1970-09-17City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: September 17, 1970
Place: Health Department Office
Board members present: A, Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R. Massa
Board members absent: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair
Others present: Thomas H. Scanlan, Director of Public Health, Richard Montoni, Code Enforcement
Officer, Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector, Robert Pusso, Plumbing Inspector, and Joseph W.
Walsh, Jr., Sanitarian
Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Members present: A. J. Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R. Massa. Also attending were Joseph W. Walsh,
Jr., Thomas H. Scanlan, and Richard Montoni.
The Board of Health members met at the Iler property for the purposese of making an on-site
inspection of their property to determine whether they can keep cows properly without creating a
Mr. Walsh reported to the Board members that three residents of Lakeshore Avenue had withdrawn
their opposition and wanted to be recorded in favor of granting a permit.
On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to grant a permitt to Mr. & Mrs. William Iler
to keep cows on their property located at 17 Lakeshore Avenue, Beverly, Massachusetts.
Code Enforcement
Mr, Montoni submitted, as requested by the Board of Health, the files of all dwellings in the city in
violation of the Sanitary Code for one year or more for their disposition.
The list included several houses presently owned by the Beverly Historical Development Foundation,
Inc. The Board instructed Mr. Walsh to send a letter to them requesting what their plans are for
renovating these structures. With this in mind the Board tabled further action against this property
until the Beverly Historical Development Foundation, Inc. appraises this Board of their intentions.
On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to have Mr. Montoni send final violation
notices to the following:
11 Fayette Street
273 Rantoul Street
13 Thorndike Street
30 - 40 Bartlett Street
24 Bartlett Street
15 Blaine Avenue
42 Railroad Avenue
84 Cabot Street
80 Cabot Street
12 Highland Avenue
4 Highland Avenue
23 - 23 ½ Central Street
17 Fayette Street
Kanter Realty Trust
James Chin
Fred Gabriel
David Crosby
Kanter Realty Trust
Daily and Abdo
Kanter Realty Trust
Frisch Estate
Ffisch Estate
Orlando DeSilvestre
Albert Davis
Cecil Weinstein
Wolfe Winikur
Mr. Montoni has several other cases pending and will present a progress report at the October Board
of Health meeting.
On a motion made and seconded, the Board voted to have Mr. Montoni seek legal assistance from
the City Solicitor for the purpose of prosecuting the owners of the following properties that have
been in violation of the Massachusetts Sanitary Code and their failure to comply within a reasonable
period of time.
3 Charles Street
20 Bennett Street
27 ½ Vestry Street
14 Ropes Street
7 Stone Street
Ser-Vis Cleansers, Inc.
Luther Hall
Kanter Realty Trust
Kanter Realty Trust
Kanter Realty Trust
On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to have Montoni condemn and placard the
following structures as "Unfit for Human Habitation".
3 Charles Street
8 Moulton Court
23 Simon Street
Kanter Realty Trust
Kanter Realty Trust
Ronald David & Ronald Summit
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
FOR: Thomas H. Scanlan
BY: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.