1970-10-05City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: October 5, 1970
Place: Health Department Office
Board members present: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair, A. Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R. Massa
Board members absent:
Others present: Thomas H. Scanlan, Director of Public Health, Richard Montoni, Code Enforcement
Officer, Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector, Robert Russo, Plumbing Inspector, and Joseph W.
Walsh, Jr., Sanitarian
Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present were Dr. Jacob H. Fine, Chairman; A. J.
Callahan, Jr. and Angelo R. Massa. Also attending were Thomas H. Scanlan, Director; Joseph W.
Walsh, Jr., Sanitarian, Leo Panunzio, Milk & Food Inspector; and Richard Montoni, and Alfred
Semple, Code Enforcement Inspectors.
The minutes of the September 14, 1970 meeting were accepted. The monthly reports of the various
staff members were read and accepted. The bill schedules were reviewed and signed.
Tine Testing
Mr. Walsh read a report submitted by Mrs. Ethel Turenne, Public Health Nurse, regarding her
conversation with Mr. Kerns, Assistant Director of the Division of Tuberculosis of the Massachusetts
Department of Public Health, about the possibility of the state providing us with a mobile unit to
x-ray food service personnel when one would be available.
Mr. Kerns informed us that the state has discontinued its mobile unit service. He also stated that the
department discourages these services for food handlers because they are not in the high-risk group
and to sponsor a clinic of any considerable size would only overload the clinics.
If we hired a private concern to x-ray food handlers and other interested citizens, the State
Department would have to be consulted before they would give approval to do the necessary
In conclusion, Mr. Kems stated that "we have no wide incidence in Beverly to warrant a survey and
unless there is an ordinance demanding it of the food handlers, it wouldn't work too successfully
because it voluntary - they do not have to go. We would wind up with an over amount of work in
planning by staff and Board, with no results to show for our efforts".
Mr. Walsh, Sanitarian, read correspondence from Power X-ray Service, Glen Cove, New York which
stated that they provide 70MM service at a cost of 70¢ per satisfactory picture and with a minimum
cost of $200.00 day. This price does not include film interpretation. Dr. Fine stated that it was a
costly program and there would be hidden cost for the interpretation of the film.
He further stated that the Board should think about an educational program along this line urging
people to see their physician for an x-ray. Dr. Fine said that anybody who is admitted to the hospital
automatically has a chest plate.
A. Joseph Callahan, Jr. suggested that we incorporate this educational program into our 1971
Mr. A. Joseph Callahan, Jr. reported that the YMCA has provided the ring buoy safety device as
requested by Mr. Walsh.
The Board accepted this report as final.
Garden City Car Wash (See September 14, 1970 minutes)
Mr. Walsh, Sanitarian, reported that the Garden City Car Wash, as required by the Board is in the
process of connecting to the municipal sewer Mr. Walter Frontiera, owner of the Garden City
Enterprises, Inc., stated: "that in addition to connecting to the sewer they are installing a large pump
to replace the one that was inadequate."
Mr. Mushroom
Mr. Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector, reported that Mr. John T. Whitaker, Building Inspector,
had approved the second means of egress from this restaurant. Mr. Panunzio further reported that
Mr. Metzner has installed the required ventilation system, painted the entire restaurant, and will install
a new floor. Mr. Panunzio stated that his requirements had been met.
Mr. William Metzner appeared before the Board and stated that he had met all the requirements set
by the Board at the last meeting. He further stated that he now had a sink with hot and cold water
and an exhaust fan in the toilet facilities located in the basement of his establishment.
On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously voted that contingent to an inspection
of the toilet facilities by the Plumbing Inspector, to issue a food service permit.
Sanitary Survey of Dane and Rice's Beach
Mr. Walsh submitted the following progress report and stated that final reports will be submitted at
the next Board meeting.
The following is a report of progress of the sanitary survey of the two streams that feed Rice's and
Dane Street Beach:
The stream which feeds Dane Street Beach starts at the Beverly Municipal Landfill and terminates
at the beach. During the past week, a thorough sanitary survey of this stream was executed by myself
and Joseph ConIey of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
We started at the Hannah School by inspecting the piping of the leachate from the dump into the
sanitary sewer bypassing the stream which feeds Kelleher's Pond. A visual inspection of Kelleher
Pond showed that at the time of inspection the pond was not being fed by this stream nor was it
discharging into the piped brook.
By removing manhole covers we traced the stream along Lakeshore Drive until it crossed behind
Foster Drive and Sylvan Road to Iverson Road along East Lothrop Street to Lawrence Street to
Orchard Street and finally to Dane Street Beach.
Our observation of this stream was as follows:
The stream from Kelleher Pond to East Lothrop Street was clean. But from Orchard Street to the
outfall at Dane Street Beach the stream was dirty, overgrown, full of debris and needed a good
Therefore, Mr. Walsh made the following recommendations:
1. The dike system at the Hannah School should be improved.
2. The stream from this dike which travels through the school property should be cleaned of all
3. The stream along East Lothrop Street should be cleaned of overgrowth and the bed of the stream
should also be cleaned.
4. The stream from Orchard Street to Dane Street Beach needs to be cleared, and if the grade of the
stream permits, aerated by using the existing rocks in the brook to create small waterfalls.
5. This stream should be chlorinated from at least Orchard Street toward the beach.
The procedure outlined above was followed when inspecting the stream that flowed into Rice's
Beach. In addition due to the proximity of several homes along this stream, their water closets and
laundry facilities were dye-tested. Two of the houses tested revealed that their systems had failed and
the effluent from these systems was draining directly into the stream.
Both of the property owners have been notified by registered mail of our findings and ordered to
make the necessary correction.
At this time, the Rice's Beach report is not a final report because several more houses have to be
After discussing Mr. Walsh's report, the Board of Health recommended that Romeo Beaulieu,
Commissioner of Public Works, and Mayor Herbert F. Grimes be notified immediately in writing that
the dike located near the municipal landfill and Hannah School is completely unacceptable to the
Board of Health and has to be corrected forthwith.
Code Enforcement (See minutes September 17, 1970)
Mr. Montoni, Code Enforcement Inspector, reported that our court case relating to 14 Central Street,
Beverly owned by Kanter Realty Trust has been continued until October 6, 1970.
Mr. Montoni reported to the Board that his request for assistance from the legal department to
prosecute the owners of several structures in violation of the Sanitary Code has not been answered.
The Board recommended that a letter be sent to the legal department and a copy sent to Mayor
Herbert F. Grimes stating their displeasure at being unable to obtain the necessary legal assistance to
prosecute these cases.
Mr. Richard Montoni, Code Enforcement Inspector, reported that 45-day violation notices had been
sent to the respective property owners.
Mr. Montoni reported that all the violations at 13 Thorndike Street had been corrected except
regulation 12.1 which requires two means of egress for an apartment. Mr. Fred Gabriel, property
owner, stated that approximately six years ago he was given a variance by the City Hall in regard to
this problem. The Board wants Mr. Gabriel to show the Board in writing that a variance had been
granted to him. If he cannot produce this document, then he will have to provide the second means
of egress as required by Article II of the Sanitary Code and the Board of Health.
Mr. Richard Montoni, Code Enforcement Inspector, recommended that a hardship variance not to
provide either a bathtub or shower be given to Mr. & Mrs. William J. Massison, owner of 11 Vestry
Street, Beverly, Massachusetts. Mr. Massison is 83 years old and Mrs. Massison is 79 years old, and
both are on social security.
Mr. Montoni recommended that the Board of Health grant the variance request to Mr. & Mrs.
William Massison in regard to the lack of bathtub or shower as long as the Massison's are the
occupants of this apartment.
On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to grant this request as long as
Mr. & Mrs. Massison occupy 11 Vestry Street. If the ownership of this house changes, the new
owners will be required to provide either a tub or shower.
Flu Clinic
The Annual Flu Clinic for City Employees was held in the Aldermanic Lounge on September 24, 1970
from 1-4:30 p.m. Dr. Salvatore Gemmellaro, Mrs. Elizabeth Scoglio and Mrs. Ethel Turenne
administered 313 doses. Mrs. Alice Dwyer and Miss Paula Clancey of our department provided the
necessary clerical assistance.
On October 1, 1970, the Health Department with the permission of Dr. Gemmellaro, gave another
36 doses to those who could not attend the earlier clinic.
Mr. Scanlan informed the Board that we are now planning a Rubella Clinic and a Lazy-Eye Clinic set
for early in 1971.
Director's Exam
The Board of Health decided to request from Civil Service an inter-departmental exam for the
position of Director of Public Health, because of the pending retirement of Mr. Thomas H. Scanlan
the present Director of Public Health.
On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously voted to request from Civil Service
an inter-departmental exam for a new Director of Public Health to be held.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
FOR: Thomas H. Scanlan
Director of Public Health
BY: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.