1994-12-19 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 12/19/1994 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Edward E. Brindle, Diane J. Costa, Katherine L. Fanning, Margaret C. Goodwin, George Heller, Nell B. Olson, and Helga Senko Board members absent: Nancy A. Bender, and Margaret L. DeSantis Others present: Recorder: Anna Langstaff Regular Meeting Board of Trustees - Beverly Public Library December 19, 1994 7:00 PM Present: Edward Brindle, Diane Costa, Kay Fanning, Margaret Goodwin, George Heller, Neil Olson, Helga Senko. Also Present~ Thomas Scully, Anna Langstaff Diane Costa presided. Kay Fanning made the motion, seconded by Edward Brindle, to acc~t the minutes of November 21, 1994. Motion passed. Committee Reports Personnel: No report. Administration: No report. Finance: Edward Brindle reported that the Finance Committee met on December 13, 1994 to make recommendations on the FY 95/96 budget. The Finance Committee recommended that the Board approve the proposed budget of $812,838.67. Edward Brindle thanked Neil Olson for filling in on the Finance Committee. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1) Budget: Tom Scully presented proposed FY 95/96 budget (on file with these minutes). Because of the city's new computerized budgeting system cents cannot be entered into any ofthe budget lines. Therefore the figures on this proposed budget vary slightly from the proposed budget recommended by the Finance Committee. The new budgeting system also allows for annotation of budget line items with commentary. The city council will be presented with both types of budgets. The increase in the book budget was necessary because previous allocations from the city were insufficient and the state may change requirements for getting state-aid by eliminating pro-rated appropriations. ff this change goes into effect and the library does riot meet the entire book standard, the library will receive no state-aid nor will it qualify for grants administered by the Board of Library Commissioners. This change will be brought to the attention of city officials. 2 ) School-Library Cooperation: Public school teacher visits are continuing. Children's Department is developing a plan to ensure that every Beverly public school child has a Beverly Public Library card by the end of this school year. NOBLE catalog went on-line at Beverly High School December 13, 1994. Beverly Public Library is the first NOBLE member to have its catalog on-line in a public high school. Eventually, through Internet, Beverly Public School students from all the schools will be able to access our catalog. 3) Technology Planning Meeting: School Supt. Chase asked Tom ScuHy to sit in on meetings for technology planning in the schools. A grant for technology that would include networking with the Beverly Public Librap/is being written. 4) Science and Math Curriculum Committee: Assistant. School Supt. Harutunian asked Tom Scully to be on the Science and Math Curriculum Committee to oversee and rewrite the science and math curriculums. 5) Furniture: Chairs for Children's Room and furniture for toddler area have arrived; still waiting for rest of Children's Room furniture to arrive. 6) Bequest Brochure: Brochures have arrived. Printing costs were donated by Alexander, Femino and Laurenzano. 7) First Night: Beverly Public Library will be the site for some First Night activities. 8) Friends of the Library will underwrite another music concert series next Summer. 9 ) Friends Book Sale raised $1,100. 10 ) New Board Members: On December 19, 1994 the Mayor will submit to the City Council two appointments, John Young and Keyin O~Reilly, to the Library Board. Communications 1) Letter received from Mrs. Augustus P. Loring donating New York Times stock valued at $1,000 to the Beverly Farms Library. Letter will be forwarded to the Finance Committee to raise the question as to the disposition of the trust funds. Unfinished Business 1) By-laws: There was a second reading of the amendment to the Trustees' by-laws, as required by the by-laws. The first reading passed unanimously at the Board meeting of November 21, 1994. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by Kay Fanning, to: amend the by-laws by striking the last sentence of article HI section 3, "The President of the Board and two other members of the Finance Committee or, in the absence of one of the above, another member of the Board of Trustees, shall approve all bills before payment." and insert "The President of the Board and the Chair of the Finance Committee will review library expenditures not less than quarterly." Motion passed. Copy will be filed with City Clerk. 2) Budget: Because of slight variation due to rounding off in proposed FY95/96 budget, the Finance Committee Chair agreed to present to the Board a budget of $812,839. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by Kay Fanning, to: accept the recommendations of the Finance Committee Chair to accept the FY95/96 budget of $812,839 and advise the Director to forward it to City Hall for approval. Motion carded. New Business 1 ) Next regular Board meeting is scheduled for January 16, 1995 Martin Luther King Day. The library will be closed. Meeting date will be January 23, 1995 instead. The next meeting of the Board will be Monday, January 23, 1995 at 7:00 PM at the Main Library. The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be Monday, January 23, 1995 at 6:45 PM at the Main Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM. Anna Langstaff, Recorder BEVERLY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY-LAWS ARTICLE I- Name This organization shah bc called the "Board of Trustees of the Beverly Public Librmy", existing by the provisions of Chapter 78, sections 11-12 of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as amended, and by the provisions of the Beverly Revised Ordinances, Chapter 12, sections 1-6, and shall exercise the power and authority, and shall assume the responsibilities delegated to it under these statutes. ARTICLE lI - Organization Section 1 - The officers sh~_l be a President and a Secretary. Each shall serve a term of one year. Section 2 - Election of officers will take place at the regular February meeting of the Board, or at a special meeting called after the confirmation of the new trustees by the City Council. Notice of this meeting shall be given to the Trustees by mail by the Library Director. Nominations shall be made from the floor. ff more than one candidate is nominated for either office, the voting for the office shall be by written ballot. Section 3 - The President shall preside at all meeting of the Board, shall appoint the members of all committees, shall authorize special meeting, and shall execute all documents required by the Board. The President or a designated representative, and the Lfl~rary Director, shall represent the Board in all matters before the City Council and the Mayor. Section 4 - The Secretary shall, in the absence of the President, assume and perform the duties of that office. ARTICLE HI - Committees F~-tton 1 - The President shah appoint four members to the following standing commim~es during the month following the orgm~tional meetin~ A: Committee on A__c!ministration B: Committee on Finance C: Committee on Personnel D' Committee on Long Range Planning The President shall be a voting member of each committee. The Library Director simll be ~v~ilable for information, records, etc., so that these committees can function properly. ~'tion 2 - The Co~mi~e on Administration shall oversee all buildings, grounds, andvehicles~ shall evaluate necessary repairs, and shall exercise such other respons~ilities as the Board shah authorize. Section 3 - The Committee on Finance shall review the annual budget as prepared by the Library Director and shaR present it to the full Board for discussion, revision, and approval. They shall have responsibility for the presemation of the proposed budget to the Mayor, City Council, and appropriate state agency. The President of the Board and the Chair of the Finance Committee will review library expenditures not less then quarterly. Section 4 - The Committee on Personnel shaH, when necessary, reco~end to the full Board the appointment of a Library Direaor or an Assistant Library Dire~or. The Committee shall keep apprizod of collective bargaining negotiations and make recommendations to the full Board on collective bargalmn'g agreements, employee grievances, and other personnel policy matters. The policies shah conform in every respect to city ordinances, state statutes and collective bargaining agreements. SeEfloE 5 - The Committee on Long Range Planning shall prepare and from time to time review and update a Long Range Plan for the library. The Committee shah prepare the plan with the assistance of the library administrators, librm7 staff, interested citizens, library professionals and consultants. The Committee shall recommend adoption and or ahanges in the plan to the full Board. ARTICLE IV - Meetings Section I - The regular meetings of the Board of T~, shall be held monthly, except daring July and August. Five ~ shah constitute a quorum. In the event that two consecutive regularly s~heduled meetings are not held because of the lack of a quorum; four members shah constitute a quorum for the next meeting. Seeti~n2-~pecialmeetings~ftheB~ardmaybecal~edbythePresidentatanytime.Exceptinanemergency~ 48 hours notice shall be given to each member for a special meeting. Only the business for which the special meeting is called will be in order, unless, by unanimous consent the Board shah suspend the rules to take up other business. Seaion 3 - The order of business for the regular meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the following items: A: Roll Call of the members B: Disposition of minutes of previous meetings C: Committ~ reports D: P,c~ort of the Library Director E: CommtmicAltions F: Unfinished Business G: New business H: Public presentation to, digussion with the Board Section 4 - Business shah be Wansacted by voice vote. At the request of three ngmbers, a roll call shah be taken. In all such cases, every member present, including the President shall vote; except that a meraber may request permission to abstain from voting in any cas~ where doing so may result in a conflict of interest. SecfloE 5 - A motion to adjourn or to lay a matter on the table shah be decided without debate. ARTICLE V- Amendments The by-laws may be amended by a majority of the members of the Boani TIg proposed amendment shall be made at any reg~__lar meeting of the Board, and it shall be held over until the next regular meeting for final action. rev. 12/19/94 Account Number Account Name FY1995 FY1995 FYlgg6 CHANGE PER CENT Appropriated Expended thru 11/30 Proposed 041-5110 Building Custodian $53,189.G0 $27,418.96 $52,166.40 ($1.003.20) 51105 Ubrary Director $40,512.68 $40,512.68 S0.1X) 51106 Assistant LibraW Director $34,549.84 $34,549.84 SO.a0 01-108.5110 Full Tim Staff $286,806,48 $280,162.38 $283,963.04 ($2,853.44) -0.99% 01-21 7-5110 Part Time Staff $127,534.19 $81 ,g35.00 $131,149.34 $3,615.15 2.83% 01-171-5130 Oveffime $10,229.57 $25,587.04 $10,229.57 SO.00 0.00% O1-151-5140 Longevity $1,700.00 $2,100.00 $2,250.00 $5513.00 32.35% 01-168-5140 Night Differential $402.80 $12.00 $402.80 SO.IX) 0.00% Buy Back SO.aO $9,883.15 SO.OO $0.00 PERSONNEL TOTALS $554,905.16 $427,098.53 $555,213,67 Account Number Accxxmt Name FY1995 FY1995 FY 1996 CHANGE PER CENT Appropriated Expertled thru 11/30 Proposed CHANGE O1-102-5450 Custodlal Supplies $3,000.00 $5,O48.31 $3,0a0.00 SO.oo o.ao% 01-124-5210 Eledridty $85,000.00 $32,590.05 $65,000.00 SO.IX) 0.00% 01-136-5240 Equipment Repak $500.00 $1,94301 IS30.00 SO.00 0.00% 01-182-5210 Heating Fuel $30,aao.a0 $17,881.97 $30,000.c0 SO.IX) o.ao% 01-134-5430 Equipment New SO.00 SO.IX) SO.00 SO,00 0.00% 01-~ Library Supplies $1,500.00 $1,6139.90 $4,500.00 $3,000.a0 200.00% 01-448-.5240 Vehicle Maintarence $225.00 $173.83 $225.00 SO.00 0.00% 01.4381 -5240 Compute Maintertance $25,0a0.00 $19,280.61 $29,000.a0 $4,000.00 16.00% 01-252-5420 Material Preparation $13.00 $13.00 SO.a0 SO.00 ERR 01-272-5420 Office Supplies $3,0O0.00 $2,825.48 $3,aao.oo So.ao 0.00% 01S Printing $t ,500.00 $1,362.56 $1,500.ao So.ao 0.0o% 01-317-5510 Library Materials $50,0130.00 $4,306.53 $1 lo,oao.ao $60,aao.ao 120.a0% 01-330-5240 Repairs $1,000.00 $1,616.80 $1 ,ooo.ao SO.00 0.00% ii i1,1 I I I II II III I I i · MAINTENANCE TOTALS $190,625.a0 $96,194.47 $257,625.a0 $57,000.00 35.15% ii ii ii i