1988-05-16 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 05/16/1988 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Susan M. Salt, Nancy A. Bender, Edward E. Brindle, Diane J. Costa~ Katherine L. Fanning, Frances J. McCarthy, Kevin J. Murphy, Nell B. Olson, and Nathan T. Shindler Board members absent: Others present: Recorder: Sheila Glowaeki Regular Meeting Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library Monday, May 16, 1988 7:30 PM Present: Nancy Bender, Edward Brindle, Diane Costa, Kay Fanning, Fran McCarthy, Kevin Murphy, Neil Olson, Susan Salt, Toby Shindler. Also Present: Tom Scully, Sheila Glowacki Susan Salt presided. Disposition of the minutes of the previous meetins~: Kay Fanning moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Motion passed. Committee reports: Administration: No report. Finance: The library's budget heating will be May 31 at City Hall. Personnel: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Librarian's Report: 1) Concerning contract negotiations, we are on a list waiting for the first available mediator. 2) We will be participating in the new Centrex phone system that City Hall will be installing in July. 3) Budget hearing is May 3 1. The Director and Assistant Director have already met with the Mayor, Finance Director and Chairman of the Finance Committee concerning the budget. 4) Toby Shindler moved upon the Director's recommendation that the library be closed on July 2. Motion passed. 5) Mr. Scully spoke with the City Planner concerning availability of buildings to house our book collection for the two years that the library is under construction. U.S.M. may be available. 6) The coordinator of the Monday Morning group sees no problem in relocating the group as long as we can find a space for them. Several sites are being investigated. 7) The departmere heads, Director and Assistant Director met and came up with a list often items that were believed to be appropriate goals for the library. This list was presented to the Long Range Planning Committee and a meeting was set up for June 8 for the L.R.P. Committee and the staff to further discuss the goals for the library. Unfinished business: The Board decided to take Kathy Henrichon out to dinner on Tuesday, May 24 at the Depot to show their appreciation for her years of service as Chairman of the Board. The next meeting will be held Monday, June 27. The meeting adjoumed at 8:25 PM. Sheila Glowacki - Recorder