1995-02-27 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 02/27/1995 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Diane J. Costa, Nancy A. Bender, Edward E. Brindle, Katherine L. Fanning, Margaret C. Goodwin, Neil B~ Olson, Kevin S. O'Reilly, Helga Senko, and John R. Young Board members absent: Others present: Recorder: Anna Langstaff Regular Meeting Board of Trustees - Beverly Public Library February 27, 1995 7:00 PM Present: Diane Costa, Margaret Goodwin, Neil Olson, Kevin 0~,eilly, Helga Senko, John Young. Also Present: Thomas ScuHy, Anna Langstaff. Diane Costa presided. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by Helga Senko, to accept the minutes of January 25, 1995. Motion passed. Diane Costa reported on committee assignments (on file with these minutes). Committee Reports Personnel: Committee will be meeting soon to discuss collective bargaining and Tom Scully's and Anna Langstaffs contracts. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1 ) Long Range Plan: We need to schedule a Long Range Plaani~ Committee meeting to discuss the procedures for developing a long range plan. 2) Mrs, Loring's Stock: Beverly National Bank will cash in stock certificate and deposit in trust account. 3) Local Area Network: Part of LAN is up and running at the Main Library. 4) Globe Article: Beverly Pubtic Library was mentioned in Boston Globe article of February 19, 1995. 5) Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting here on June 1, 1995 at 1 PM. 6) Computer Fair: Fair will be held at Beverly High School on Thursday, April 6. Computer vendors will be offering computers at discounted prices. Financing will be available through local banks. During the preceding two weeks computer vendors will set up samples of their equipment at the Beverly Public Library. 7) Friends Annual Meeting will be Wednesday, April 5. Topic: Information Super Highway. 8) Mayor ScanIon hosted Massachusetts Mayor's Association Meeting at the Beverly Public Library, on February 15, 1995. Attendants were. impressed by the library. Communications 1) Thank you letter received from Nancy Bender. Unfinished Business I ) Community Service Organization Event: Community service organizations will set up tables on the second floor of the library to display their wares, explain their organizations, and talk to interested people. Date will be announced. 2) Farms House Tour: There will be a Farms House Tour Fund Raiser in May. 3) Nancy Bender is working on cocktail party fund raiser. 4) Appraisal Day: Scheduled for the end of September. 5) Commemorative Plaque: Progress is being made on the plaque. New Business l) Road Race: Friends will not hold road race this year. 2) Sunshine Fund: There was a discussion about the sunshine fund. Diane Costa directed that each trustee will contribute $20. Money will be kept in Anna Langstaffs office. 3) Dinner for Nancy Bender: Tentative date: Friday, April 7, 1995. 4) Charter Commission would like to hold a public hearing at the library. 5) John Young inquired whether the Beverly Historical Society would be interested in providing rotating exhibits at the library. 6) Mayor Scardon conveyed to Tom Scully the suggestion of the Beverly Veteran's groups to have a permanent display in the library. A discussion of formulating an exhibit policy followed. Administration Committee will meet on April 24, 1995 at 6:30 PM to discuss the exhibit policy further. The next meeting of the Board will be Monday, March 20, 1.995 at 7:00 PM at the Main Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM. Atom Langstm'r, Recorder