2004-02-24City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 7:00 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Kathleen McMahon, Kevin O’Reilly, Joanne Panunzio, Helga Senko, and John Young Board members absent: , Joanne Avallon, Todd BalfLindsay Diehl, Neil Olson Others present: Thomas Scully, Anna Langstaff Recorder: Anna Langstaff John Young presided. Board members welcomed new library trustee, Kathleen McMahon. Joannne Panunzio made the motion, seconded by Helga Senko, to accept the minutes of January 27, 2004 as read. Motion passed. Election of Officers Kevin O’Reilly made the motion, seconded by John Young, to nominate Lindsay Diehl as Secretary. There were no other nominations. Motion passed. Helga Senko made the motion, seconded by Kathleen McMahon, to nominate John Young as Chair. There were no other nominations. Motion passed. John Young made the following committee assignments: Administration: Kevin O’Reilly (Chair), Helga Senko, Joanne Panunzio, Todd Balf, Joanne Avallon Finance: Kathleen McMahon (Chair), Kevin O’Reilly, Neil Olson, Joanne Avallon, Lindsay Diehl Personnel: Helga Senko (Chair), Lindsay Diehl, Joanne Panunzio, Neil Olson, Todd Balf Long Range Planning: Lindsay Diehl (Chair), Joanne Avallon, Todd Balf, Kathleen McMahon, Neil Olson, Kevin O’Reilly, Joanne Panunzio, Helga Senko, John Young Public Presentation None Committee Reports Personnel: No report. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1) Music CDs: As part of a settlement in a recent antitrust case relating to the pricing of CDs, the Beverly Public Library will receive about 750 free music CDs. The library does not have any money for shelving and processing of CDs, so the CDs will remain in boxes for now. 2) Waivers: Tom Scully distributed copies of MBLC letter outlining what the policy on waivers will be for next year. The Beverly Public Library failed to meet the minimum municipal appropriation again this year. The Library applied for a waiver and the waiver was granted. But there are other standards that the Library needs to meet: number of hours open and the amount of money appropriated for the book account. The MBLC cannot give waivers for book appropriation or number of hours open. The Library is $150,000 below the minimum standard for book appropriation for this current fiscal year. If the Library’s book budget does not increase before July 1, the Library cannot apply for a waiver next year. This would mean that no Beverly resident could borrow books from any public library (last year this was approximately 50,000 books). 3) FY2005 budget: Mayor has asked department heads to prepare a level funded budget for FY2005. 4) Farms Library: Building project is nearing completion. Communication None Unfinished Business 1) Legislative breakfast: Friday, March 12 at the Beverly Public Library. 2) Edward Brindle: Three ideas to recognize Ed’s service on the board: 1. name a reading nook in his honor 2. take him out to dinner 3. give him a painting by Natalie Bacheller. Tom will organize the dinner. 3) th 150 anniversary: Suggestions for committee names are needed. New Business 1) Staffing: Rhonda Finberg has been promoted to young adult librarian. Jo-Ann Roy has moved from assistant adult services librarian to assistant reference librarian. Jocelyn Tavares is the new assistant adult services librarian. 2) PATH Program: Wrap up lunch for Beverly High School history project participants was held at the Harvard Club in Boston. The next regular meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, March 23, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. at the Main Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.