1988-02-11 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Date: 02/11/1988
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Nancy A. Bender, Edward E. Brindle, Diane I. Costa, Katherine L.
Fanning, Frances J. McCarthy, and Susan M. Salt
Board members absent: Kevin J. Murphy, Neil B. Olson, and Nathan T. Shindler
Others present:
Recorder: Sheila Glowaeki
Regular Meeting
Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library
Thursday, February 11, 1988 7:35 PM
Present: Nancy Bender, Edward Brindle, Diane Costa, Kay Fanning, Frances McCarthy, Susan Salt
Also Present: Tom Scully and Sheila Glowacki
Election of officers was held. Kay Fanning nominated Susan Salt for Chairman of the Board. Fran
McCarthy seconded the motion. There being no other nominations, Kay Fanning moved that the
nominations be closed. Fran McCarthy seconded the motion. Susan Salt was unanimously elected
Chairman by the Board. Diane Costa nominated Nancy Bender Secretary of the Board, seconded by
Fran McCarthy. There being no other nominations, Kay Fanning moved that nominations be closed,
seconded by Fran McCarthy. Nancy Bender was unanimously elected Secretary of the Board.
Susan Salt presided over the remainder of the meeting.
Disposition of the minutes of the previous meeting: Kay Fanning moved that the minutes of the
previous meeting be approved, seconded by Fran McCarthy. Motion passed.
Committee reports:
Personnel: No report.
Administration: No report.
Finance: Tom Scully presented and explained the FY 89 budget. Fran McCarthy moved that
the FY 88/89 budget be approved as presented with the following amendments: $100. be
added to Home bound Delivery and $100. be subtracted from Electricity. Motion passed.
The Director then discussed the fact that the computer maintenance account was inadvertently
omitted from the FY 87/88 budget. Fran McCarthy moved that the Board request that the
Board of Aldermen transfer $7200. from Salaries to Computer Maintenance. Motion passed.
Long Range Planning: No report.
Libradan's Report: 1) A communication was received from Adaptive Environments, a nonprofit
organization that conducts handicapped access audits of buildings. A discussion was held as to
whether we would conduct a survey of the branch. It was decided to wait on this matter. 2) We have
received requests from organized daycare providers to attend our story hours. If this were allowed,
one daycare facility could completely fill a story hour session. It was decided that each parent must
register their own child for story hour.
Unfinished business: 1 ) The Esther Calish memorial dedication will be May 15. Nancy Bender and
Diane Costa volunteered to work on a committee for refreshments and programs and invitations. 2)
A gift for Kathy Hemichon, immediate past chairman was discussed. 3) The building commission will
meet February 24, 7:00 PM.
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Monday, March 21, at 7:30 PM.
Meeting adjoumed at 8:55 PM.
Sheila Glowacki - Recorder