1998-09-10WILLIAM F. TERRY, Chairman
Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.
Mr. Cook and Mr. Heller present.
Mr. Cook introduced the Board.
1. Mr. Altshuler present to represent Wild Horse Cafe.
Three brothers owned the business. Two brothers are
buying out the third. Robert Hubbard, President and
Board of Directors. There will be a new manager and they
will continue to do what they have been doing. There is
a change in manager, officers and Board of Directors,
The new manager will be Joseph J. Leo, 31 Crest Avenue,
Chelsea, MA 02150.
Anyone present in favor or opposition to the change at
the Wild Horse Cafe. No.
Motion - Mr. Heller - that the Board approve the change
of officers, transfer of stock and stockholders.
Seconded by Mr. Cook. Motion carried 2-0.
Motion - Mr. Heller - that the Board approve the change
of manager. Seconded by Mr. Cook. Motion carried 2-0.
2. One day licenses -
Trustees of Reservations - Long Hill
3 licenses - full liquor
Motion to approve three one-day licenses 12th,19th, and
26th. Motion made and seconded. Carried 2-0.
3. Change in Manager at the Press Box. The new manager
is Robert Thibault, 9 Park Street, Beverly.
Minutes - September 10, 1998 Page 2
What is your experience? Worked under Ray Howell for
five years in every aspect. Are you familiar with the
liquor laws? Yes. Have you been acting manager since
Mr. Howell left? Yes. When did you become manager.
About two months ago.
Mr. Cook - I want to indicate to you there has been a few
disturbances recently. Are you aware? Yes, loudness.
Mr. Cook - Seems there has been a lot of activity. May
be that you're not on the premises. Appears a word to
the wise should be sufficient. You are on the premises?
Yes along with Baylus Baum and head bartender.
Mr. Cook - We are sharing this information with you.
Take it back to the owner. Appears as if you may be
getting a little out of control.
Motion made and seconded that the Change in Manager be
approved to Robert Thibault. Motion carried 2-0.
4. Thomas Field - Application for an Entertainment
License for T.J.'s Pub at 338 and 342 Rantoul Street.
Would like a three piece band, three nights a week. Are
there any neighbors? Yes upstairs, above. Would like to
have it Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Motion made and seconded to approve the Entertainment
License for Monday through Saturday until 11:00 p.m. with
no more than three pieces allowed. Motion carried 2-0.
5. Miscellaneous -
Next meeting to be October 8 at the Public Library.
Siam Delight - Clerk informed Board ABCC would not
approve their opening without liquor until approval from
Appleby's - Word is that Caboose Inc. has signed an
agreement to transfer their license to Appleby's.
Mama Gina's on Rantoul Street - no longer in
operation. Clerk instructed to send letter to Mr.
Casarano inviting him in before the Board on October 8.
Press Box - Police Reports - Letter to Mr. Baum
putting him on notice. Concerned with increasing calls
for police service at the establishment. Also about
arrests early part of August. We intend to contact you
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regarding this matter upon formal dispensation in the
District Court and request your cooperation in monitoring
the consumption of alcohol to individuals in your
Fees - Thinking about doing something with the
fees. Haven not been raised since 1990. Try to
determine whether we are in line.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.