1990-02-26 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 02/26/1990
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Nancy A. Bender, Edward E. Brindle, Diane J. Costa, Neil B. Olson,
Helga Senko, and Nathan T. Shindler
Board members absent: Katherine L. Fanning, and Susan M. Salt
Others present:
Recorder: Sheila Glowacki
Regular Meeting
Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library
February 26, 1990 7:30 PM
Present: Nancy Bender, Edward Brindle, Diane Costa, Frances McCarthy, Nell Olson, Helga Senko
and Toby Shindler.
Also present: Thomas Scully and Sheila Glowacki.
Nancy Bender presided.
Election of officers was held.
Toby Shindler nominated Nancy Bender for Chairman, seconded by Diane Costa. There being no
other nominations, Diane Costa moved that the nominations be closed seconded by Neil Olson.
Motion passed. The secretary cast an unanimous ballot for Nancy Bender for Chairman.
Fran McCarthy nominated Diane Costa for Secretary, seconded by Toby Shindler. There being no
other nominations, Fran McCarthy moved that nominations be closed seconded by Ed Brindle. The
Chairman instructed the Secretary to cast an unanimous ballot for Diane Costa for Secretary.
Nancy Bender presided over the remainder of the meeting.
Disposition of mutes of the previous meeting: Ed Brindle moved that the minutes of the previous
meeting be accepted. Motion passed.
Committee reports: Personnel: No report.
Administration: No report. There will be a meeting of the committee this Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Finance: Ed Brindle reported on the meeting of the committee held Saturday, February 24. The
committee presented a level funded budget in the mount of $780,156.16 to the full Board for
approval. Neil Olson moved that the proposed FY 91 budget be accepted. Motion passed.
Long Range Planning: No r~port.
Report of the Librarian: 1 ) The Director disml~uted an organizational chart of the library staff. 2) The
bookmobile has been vandalized. The telephone was stolen and the side of the truck has been spray
painted with yellow paint. We are in the process of getting a price for a twelve foot chain link. 3) We
are also getting a price to light the back of the building since one night a man hiding in the bushes
frightened a patron walking from the parking lot to the building. 3 ) The skylight in the Will Barnet
Room is still leaking. We are getting an estimate to have it fixed. 4) The oil tanks are leaking and
need to be replaced. 5) The asbestos still needs to be removed.
Communications: 1) A letter was received from the Board of Library Commissioners stating that we
received our state aid this year. 2) Tony Tappe sent a letter to the Mayor stating that he will start
charging interest on the unpaid balance on his bill to the city for architectural work. 3 ) A letter was
received from the Director of the Boston University Library in response to a letter from Alderman
Unfinished business: I) The proposed revised bylaws were discussed. All the revisions discussed at
the last meeting were made. Nancy Bender suggested that the first paragraph be rewritten to eliminate
the repeated use of the word "and." Neil Olson moved that the changes be made and the final
document be presented at the next meeting for approval by the Board. Motion passed. 2) Diane Costa
had viewed the video on the duties of a Trustees and encouraged others to view it. 3) Trustee
vacancies were discussed. Possible candidates include Margaret DeSantis, Margaret Goodwin and
Roy Gelineau.
New business: Committee assignments were discussed. Current members will continue on their
respective committees.
The next meeting ofthe Board will be March 19 at 7:30 PM.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Sheila Glowacki - Recorder