1970-06-01City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: June 1, 1970
Place: Health Department Office
Board members present: A. Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R. Massa
Board members absent: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair
Others present: Thomas H. Scanlan, Director of Public Health, Richard Montoni, Code Enforcement
Officer, Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector, Robert Russo, Plumbing Inspector, Alfred Semple,
Code Enforcement Officer, and Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Sanitarian
Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh,
Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m. Members present were A. J. Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R. Massa.
Dr. Jacob H. Fine was absent. Also attending were Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Leo Panunzio, Robert
Russo, Richard Montoni, and Alfred Semple.
Reading of the minutes of the May 4, 1970 meeting were suspended. The monthly reports of the
various inspectors and nurses were read. The schedules were signed.
Centerville Sewer
Commissioner of Public Works, Romeo Beaulieu, met with the Board of Health to explain when the
Centerville section of Beverly will be sewered. Mr. Russo had brought out at the last Board meeting
that there were several septic systems falling in this particular section of the City.
Mr. Beaulieu went on to explain that there were several factors that had to be considered before the
construction of the sewer lines could be started. The following are the major factors involved:
1. The city is not eligible for Federal funds for the interceptors until construction of the Cat Cove
Filtration Plant has started. The target date for this is the fall of 1970.
2. The cost of construction of these interception lines is approximately six million dollars of which
up to 80% can be Federally funded.
3. The cost of all branch lines and pumping stations modifications must be bonded by the City of
Beverly who has to pay the entire cost of this phase of the project.
4. According to present plans it will be approximately five (5) years before the sewer lines will be
constructed in the Centerville section of the City of Beverly.
Mr. Beaulieu went on to explain that there were several contracts awarded for preliminary work but
that there will not be any Federal or State funds made available until the filtration plant is started.
The Board thanked Mr. Beaulieu for meeting with them and presenting his report.
Fred Waselchuk
Mr. Fred Waselchuk, contractor for District #4 has provided for necessary performance bond as
required by the bidding specifications. We now have on file in the Board of Health Office the required
bond of all five contractors.
Burger King Incinerator
The incinerator at Burger King has been approved by the Board of Health.
Inspector of Animals
Mayor Grimes' re-organization of Inspectors was tabled until the next meeting of the Board of Health.
Section 8 Food Regulation
The proposed additions of a new Section 8 to the Board of Health regulation Chapter 3, "Food
Regulation" approved on a motion made by A. J. Callahan and seconded by Angelo Massa and so
The following is the addition to Chapter III and is entitled:
The operator of each food service establishment shall provide adequate, conveniently located toilet
facilities for its employees. When toilet facilities are provided for patrons, such facilities shall be
installed separate and apart from the facilities provided for employees. Doors to toilet rooms shall not
open directly into areas in which food is handled, served, stored, or prepared.
Annual Report
The Board of Health's Annual Report was approved and signed by the Board members and will be
submitted to the Board of Aldermen at their next regular meeting.
Building Permits
The Board will look into the feasibility of building permits for remodeling be submitted to the Health
Department for its approval.
1942 Regulations
The Board instructed Mr. Walsh to study the Board of Health regulations of 1942 and to revise the
regulations that appear to be out-of-date.
Flu Vaccine/Uniforms
Mr. Scanlan reported to the Board that he ordered 400 doses of Flu Vaccine to be given to all city
employees next fall.
Mr. Scanlan also reported that he has ordered new uniforms for the Public Health Nurses.
Mr. Walsh reported his meeting with the City Solicitor regarding the granting of variances by the
The City Solicitor stated that the Board of Health has the authority to grant variances of the Sanitary
Code, and he suggests that we get written reports from the various city inspectors as to their opinion
regarding the granting of any variance before we hold any hearings.
Also, when a variance has been granted the Board shall specify why they granted the variance and
the section of the code being varied. There is no set pattern on this type of request and each case has
judged individually using all reports and opinions available.
Mr. Walsh also submitted to the Board letters from Dean Palmer, Chief of the Fire Department, and
John Whitaker, Building Inspector, requesting that requests of variances for only one means of egress
be denied as the Fire Chief stated "for the proper protection against the loss of life and property by
fire" and the Building Inspector quoting from Beverly Building Ordinance, Article 7, Section 1, on
page 52.
The Board has taken all requests for variances under consideration until the next monthly Board
Kanter Realty Trust
Mr, Richard Kanter, Trustee, of Kanter Realty Trust appeared before the Board - requested an
extension of time due to the large quantity of his property that is in violation of the Sanitary Code.
Mr. Montoni stated that Kanter Realty Trust has 23 structures in violations of the Code and that he
already has given Mr. Kanter extensions of time to correct numerous violations of the code at several
buildings that he owns.
Mr. Montoni states several cases where approximately one year has lapsed since the original violation
notice was sent out and that very few corrections had been accomplished.
Mr. Callahan suggested that Mr. Kanter give the Board a specific date as to when the corrections of
the violations in a specific house could be started and how long it would take (period of time) to
finish the corrections.
Mr. Kanter said that he would think it over and consult his attorney and then notify the Board of his
Mr. Callahan further stated that Mr. Montoni shall set a priority list of the structures in violation with
the houses having the most serious violations first on the list and lesser violations last on the list. Mr.
Montoni to work with Mr. Kanter in setting time extensions to correct the numerous violations of
the Sanitary Code.
German Measles Clinic
The Geman Measles (Rubella) Clinic was held on May 8, 1970 on the first floor of City Hall from
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. with approximately 1,500 children being immunized against this disease.
The Board accepted this report as final.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
FOR: Thomas H. Scanlan
Director of Public Health
BY: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.