1992-04-27 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 04/27/1992 Place: Beverly Public Libraxy Board members present: Nancy A. Bender, Edward E. Brindle, Margaret L. DeSantis, Katherine L. Fanning, Margaret C. Goodwin, Neil B. Olson, Helga Senko, and Nathan T. Shindler Board members absent: Diane J. Costa Others present: Recorder: Sheila Glowacki Beverly Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting April 27, 1992 7:30 PM Present: Nancy Bender, Edward Brindle, Margaret DeSantis, Margaret Goodwin, Kay Fanning Neil Olson, Helga Senko and Toby Shindler. Also present: Thomas Scully and Sheila Glowacki. Nancy Bender presided. Disposition of the minutes of the previous meeting: Margaret Goodwin moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion passed. No committee reports. Report of the Librarian: 1) Building project is ahead of schedule. Foundation is being poured and structural steel will start going up mid May. 2) Director, Assistant Director and Architect visited newly opened Plymouth Public Library to compare projects. 3 ) Montserrat School of Art wants to move into the top two floors of the I-Iardle Building and have approached the Mayor concerning this. Margaret Goodwin moved that the Board go on record as supporting the move of Montserrat to the Hardie Building. Motion passed. 4) Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Margolis would like to sell their house at 17 Dane Street to the city for the Library project. The Building Commission will contact the Mayor concerning this. Communication: 1 ) A letter was received from the Board of Library Commissioners stating that we have received a waiver and will. receive state aid funds this year. 2) A letter was received from the Director requesting May 5 - 19 for vacation. Unfinished business: 1) Appraisal day will be held September 26, from 10 - 3 at the Cove Community Center. 2) The Long Range Planning Committee would like to have printed a promotional brochure printed to encourage giving to the library for an endowment fund. The cost of having this brochure produced would be from $2800 - $3200. Neil Olson moved to proceed with the plans. Motion passed. Next meeting will be held May 18. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. SheHa Glowacid Recorder