummings Center. Mr. Hurley has owned Lowell since 1994. There is a micro-brewery there, not so here. Over $1,000,000 will be spent to make this a first class operation. Given his experience and commitment, will be an excellent addition to the City. Mr. Cook - Seating will be for 690, occupancy 900? We estimated on the high side. This is a little smaller than Lowell. There will be two levels with storage in the basement. All this work will be undertaken. I am working with Cummings Properties. Mr. Heller - You indicated you would be on the job 40 hours and will be manager. Yes, I have a management team in Lowell. 40 hours will be a little low. Anyone present to speak in favor of this application? No. Anyone present to speak in opposition of this application? No. Motion Mr. Heller - That the transfer of the license to The Brewery dba The Brew House Cafe & Grille. Seconded by Mr. Cook. Motion carried 2-0. 3. Application for a new license from T.A.M. Inc. dba Timothy's at 90 Rantoul Street. Attorney Tom Alexander present representing the applicants. Affidavit of Notice and Green Cards submitted. There is a school within 500' The applicants were also present. Minutes-June 4, 1998 Page 3 Timothy Murphy is presently the bar manager at Wild Horse Cafe. Peter Kelleher and Mr. Hansbury also present. Timothy's father, Jerry Murphy, also present. This premise was previously known as Mike's. Troubled operation. Went out of business. Mr. Hansbury bought the building. This is a group of local people. Seeking to put in a family oriented moderately priced restaurant. They will be servicing a different clientele. They wil~ spend $50,000 in renovations. No plans for entertainment. This will be a food oriented and family oriented operation. There will be no dart board. Mainly American cuisine. Dining area will hold 40 people and the decor is standard wood american decor. Many people here from the Gateway with concerns. Hope to allay their fears: 1. Mr. Hansbury is a neighbor himself. True Value across the street. Runs the 2. Extensive discussions. Looking to run a first~ class restaurant. He is sincere. Hopes it will be an amenity to the Gateway. Hoping to get some of the residents to stop in. Decor will be historic pictures. Hope that you would give a favorable vote. Feel it could be an asset to the community. Mr. Cook - When you look in there you see the bar and an area to the left. Mr. Murphy - Presently the bar is in the middle. We will have a triangular bar cut in half and moved to the wall on the right. There will be 12 stools. Adding place to the left. Total seats in the dining area is 40-45. Mr. Kelleher - Primary focus at Mike's was a bar. With a reconfiguration, the focus will be people to come in to relax and enjoy the dinner. We have contacted Niemetz Consultants to help us. Mr. Cook - You have no plans for entertainment? No. What will be your hours of operation? Open for dinner from 4:00-10:00 p.m. Alcohol until 12:30. No luncheons at this time. Minutes - June 4, 1998 Page 4 Mr. Heller - What experience have you had other than Wild Horse Cafe. Have been working in restaurants since I was 13. Worked in Park Place and Weathervane as bartender and bar manager. What about parking. There is a large lot in the back of the building. Approximately 100 spaces. No parking problem. Mr. Kelleher - As a Kelleher, we have always contributed to this City. We want to be a good neighbor. Anyone present to speak in favor of granting the license? Trish Goodwin - Gateway Condos - Know Tim Murphy. Good opportunity to upgrade the property. Will benefit the neighborhood. It is a commercial piece of property. I would like something in my neighborhood where I could go. Michael Edward Casey - In wholehearted agreement. It is a pleasant surprise. Welcome the opportunity to have this in the neighborhood. Please give it favorable consideration. Brendon Tighe - Gateway - Concerned. If they were concerned about Gateway, why weren't we contacted about the project before we got here this evening. Paul Fitzgerald - Gateway - Came in totally undecided. Feel it would upgrade neighborhood. Bill Clark, Commercial Real Estate, Lynnfield - Know the quality of work Tim has done. Everyone is afraid of change. Change can be good. Would like his record to speak for itself. Ed Hardy, 66 Haskell Street - Mr. Murphy is a man of integrity. Appalled at Mike's. Know what Tim has to offer and he will bring in quality folks. Mary Makaska, works at Wild Horse - Does a fantastic job. Man of his word. Looking forward to doing this. Takes no riffraff at the bar. Rene Saleki, Hale Street - Known Tim for three years. Professional clientele Honorable person. Been in Mike's once. That was enough. Hope that you would act favorably. Marill Driscoll, Essex Street - Understand concerns of neighbors. If you don't get this group of people with integrity, think of what you might get. Minutes - June 4, 1998 Page 5 Anyone present who would like to speak in opposition of the application? Mr. Cook - Have a 5-6 page petition. Some 78 people signed this petition. Received and placed on file. Letter from Estate of Emily Paolillo and the Pinciaros. Received and placed on file. Letter from Kathleen Bell - received and placed on file. Brendon Tighe - Gateway Condo Trustee - Believe they have high integrity. Have a concern for parking, alcohol, and hours. Peter Riley, 60 Rantoul Chairman of the Board of Trustees. I have several questions. What do you plan for square footage of bar area? 1/2 the first floor. Will you have a juke box? No. Why will you remain open until 12:307 That is negotiable. Am opposed to liquor license. Parking lot in the back of the property that is the MBTA parking lot and this property has no access to that parking lot. The major problem is parking. People come into our parking lot taking over spaces from owners. Problem of beer keg deliveries. They double park. Block the driveway. Happen around school getting out. These reasons that many of the Gateway citizens who are opposed. Did most of these people sign the petition? No. As far as the green cards are concerned, some owners do not live at the Gateway. Believe not enough time for them to be delivered - actual addressing of the letters was faulty. Jennie Webber, Gateway - When Mike's closed, we were so happy. Big, big trucks block the driveway. This is our home. Have invested a lot of money. Gladys Muse, Gateway - Chose this neighborhood, it was quiet. Trouble with parking. Have no objection to a small restaurant but to having a liquor license. You haven't experienced Mike's. Do not think we need another liquor license. Michelle Gordon, Gateway - Own two properties at Gateway. Mike's operated at the same time. Could not open windows. Parking was an issue. I think restaurants are nice. I have a problem with food service. I have a problem with alcohol in my neighborhood. On Sundays there would be 30 Harleys. Minutes - June 4, 1998 Page 6 Margaret Blotcher, Gateway - I live on the street side. I called the Police Department many times. Can't sleep in my own home. Mark Brewer, Gateway - How about the hours? If a family restaurant, why do they need liquor? Parking - it isn't a large parking lot. It's privately owned. Parking is a concern. There isn't enough parking as it is. Mr. Cook - Is there any kind of security? No. School within 500' How about the hours of operation. Approximately 30 renters in 60 Rantoul. There are 105 apartments in the two buildings. A lot of us found out by word of mouth. There are 60 apartments at 50 Rantoul. Mr. Riley - 90% are owner occupied. Total of 105 units. Nancy Barrett, Gateway - I face Mike's. Have a list I got from the Police Department from October 1995 showing the number of Police calls. Looking forward to a quiet summer. Lt. Roccio - Was one of the busiest spots for police calls. Share concerns of parking, people safety, noise concerns. Cindy Matheson, 50 Rantoul Street - Many times at 2:00 in the morning loud raucous behavior. It is an aggravation. Did not see the particulars. Did not receive notice of hearing. Rocky Pinciaro, 100 Rantoul Street - live beside building. Past five months has been a touch of heaven in the area. Open until 12:30. Have called the Police. Have gone in to ask them to move cars. I am the owner of the parking lot behind. That lot was leased to the City of Beverly and will only be used for that purpose. Kathleen Bell - Letter read into record. Cindy Matheson - To the people who vouched for them. You do not live there. You cannot control people after 2-3 drinks. Ruth Mack, 60 Rantoul - Do not see why we need anothe~ bar on Rantoul Street. Cannot be big enough for what you are talking about. Parking is an issue. We have to protect our investments. Women are afraid to get out of their cars. I don't see why we have to have this again. There is not enough parking. Minutes - June 4, 1998 Page 7 Mr. Cook - Buildings were finished in 19887 Yes. Mr. Alexander - Issue I have is this isn't a bar. Limited bar area. Will only be 10-12 seats. Mr. Murphy lives in Beverly. Probably couldn't find a better example of an establishment that had a bad reputation as the Wild Horse. Has taken a 100% turn around. This is the guy who has turned around the former Grover's. Parking - parking is not perfect. everything to make that work. Mr. Murphy will do This is a commercial area. Has been used for this type of business. Alcohol in a family setting. If you go out with the family, may have a drink. Doesn't mean it would be a bar. This group wants nothing more than be a good neighbor. Mr. Hansbury owns the property. Stu Golding, 60 Rantoul - Are you going to do extensive renovations? Yes. Pisani's does sell liquor. Mr. Chairman - have you spoken to Dennis Tarsook? but we intend to. NO ~ Mr. Kelleher - I respect what these people feel. It is not our intention that at any point in time to ever let anything like Mike's happen again. Mr. Cook - Thank you very much for being here tonight. Citizen participation is what good government is all about. Having said that, we are going to wrestle with this problem. We must act within 30 days of the date of filing. Because of the various issues that have been raised - public safety, school, noise, parking, police reports - all of those areas we are going to need additional time. Motion - Mr. Cook - to continue the hearing until next Wednesday evening, June 10, 1998, at 6:00 p.m. If the applicants and the people who oppose want to get together that is a possibility. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 2-0. One day licenses - Trustees of Reservations - Full license June 27 from 8:00 to 12:00 midnight. Endicott College - June 10 - Stephen Silverman - Tupper Hall - 4 hours. Minutes - June 4, 1998 Page 8 Motion made and seconded to approve the three licenses listed above. Motion carried 2-0. Next meeting scheduled for June 10 at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted,