1988-12-19 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 12/19/1988
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Susan M. Salt, Nancy A. Bender, Diane J. Costa, Katherine L.
Fanning, Kevin J. Murphy, Neil B. Olson, and Nathan T. Shindler
Board members absent: Edward E. Brindle, and Frances J. McCarthy
Others present:
Recorder: Shells Glowaeki
Regular Meeting
Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library
Monday, December 19, 1988 7:00 PM
Present: Nancy Bender, Diane Costs, Kay Fanning, Kevin Murphy, Neil Olson, Susan Salt, Toby
Also present: Thomas Scully and Sheila Glowacki.
Susan Salt presided.
Disposition of the minutes of the previous meeting: Nancy Bender moved that the minutes of the
previous meeting be accepted. Motion passed.
Committee reports:
Administration: No report.
Finance: No report.
Personnel: Assistant Directors contract is pending.
Long Range Planning: Nancy Bender reported that the Friends of the Library and League of
Women Voters have been calling citizens to encourage them to contact there Aldermen
concerning the library building project.
Librarian's report: 1) The $35 million state construction money is not frozen. It is still in the state
agency line item and they are proceeding with the grant round. 2) The grant application for our
building project is almost completed. 3) The fire marshal did an inspection of the main library building
and recommended that we restrict access to the stack area. 4) The city painters are in the process of
painting the basement work area and meeting rooms. 5) The Aldermen are voting tonight on the
funding for the building project. Three options include: a) $8 million unconditional, b) $8 million on
the condition of some state aid, c) $11/2 million with the balance conditional on some state aid. 6)
A conditional purchase and sales agreement for the Dalton property is being reviewed by the Dalton
family. 7) A letter from Arthur Weeks was read requesting a military leave of absence. Neil Olson
moved that the matter be referred to and decided by the Personnel Committee and the Director.
Motion passed. 8) The confidentiality policy passed by the NOBLE consortium was discussed. This
policy concerns patron records. Nancy Bender moved that the Board adopt the policy. Motion
passed. 9) The retirement party for Joan Horgan will be January 7. 10) Toby Shindler moved that the
Board reimburse the Assistant Director for transportation and meals to attend the ALA midwinter
conference, to interview candidates for the Branch Librarian position. Motion passed.
The next meeting will be January 23, at 7:30.
Meeting adjourned at 7: 50.
Sheila Glowacki - Recorder