1999-08-05RICHARD S. KELLEY, Esq., Chairman GEORGE HELLER RONALD RANTA, Esq. LICENSE BOARD CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES - BEVERLY LICENSE BOARD - August 5, 1999 Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. All members present. Lt. Roccio present. Board introduced by Chairman Kelley. Transfer of license of Kitty O'Shea's. Attorney Tom Alexander present representing new licensee. Presently owned by Giblin Realty Trust. He is in the process of opening up new business in Newburyport. New owners will be Michael Fahey, President and Albert Lane, Manager. They both have experience in the Irish Pub business. Mr. Fahey from Ireland. 1991-94 worked in a pub in Ireland. They will be buying the business and the real estate. They will be making a significant investment. This has been a Very successful business in downtown Beverly. He stated that are three churches within 500 feet. Notice was sent to them. Affidavit and green cards submitted. Have attached receipts from the Post Office. Copy of ad submitted. Both men are planning to be very involved. Will be a full-time occupation. Minutes- August 5, 1999 Page 2 Mr. Kelley - You are buying the business and the real estate? Yes. Real estate going into a realty trust. Mr. Fahey and Mr. Lane will be the beneficiaries. # 12 on application - needs to be filled in completely. Also the issue of capacity? Has been a problem with over crowding. What is the occupancy? 96 is the number. Lt. Roccio- Do you do any checking on backgrounds? We run a CORI check on all new applicants.. Mr. Ranta - Motion to approve the transfer of the license. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 3-0. 2. - All other business. Communication from the Board of Health received and placed on file. Discussion concerning the sign ordinance and temporary signs. Next meeting scheduled for September 2. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted,