1970-10-22 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 10/22/1970
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Howard W. Cole, Diane M. Isenberg, Robert W.
Lovett, Albert J. Rieci, Barbara D. Risley, and Carolyn F. Standley
Board members absent: Mieth Maeser, and Dr. Cornelius J. Murray
Others present:
Recorder: Florence A. Luther
Thursday, October 22, 1970 4 P.M.
The regular meeting was held at the Library on the above date. Present were Mrs. Conrad, presiding,
Mr. Rieci, Miss StandIcy, Mr. Lovett, Mrs. Risley, Mrs. Isenberg and Mr. Cole.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Financial sheets were presented.
Mrs. Conrad reported specifications for Children's Room painting & plastering would be
drawn up by Mr. Freeman.
Mrs. Isenberg inquired about availability of Spanish language books.
Coordinated pant suits for staff were approved.
Mr. Lovett reported on informative visit of Mrs. Flynn, of the Bureau of Library Extension.
Purpose of her visit was to inform Board of availability of Federal funds and standards for
receiving grant. She also showed slides of addition to Marlborough Library.
Mrs. Conrad reported on meeting of Building Commission; and that Mr. Shaffer, Director of
Library Science at Simmons College, had been contacted in regard to serving as a consultant.
It was suggested that Mr. Francis P. Keough, Director of Springfield City Library, and Mr.
Joseph Schmuck of Belmont Memorial Library also be considered.
Reports of Department heads presented. Staff members had attended NELA meetings at
Wentworth and North Shore meeting in Gloucester.
Letter from Virginia R. Pelletier of Hardie School expressing displeasure that parking lot had
been closed to teachers for all day parking. Librarian instructed to write suggesting a meeting
with her.
Letter from Carolyn Henebry of the League of Women Voters stating unit study for this year
will be Beverly Public Library and asking for cooperation from Librarian and Board. Librarian
already set up meeting for Nov. 18 after telephone conversation with Mrs. Jane Schwartz.
Letter from Bureau of Library Commissioners inviting Trustees, Head Librarian and municipal
government official to meeting at Andover Memorial Hall Library, November 3 for
explanation of new State Aid law (G. L. Ch. 636, Acts of 1970).
VOTED that proposed budget be approved.
VOTED that a letter be sent to the Mayor stating Building Commission and Board request time for
filing Capital Budget report be extended to March 1, 1971.
Edwards & Kelsey Planning Program on the Library needs for the projected 20 years was reviewed.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M.
Florence A. Luther