2002-04-09City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: April 9, 2002 7:05 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Joanne Avallon, Todd Balf, Edward Brindle, Lindsay Diehl, Kevin O’Reilly, Joanne Panunzio, Helga Senko, and John Young Board members absent: Neil Olson Others present: Thomas Scully Recorder: Thomas Scully SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING April 9, 2002 John Young called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Tom Scully reviewed the budget process for the benefit of new trustees. He also announced that the Mayor had scheduled a budget meeting for department heads on Thursday morning. Tom Scully presented a draft budget to the Board. Discussion revolved around 3 issues. 1) The draft budget called for laying off the part time college pages who staff the circulation desks during vacation periods. 2) The draft budget level funds the book budget for FY 2003. 3) The draft budget allows only $10,000 for repairs although in the current Fiscal year we have already spent over $16,000. Motion : By Ed Brindle, seconded by Lindsay Diehl to restore $12,637.47 to the part time salary line item. Voted unanimously. Motion : By Ed Brindle, seconded by Joanne Avallon to add $20,000 to the line item for books, etc. Voted unanimously. Motion : By Kevin O’Reilly, seconded by Lindsay Diehl to add $10,000 to the line item for repairs. Voted unanimously. Motion : By Joanne Avallon, seconded by Lindsay Diehl to approve a budget request to the Mayor of $1,430,621.00 for Fiscal Year 2003. Voted Unanimously. John Young briefed the Board on this afternoon’s meeting with the Mayor relative to funding for the Beverly Farms Library renovation project. Motion : By Lindsay Diehl, seconded by Joanne Avallon to adjourn. Voted unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm. Respectfully submitted, Thomas F. Scully, Library Director