2001-05-22City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: May 22, 2001 7:00 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Lindsay Diehl, Neil Olson, Kevin O’Reilly, Helga Senko, and John Young Board members absent: , , , Diane CostaEdward BrindleKatherine FanningJoanne Panunzio Others present: Thomas Scully, Anna Langstaff Recorder: Anna Langstaff John Young presided. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by Lindsay Diehl, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of April 24, 2001 as read. Motion passed. Public Presentation None Committee Reports Personnel: Lindsay Diehl asked for feedback from trustees regarding the Library Director’s annual review form. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by Kevin O’Reilly, to: accept the Personnel Committee’s presentation of the Library Director’s annual review. Motion passed. Lindsay Diehl will contact trustees to ask them to fill out and submit the annual review form. Administration: There was a discussion of the landscape architect’s plan for the Beverly Farms Library. Finance: FY2001 budget meeting with the Mayor is scheduled for May 24, 2001. Long Range Planning: Tom Scully is trying to arrange a citizen’s advisory meeting for the long range plan. Report of the Library Director 1) Copies of the Director’s report (on file with these minutes) were mailed to Trustees. 2) Bomb th Threat: Tom Scully reported on May 12 bomb threat. 3) Farms: Tom Scully is writing a grant to the Massachusetts Historical Commission for $100,000. As part of this process, if the grant is approved, the City has to agree to put a preservation restriction on the deed for the Farms Library. 4) Conference: Tom Scully attended a conference that covered preserving public records. 5) Meeting: Tom Scully met with the new director of the Beverly Historical Society. Along with the City Clerk’s office, they hope to set up an archives committee. 6) Library Programs: Mystery Writers Workshop, Young Adult Poetry Contest, and Children’s Author’s Talks were a great success. Communications None Unfinished Business None New Business 1) Statistics: Tom Scully distributed circulation statistics for the Main Library. 2) Bi-annual Gathering: John Young suggested that the trustees get together socially twice a year, perhaps at Lynch Park during the summer and a holiday gathering in December. The next regular meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. at the BeverlyFarms Library . There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT May 15, 2001 - Bomb Threat About 11:15 Saturday morning, May 12, a Verizon phone operator received a bomb threat against the Library. The phone company relayed the information to the Beverly Police who evacuated both the Main Library and the Beverly Farms Branch and ordered both libraries closed for the remainder of Saturday. The Main Library reopened on Sunday for normal hours of service. The Farms library is closed on Sundays anyway. On Saturday we had a mystery writers workshop in progress with 60 people attending. With the help of the people from the LARCOM REVIEW we were able to move the workshop to another location and complete the program. There is some reason to believe that the call may have been telephoned from the pay phone in the Library lobby. The Police are attempting to determine if the phone company has a tape recording of the call to which our staff can listen. Beverly Farms Building Project - We have received an anonymous $10,000 from another Beverly Farms family. The landscape architect has submitted a revised plan, taking into consideration the comments made at the last fund raising meeting. Award - The fund raising brochure for the Beverly Farms Branch Library won an Honorable Mention from the Massachusetts Library Association Public Relations Award. Thanks to Brenda Wettergreen of the Farms Library staff for submitting the nomination. Ayers/Ryal Side School Carnival - The Bookmobile spent the day on Saturday at the Ayers/Ryal Side School for their school carnival. This was a good opportunity to promote our Bookmobile services. Mystery Writer’s Workshop - The library sponsored a Mystery Writer’s Workshop on Saturday May 12 with about 60 people in attendance. The program was organized by Adult Services Librarian, Janice Shaw, and mystery novelist Susan Oleksiw of the LARCOM REVIEW. The program is underwritten by the Friends of the Beverly Public Library . The first 35 people to register received a prepared lunch. This program is very popular and attracts people from eastern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. School Book Talks - The Children’s and Young Adult Librarians have begun our annual spring round of book talks at various elementary and middle schools. Author Talks for Children - The Children’s Department has begun a series of talks by children’s authors. The program is average about 50 attendees. Young Adult Poetry Contest - The award ceremony for the Alec Nelson Poetry Contest for young adults was held on April 24. Congratulations to Lindsay Diehl’s daughter, Sarah, one of the winners.