1989-03-01 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 03/01/1989
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Susan M. Salt, Nancy A. Bender, Edward E. Brindle, Diane J. Costa,
Katherine L. Fanning~ Frances J. McCarthy, Kevin J. Murphy, Nell B. Olson~ and Nathan T.
Board members absent:
Others present:
Recorder: Sheila Glowacid
Regular Meeting
Board of Trustees - - Beverly Public Library
Wednesday, March 1, 1989
Present: Nancy Bender, Edward Brindle, Diane Costa, Fran McCarthy, Neff Olson, Susan Salt, Toby
Also present: Thomas Scully, Sheila Glowacid, Nancy Tripp.
Susan Salt presided.
Election of officers was held.
Toby Shindler nominated Nancy Bender to the office of Chairman seconded by Diane Costa. There
being no other nominations a vote was taken. Nancy Bender was elected unanimously as Chairman
for the coming year. Nancy Bender nominated Diane Costa to the office of Secretary seconded by
Edward Brindle. There being no other nominations a vote was taken. Diane Costa was elected
unanimously as Secretary for the coming year.
Toby Shindler moved that the Board send a letter to Susan Salt expressing their appreciation for all
of the time, energy and effort she gave and the wonderful job she did as Chairman over the last year.
Motion passed.
Nancy Bender presided over the remainder of the meeting.
Disposition of the minutes of the of the previous meeting: Edward Brindle moved that the minutes
of the previous meeting be accepted. Motion passed.
Committee Reports: Administration: No report.
Finance: Concerning next year's budget, the proposed raises for the Director and Assistant
Director were discussed. A letter had been received from City Hall instructing departments not to
include raises for Department Heads and Assistants, so the raises originally approved for the Director
and Assistant Director were omitted. The Board decided to attach a later to the submitted budget
indicating the original raises proposed for the Director and Assistant Director.
Personnel: Work is being done on the Assistant Director's contract.
Long Range Planning: No report.
Librarian's report: 1) The Board of Aldermen passed our supplemental budget request to fund the
union contract to a first reading at their last meeting and will pass it to a final reading this Monday
night. We are waiting for legislation to be drafted by the City Solicitor and approved by the legislature
which will allow us to pay that salary retroactive for the 1986/87 fiscal year. 2) The new Farms
Branch Librarian, Lori Stalteri, started last Tuesday. Lori is from the Buffalo Erie County and has
had extensive experience in branch and children's work. 3) A petition has been put up in the Beverly
Room and half of the room will be used for a browsing, sitting and studying area for the Young
Adults. We hope this will alleviate the overcrowding in the hallway to the Children's Room.
Last year the circulation in the Young Adult Department was up almost 40%. 5) We have scheduled
a couple of computer training seminars for the supervisory staff. 6) We have met with an
organizational consultant who is going to present a proposal for teaching the staff to deal with
organizational issues on an ongoing basis. 7) The State is expecting to make a preliminary award for
the building construction programs on April 6.
Communications: A letter was read from Senator Berry to the Board of Library Commissioners
expressing his support and urging the funding of our building project.
New Business: Mr. Scully reported that the Building Commission met and voted to ask for an
appropriation of $75,000. to keep the architect working until the announcement on April 6. Both the
Mayor and Finance Director indicated that the City did not have the money. The Chairman of the
Building Commission will meet with the Mayor next week to come up with a strategy for funding the
architect. A discussion was held concerning the vacant Trustees position.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Sheila Glowacki - Recorder