1999-11-04RICHARD S. KELLEY, Esq., Chairman
Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.
All members present.
Board introduced.
1.) Little Italy - Transfer of Wine and Malt Restaurant License.
Atty. Cote present. Steven Graham, proposed manager, present.
Mr. Kelley - Anyone present wishing to speak in favor or against
the license transfer? No one present.
Clerk asked to check on the seating capacity.
Mr. Kelley - Mr. Graham, the Board recommends that you take
some type of TIPS Program.
Mr. Graham - We do not accept use of the state Ids. If they don't
have a license, we will not serve.
Mr. Ranta - Motion to allow the transfer of the license. Seconded
by Mr. Holler. Motion carried 3 - 0.
Hours? 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday to Thursday.
10 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday
2. Freddie's - Attorney John Collucci present with Lilly and Mo
Yan for a transfer of license. Copies of CORI submitted.
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Mr. Heller - Any experience in the liquor business? Yes, nine
years. Lilly's husband will also be there. Also has experience.
Mr. Collucci - will be a Japanese Restaurant with tempura, teriyaki,
sushi. A sushi bar has been added.
Green receipts submitted with a copy of the legal notice.
Mr. Ranta - When are renovations to start? After the closing at the
end of the year. When will you open? 2 - 3 months for rehab.
Requesting to approve a pledge of the license? Yes.
Lilly will be the manager? Recommend that she take TIPS
Renewal procedure explained.
Motion - Mr. Ranta - to approve the transfer and the pledge of the
license. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 3 - 0.
3. Sgt Terry present to explain a grant to help fight underage
drinking. Wanted to come before the Board to let you know
what we are attempting to do with education and enforcement.
We are visiting colleges, talking to students as informally as
possible, telling them about laws. Trying to establish rapport with
students. Offering bar training as well. Will inform all liquor
What is the extent of the grant? $7500 with a matching $7500 with
work, overtime or materials. Do the colleges support it if they are
involved with alcohol? Grant was targeted for the college age.
Allowed us to put out extra patrols. Going to be doing a series of
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stings. Will take underage student and send them into
establishments. Have guidelines from ABCC. Grant goes until
January 2000. Will let you know how things turn out.
Board thanked Sgt. Terry for the information.
4. Organic Restaurant, Robert Reid, owner - Application for a new
Wine and Malt Restaurant License. Green cards submitted.
CORI needed for Dale Hucknal. Article Amendment signed. OCC
checked. Need new Certificate of Doing Business. He stated he
took an alcohol intervention program. Will have stafftrained.
Will Dale be actively involved. Will be active in the administrative
area. No daily involvement.
Check submitted.
Anyone present in favor or against? No one present.
Mr. Heller - Motion to approve Beer and Wine with the condition
the CORIs check out ok. Seconded Mr. Ranta. Motion carried 3 - 0.
5. Motion made and seconded to approve one-day licenses. Motion
carried 3 - 0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Next meeting December 16 at 2:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Giallongo