1999-10-07RICHARD S. KELLEY, Esq., Chairman
Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.
All members present.
Board introduced by Chairman Kelley.
1. Pisani - Transfer of license from Michael Pisani. Attomey
Bernard Goldberg present to represent applicant.
Mr. Kelley - Mr. Chowdery will be the manager of record?
Yes. He was the manager of a package store in Lynn. Been
there about one year. It is also a convenience store. Are you
going to continue to work at Li'l Peach? How many hours do
you work? 40 hours at that establishment. 35 hours at new
He lives in Beverly. What are his Lynn hours? 6:00 a.m. to
Midnight. Purchase price of establishment? $70,000. Should
be on page 3 under financial - assets of business.
CORI has not been done as yet. Green cards, affidavit, etc.
Motion to approve the transfer subject to review once CORI is
received. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carded 3-0.
Minutes- October 7, 1999 Page 2
2. Transfer of Commodore Restaurant - Attorney Gregory
DeMarcus present representing applicant.
Green cards, affidavit, etc. submitted.
Purchase and sale agreement submitted.
Applicants own the Continental and Angelica's. Chris
Kourkoulis owns 50% stock of Angelica's. Paul Koukoulis
with father mn Continental. He will be the manager of new
business. Basically the restaurant will be the same. CORI to be
nm by Police Chief.
Mr. Ranta- Conditional approval subject to receiving CORI.
Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 3-0.
3. Transfer of TJ's Pub to the Emerald Eye. Mr..Hamilton
Mr. Kelley- Clarification of Corporation. Will corporation be
holding both licenses? License in Marblehead is in my wife's
name. She will manage both. Wife went to TIPS. Will spend
30 hours at each location.
CORI- Problem in Newburyport? It was dropped. Was
dismissed. '
How long have you been open? Since April. Managed Thai
restaurant in Middleton for 2 ~ years.
Mr. Heller- Any renovations? Will be buying new chairs, new
rog. Other than rent, no other financial obligations.
Minutes - October 7, 1999 Page 3
Please call the Building Inspector for seating capacity and
occupancy to complete application.
Green cards submitted.
Articles of Inc.-'stock shares to be added. To be approved by
Secretary of Statel Newspaper ad, 04# submitted.
Motion to approve transfer conditional on receiving all
information. Change to Wine and Malt License. Seconded by
Mr. Heller. Motion carded 3-0.
4. One day licenses- Friends of Beverly Hospital
Endicott College
Council on Aging
Motion made and seconded to approve the licenses. Motion
carried 3-0.
5. Discussion for CORI implementation procedure tabled to
next meeting.
6. a. Organic Garden - Robert Reid - Application for a new
Wine and Malt Restaurant License. Mr. Reid present. This
is a new restaurant. Prior was an ice cream parlor.
Any prior restaurant experience? This is a new enterprise. I
have experience working with food. It will be nutritional.
Bachelor Degree in accounting. Working with food as a
You are going to be the manager?. Will be there 40-60 hours
Minutes - October 7, 1999
Page 4
Mr. Ranta - Who is Mr. Yarosh? He will be head chef. Has
been working with gourmet foods. Does bring some
restaurant experience. Has been working in the restaurant
business for 5 years. He has been on the west coast. He does
have a rather lengthy CORI report. Have concerns about
1986 incident. Charges were dropped. Mr. Reid asked to
call Mr. Yarosh to have him join the meeting.
7. Kitty O'Shea's - Mr. Alexander present. Board had concern
about CORI on Michael Fahey. Board received follow up
report and affidavit. Hit a parked car, front tire blew. It was
continued without a finding.
6. b. Mr. Yarosh joined the meeting. We ran a check and a
number of things came out. Discussion followed. D. A&B
was dismissed.
Have you bc~m away from Massachusetts? Lived in
Sacramento from 1993-1997. Any problems there? No.
Since you got back in 1997 have you had any food
experience? Thought this would be something I would like
to pursue. Have bc,,m researching this for a couple of years.
You haven't actually been involved? Not owning. Have
been working as a waiter.
Discussion concerning 5-year probation and other incidents.
Have you taken any courses? Has had AIM. Took it in
Gloucester about a year ago.
Minutes - October 7, 1999 Page 5
Would like to continue the heating until next month. This
issue babied until next month to investigate further.
Next meeting scheduled for November 4, 1999 at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,