1970-06-18 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 06/18/1970
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, Howard W. Cole, Diane M. Isenberg, Robert W.
Lovett, Mieth Maeser, Dr. Cornelius J. Murray, Albert J. Rieei, Barbara D. Risley, and Carolyn F.
Board members absent:.
Others present:
Recorder: Florence A. Luther
Thursday, June 18, 1970 4 P.M..
The regular meeting was held at the Library on the above date. Present were Mrs. Conrad, Mr. Ricei,
Miss Standley, Dr. Murray, Mr. Maeser, Mrs. Risley, Mrs. Isenberg and Mr. Cole.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and corrected.
Financial sheet was studied.
VOTED to strap and plaster walls in the Children's Room. Faulk Brothers are to be contacted
for an estimate. (Dr. Murray and Miss StandIcy)
VOTED to request additional funds from the Mayor if the estimates indicate this is necessary.
(Dr. Murray and Miss StandIcy)
VOTED to purchase from the General Fireproofing Company six tables (30 by 72 inches) in
teak finish. (Dr. Murray and Mrs. Isenberg)
Reports of the department heads were read. These included some suggestions for future
It was reaffmned that non-resident students would pay $10 deposit for library privileges. That
$10 is to be refunded at the end of the school year. That non-residents pay $10 annually
unless borrowing through Inter-Library Loan.
From Eastern Regional Public Library System concerning Postal Reform Bill (HR 17070).
From Austin D. Kilham giving Library copy of genealogy of Kilham family.
Librarian was instructed to furnish each trustee with a copy of 1960 survey of the Library. This
survey was done by Mrs. Alice Cahill of the Mass. Division of Library Extension.
VOTED that up to $200 be spent for atlas stand for the Reference Room. (Dr. Murray and Miss
VOTED to close July 3 at noon or when City Hall closes. (Mrs. Isenberg)
Brought to the attention of the Board was the fact that the League of Women Voters will study
operations of the Beverly Public Library as part of its program for 1970-71.
Also, that the Women's Liberation group is compiling a bibliography for Library use.
Lengthy discussion of future planning followed. All trustees were requested to formulate suggestions.
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M.
Florence A. Luther