1988-09-19 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 09/19/1988
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Susan M. Salt, Nancy A. Bender, Edward E. Brindle, Diane J. Costa,
Katherine L. Fanning, Frances J. McCarthy, Kevin J. Murphy, Neil B. Olson, and Nathan T.
Board members absent:
Others present:
Recorder: Sheila Glowacki
Regular Meeting
Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library
Monday, September 19, 1988 7:30 PM
Present: Nancy Bender, Edward Brindle, Diane Costa, Kevin Murphy, Neil Olson, Susan Salt, Toby
Also Present: Thomas Scully and Sheila Glowacki
Susan Salt presided.
Disposition of the minutes of the previous meeting: Nancy Bender moved that the minutes of the
previous meeting be accepted. Motion passed.
Public presentation to, discussion with the Board: Tom introduced our three new employees: Nancy
Bonne - Children's Room Assistant, John Brice - Branch Librarian, and Jennifer Lukas - Children's
Committee reports:
Administration: No report.
Finance: No report.
Personnel: Committee is in the process of working on contract for the Assistant Director
Long Range Planning: Now that two new department heads are on board the staff will meet
again to prioritize the suggested goals of the library and will meet again with the L.R.P.
committee this fall.
Librarian's Report: 1) Farms circulation for July was up 30% from last July. August was up 54% over
last August. 2) Shirley Marchalonis has asked permission to quote from the Lucy Larcom letters in
our collection. 3) W'fil Barnet has proposed establishing a trust fund in the library's behalf. The intent
of the trust is to provide a continuing fund to support arts activities in the Will Barnet Room. The
City Solicitor sees no problem in accepting the trust. Mr. Barnet will give original prints or first runs
of prints to Mr. Rubinstein who will in tum sell the prints and the proceeds will go into the trust fund.
4) Mr. Scully distributed a copy of an organizational chart of the library. He discussed the current
staffing situation and where he sees it heading. 5) Regarding the union contract we believe we have
a settlement agreement. We had two mediation sessions with the state mediator. It has not yet been
presented to the employees for ratification. 6) The aldermen approved $98,000 this summer. This will
fund the architectural work through the schematic design phase. At the completion of this phase we
will have firm figures for the building addition. 7) Tom distributed copies of the library newsletter
which has been printed by the Patten Vocational School. 8) Over the summer we acquired InfoTrac
for the Reference room to replace our Magazine Index. 9) The new Bookmobile schedule was
distributed. We are now on the road four days a week. 10) The Monday Moming Senior Citizen's
Program has moved to the Second Congregational Church in North Beverly. The attendance went
from 50-60 last year to 96 last week. 11) We will be starting up story hour again both at the Main
library and the Farms. 12) Tom gave credit to Suzanne Nichelson and Susan Innocenti who received
commendation in the preface of a new book on mystery writers. 13) Additional shelving was
purchased for the Reference room and the lobby to accommodate books that were purchased during
the last fiscal year, and the shelves were filled July 1. So we are now taking books from the collection
and storing them in the Yellow Room, to make room for new books. 14) Book storage during
construction was discussed. The Will Barnet room and the lecture hall at the Farms will hold the
books but we will still need storage space for our back files of magazines.
Assistant Director's Report: Sheila Glowacki reported on the ALA Conference that was held in New
Orleans in July. Workshops attended included: supervision, communications, organizational goals,
new technologies for libraries. 16 candidates were interviewed for the two library positions and library
vendors were visited at the exhibit area.
Communications: In regard to the request from Shirley Marchalonis to quote the Lucy Larcom letters
in her book, Nancy Bender moved to grant permission. Motion carried.
New business: 1) Nancy Bender moved to send a letter of thanks each to the Mayor and the Board
of Aldermen for the $98,000 to continue the architectural work. Motion passed. 2) Neil Olson moved
to accept the Will Barnet Trust. Motion passed. 3) The matter of moving the Dalton house onto
library property was discussed. The Board requested that the Director research the source of the land
on which the parking lot presently stands. 4) Neil Olson moved to delegate authority to the Director
to vote on the NOBLE By-laws as he sees fit. Motion passed. 5) Toby Shindler moved that the library
be closed the Saturday before Christmas and the Saturday before New Year's. Motion passed.
The Friends of the Beverly Farms Branch are having an open house on Tuesday, October 25 at 7:30
P.M. to meet the new librarian, John Brice and tour the library since it's been painted.
The next Board meeting will be Monday October 17, 1988 at 7:30 P.M.
Motion to adjourn at 8:45 P.M.
Sheila Glowacki - Recorder