1990-04-23 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 04/23/1990 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Nancy A. Bender, Edward E. Brindle, Diane J. Coshi, Katherine L. Fanning, Neil B. Olson, Helga Senko, and Nathan T. Shindler Board members absent: Susan M. Salt Others present: Recorder: Sheila Glowacki Regular Meeting Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library April 23, 1990 7:30 PM Present: Nancy Bender, Edward Brindle, Diane Costa, Kay Fanning, Neil Olson, Helga Senko and Toby Shindler. Also present: Thomas Scully, Sheila Gtowacki and Margaret DeSantis. Nancy Bender presided. Disposition of the minutes of the previous meeting: Ed Brindle moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted. Motion passed. Public presentation to, discussion with the board: The chairman introduced Margaret DeSantis who is interested in becoming a member of the Board. Committee reports: Personnel: No report. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Librarian: 1) We submitted a budget to City Hall this year that included $10,000. less for books. The Mayor came back and asked us to cut another $25,000. from the book account making it a 33% cut in books from last year. The total city budget will be submitted to the Board of Aldermen on May 7. A letter was received from the Board of Library Commissioners stating that they will waive the per capita standard and the percentage spent on books as requirements to receive state aid as long as the local city or town does not cut its library's budget greater than any other department. 2) The building project is still on hold. The statewide committee that's lobbying for the grant money is having a series of open houses on the weekend of May 19. The state was divided into eight regions and each library will host legislators from adjacent communities. Members of this committee including our director have an appointment with the governor on May 14 to lobby for this project. 3) Tom presented a landscaping plan that was paid for by the Beverly Farms Improvement Society for memorial plantings at the Beverly Farms Branch. Ed Brindle moved to accept with thanks to the Beverly Farms Improvement Society the landscaping plan for the Beverly Farms Branch Library produced by Randall and Rich and dated January 1990. We express our appreciation for the work and effort that the Beverly Farms Improvement Society has put into this project on our behalE Motion passed. Kay Fanring moved that we restrict any planting done at the Farms to only things that conform to this plan. Motion passed. Communications: A communication was read from the Assistant Director requesting a leave of absence for the purpose of finishing degree work in Public Administration. Neil Olson moved that the Board of Trustees grant the Assistant Director a paid leave of absence to finish her degree work subsequent to approval of the Board of Aldennen. Motion passed. The next meeting of the Board will be May 14, 1990. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. A demonstration of an on-line card catalog was given after the meeting. Shdla Glowacki - Recorder