1993-05-24 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 05/24/1993
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Nancy A. Bender, Edward E. Brindle, Diane J. Costa, Margaret L.
DeSantis, Katherine L. Fanning, Margaret C. Goodwin, George Heller, and Helga Senko
Board members absent: Nell B. Olson
Others present:
Recorder: Sheila Glowacki
May 24, 1993
Nancy Bender called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
PRESENT: Nancy Bender, Helga Senko, Diane Costa, George Heller, Kay Fanning Margaret
DeSantis, Edward Brindle, Margaret Goodwin. ABSENT: Nell Olson.
MOTION: By Diane, Costa; seconded by Margaret Goodwin to approve the minutes of the previous
meeting. SO VOTED.
1 ) Changes in the state bidding laws (Section 30 B) require that NOBLE, our automation
network, adopt a vendor relationship with network libraries. To avoid conflicts of interest
and to allow NOBLE to operate in the new environment; boards of trustees will no longer
vote on NOBLE membership or budget, but will vote to approve the contract with NOBLE
instead. Middlesex Community College and Bunker Hill Community College have become
members of NOBLE and Roxbury Community College and the Revere Public Library have
expressed interest in joining.
2) Construction continues on the new library with the contractor anticipating a completion
date in July. This is probably an optimistic date.
3 ) In an effort to reduce the volume of phone calls which is tying up staff at the reference and
circulation desks, the library will discontinue renewing books by telephone effective June 30.
4) The budget tor Fiscal 1994 is still. be prepared by the Mayor. It is unclear what the Mayor
will submit for a library budget and when the Board of Aldermen will pass the budget.
5) The Friends of the Beverly Farms Library conducted their Showcase of Homes fund raiser
for the Farms Branch Library raising about $11,000. The Friends of the Beverly Public
Library held their 4th annual Library Road Race raising about $1,000.
6) Discussions are continuing with Mrs. Louisa Conrad regarding the donation of the new
Children's Room by the Loring Family. The Rotary Club has offered to donate the Arts and
Crmls Room. Max Rubinstein has agreed to try to
find someone to lead a fund raising drive to furnish the new library.
7) Tom Scully reported that the City does not have an audit showing the individual balances
in each trust fund account. All that is available is an audit for the Imp sum of all trust funds.
Nancy Bender reported that she will talk to the family of John J. Bates regarding another golf
tournament as a library fund raiser. Skinner's Gallery will not repeat the appraisal day as they
have a policy not to do repeat appraisals for the same organization in consecutive years.
Nancy Bender asked agreement to have a Long Range Planning Committee meeting at 7:00
p.m. before the regular Board meeting on June 21st.
Tom Scully suggested that the Board invite the School. Committee to participate in a joint
planning process for future library service.
MOTION: By Ed Brindle; seconded by Kay Fanning to authorize the Library Director to send a letter
to the School Committee inviting them to participate in a joint library planning process. SO VOTED.
Diane Costa announced that Laura Davis may become the new observer from the League of Women
MOTION: By Kay Fanning to adjourn. SO VOTED.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas F. Scully
Library Director