1970-04-06City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: April 6, 1970
Board members present: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair, A. Joseph Callahan, Jr., and Angelo R. Massa
Board members absent:
Others present: Thomas H. Scanlan, Director of Public Health, Richard Montoni, Code Enforcement
Officer, Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food Inspector, Robert Russo, Plumbing Inspector, and Joseph W.
Walsh, Jr., Sanitarian
Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m. Members present were Dr. J. H. Fine, Chairman; Angelo R.
Massa and A. J. Callahan, Jr. Also attending were Thomas Scanlan, Joseph Walsh, Robert Russo, Leo
Panunzio, Richard Montoni, and Alfred Semple.
The minutes of the March 2, 1970 meeting and the minutes of the special meeting of March 6, 1970
were read and accepted. The schedules were signed by the Board members. The Board also signed
the Funeral Director's licenses for the 1970-71 year. The monthly reports of the staff members were
read and accepted.
Disposal of Garbage and Rubbish
Mr. Walsh gave a progress report to the Board regarding his study of alternate methods of disposing
of garbage and rubbish. One method reported was that the entire city of Jasper, Indiana requires the
using of garbage disposals. (Please note that their population is only 10,000 inhabitants)
The other method reported was the mixing of rubbish and garbage in one municipal collection. This
information sent to us so far is from the following towns: Dracut and Sudbury. Also answering our
survey questionnaire was the City of Somerville who incinerate their refuse; therefore, their
information was of little value to us.
Garbage Collection
Mr. Scanlan informed the Board of the fact that two collections per week are required of the four
garbage contractors, as of April 1, 1970, and that he has sent a letter to each contractor requesting
a bi-weekly collection schedule from them and that their bonds were required before their contract
monies could be released for March, payable on April 20, 1970.
Mumps Clinic
The Board of Health was informed of the successful Mumps Clinics held by the department, with over
2,000 taking advantage of this clinic. The clinic was separated into two different dates: one for grades
1 - 9 held on February 17, 1970, and the other for pre-sehool children 4 - 6 years, held on March 20,
The next scheduled clinic is to be held on May 8, 1970 for German measles. The children eligible for
this clinic are kindergarten, ages 4 - 6; and grades 1- 3.
Code Enforcement
The Board of Health discussed the procedure used in the method of boarding 16-18 Ropes Street.
The City Solicitor, using Reg. 38.1 of Article 2, requested the Board of Health to have the Public
Works Department board the premises and then bill William Simon for the total cost including labor
and materials. This procedure was followed and a bill for $128.79 was sent to Mr. Simon who paid
the same to the City Collector.
15 Lothrop Street: Mrs. Barbara Goldberg, new owner of the property requested a six-month
extension of time. On a motion made and seconded the Board approved this request. Mr. Walsh to
notify Mrs. Goldberg of the Board's decision by letter.
6 Cottage Lane: Mr. George Westerdahl, tenant, has refused to allow the Code Enforcement
Inspector to enter his home for the purpose of making a systematic area inspection of dwelling,
dwelling units, rooming houses, and rooming units in the Code Area as required by the Workable
Program for Community Improvement. On a motion made and seconded, the Board voted to give
permission to Mr. Montoni to seek a search warrant in court for the purpose of inspecting the
dwelling to see if it conforms with the Minimum Standards of Article 2 of the Massachusetts Sanitary
77 - 77 1/2 Cabot Street: Cellar hole next to the Elks Home on Cabot Street owner Mr. Albe Olivolo,
85 Park Avenue, Revere. The attorney is Mr. Joseph Sax, 1 Court Street, Boston. The Board made
a motion giving him seven (7) days to fill this cellar hole or the Board will appropriate General Laws
covering this situation.
South School: Send a letter to Mr. Henry J. Gourdeau, owner of this property, requesting him to fill
in the open cellar hole because it is creating a nuisance by way of being a health and safety hazard.
Montoni brought to the Board's attention that numerous apartment houses in the City do not have
two proper means of egress required by Regulation 12.1 of Article 2 of the Massachusetts Sanitary
Code and Chapter 144 of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Laws, Sections 26 and 37,
The following is a list of the apartments and houses in violation:
Location Owner
48 Bow Street
62 Cabot Street
84 Cabot Street
80 Cabot Street
85 Hale Street
64 Cabot Street
26 Dodge Street
Thomas Santamaria
Thomas Santamaria
Israel Frisch Estate
Israel Frisch Estate
Dr. Cutler
Thomas Santamaria
W. David Crosby
The Board of Health to send a letter, over their signature to the Building Inspector and copies going
to the Mayor, Fire Chief, City Solicitor, President of the Board of Aldermen and Zoning Board,
calling to their attention this serious problem and requesting their assistance in correcting this
situation immediately.
Mr. Cecil Weinstein, owner of 20-23 1/2 Central Street and a representative of the Israel Frisch Estate,
owner of 80 and 84 Cabot Street will appear before the Board of Health at the May meeting to
request a variance regarding the lack of two means of egress from apartments in their respective
Reorganization of Inspectors
Discussion of the Mayor's reorganization of Inspectors was tabled until the next meeting of the
Dr. Fanning
Dr. Fanning resigned as Inspector of Slaughtering effective March 31, 1970. He has also resigned as
Inspector of Animals effective on the same date. The Board of Health wants a temporary arrangement
for the reporting of dog bites and the quarantining of these dogs. The person appointed should be
qualified in making a judgment with regard to these dog bites, rabies, etc. The Board instructed Mr.
Scanlan to write a letter to the Mayor appraising him of the seriousness of not having a qualified
Inspector of Animals.
Burger King Incinerator Request
The incinerator request for Burger King by Incinerator Systems Inc. Chestnut Hill, Mass. was held
over to the next Board meeting.
9 Mill Street
A letter from Mr. Philip Hansbury of 281 Willow Street, South Hamilton regarding the remodeling
of one apartment at a time at 9 Mill Street was read by the Board. The Board told the Code
Enforcement Inspector to use their own judgment in granting this request.
Mr. Hansbury to correct all exterior structural defects to the satisfaction of all City Inspectors and
not to rent any of his apartments until they have been inspected and approved by all the City
Inspectors and given final approval by the Board of Health's Code Enforcement Inspectors.
Luther Hall
Mr. Luther Hall of 31 Patricia Road, West Peabody requested and was granted a 60-day extension
of time to repair 30 Bennett Street, 3 Gage Street, and 21 Bennett Street to the satisfaction of the
Board of Health.
Mr. Montoni
Mr. Montoni requested a Special Meeting of the Board of Health to discuss the Code Enforcement
Program and its organizational structure. This meeting to be held before the next regular monthly
meeting of the Board of Health.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
FOR: Thomas H. Scanlan
Director of Public Health
BY: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.