ECDC meeting minutes from 12-10-2020-final�M
Beverly, Massachusetts 01915
Phone (978) 921 -6000
Fax (978) 921 -6187
Michael P. Cahill
Neiland Douglas
City Council President Paul Guanci
William Howard
Darlene Wynne
Richard Marino
Michael Collins
Michael O'Brien
Denise Deschamps
Richard Vincent
City Council President Paul Guand, as Chairperson of the ECDC, begins the meeting by reading a
statement regarding revisions to Open Meeting Law allowing for remote meetings due tot he COVID -19
pandemic. City Council President Paul Guand callsthe ECDCmeetingto order with a roll call. ECDC
members attending are: Michael Collins; Neiland Douglas; William Howard; Rchard Marino; Michael
O'Brien; Richard Vincent; Darlene Wynne; Denise Deschamps.
Rchard Vincent movesto accept the minutesfrom the November 19, 2020 meeting of the
ECDC and Neiland Douglas seconds the motion. All are in favor. The minutes are accepted.
Neiland Douglas reviews outline of revised EMCstrategy. He notes that the outline is
influenced significantly by the contents of the new comprehensive plan. The outline attempts
to incorporate the recommendationsof the comprehensive plan which are particularly relevant
to economic development. In addition to the comprehensive plan three issues have emerged
which greatly impact the planning process: climate change; 00VID -19; inequity, and that
specifically caused by racism, and resulting police violence. The overall goals and priorities
described in the existing ECDCstrategy appear to remain relevant, although there are some
minor modifications. Douglas proceeds to review the outline, section by section.
[The proposed outline of the draft ECDCstrategy, as reviewed by Neiland Douglas, is attached
to thisdocument.1
Upon completing his review, Douglas asks the ECDCmembers if there are additional items that
should be addressed. He notesthat the new comprehensive plan has been vetted extensively
so the language it can be taken very seriously.
Wynne expresses her hope that there is a nexus between the comprehensive plan and the
ECDCstrategy. She continues that the comprehensive plan is a hefty document, with more
things in there than the City has resourcesto do. Prioritization is important. The Planning
Department's new associate planner is going to work on creating an implementation matrix.
The matrix will prioritize projectsand identify which municipal depart ments w i I I be involved.
Guanci asks Wynne if the Planning Board will be taking action on the comprehensive plan on
Tuesday. Wynne responds that it would be the preferred. She is working on two minor edits
but she hopesthey do not cause the Planning Board to postpone action until January. Asto the
modifications, residents in the Lakeview area were concerned about an image that seemed to
indicate their would be some rezoning of the residential area. So there needsto be some
clarification since there is not intent to rezone residential properties in that area. The other
modification was related to a bike plan infrastructure map that was inserted late in the process.
The City needsto take another look at the map to make sure they are not over - promising.
Guanci noted that the feedback he received regarding the City's meeting with North Beverly
residents was that the meeting went well.
Bill Howard thanks Douglas for his work. Great job of capturing items. He appreciates the need
to prioritize and identify who will be assigned the responsibility of following through.
Guanci notes this is a long -term plan.
Douglas acknowledges that many itemsoverreach our capacityto address. Saveral major
housing developments are in the pipeline that will add significantly to the City's housing
Howard notesthat 00VID -19 will impact some of the elements in the plan so some flexibility
requi red.
Douglas highlightsthe issue of racism and the need for all people to have opportunity, the
opportunity for gainful employment. It is critical to bring together the needs of the labor force
with the needs of industry. The needs of industry out strip educational providers.
(Presented by Darlene Wynne)
• 2 Hardy Street- tenants have moved in.
• S®NA apartments on Congress Street- one of the buildings has an occupancy permit.
The developer, Procopio, has been a good neighbor and partner with the City. They
have been involved in a lot of projects on the North yore. They have been eager to
assist with the Harbor Management Authority's project to create a pocket park at the
end of Congress Street. S®NAsite looks very nice.
• Cabot Y- started construction converting SROsto studios. Pesidents relocated to 268
Cabot Street and elsewhere. Only relocated for a year them moving back in with
supportive services.
• Wynne anticipates hearing more about next steps for Depot II development soon.
• Freudenberg Medical (in Cherry Hill Office Park) has opened and isoccupied.
• Currently two host community agreements have been signed relative to marijuana
dispensaries. One located on Cabot Street and the other in North Beverly. There are
three others interested in host community agreements. Guanci asks about the location
in North Beverly. Wynne states that it is located in the plaza next to calico Corners
fabric. Guanci asks if interest has been expressed in other locations. Wynne responds
that there has been interest in Dunham Fbad area, Sam Fonzo Drive, Cabot Street and
Rantoul Street near the ICG
Wynne notes that she will be make a presentation about the new comprehensive plan to the
City Council on December 20, 2021.
Most outdoor dining has ceased for the winter season. The City has removed the jersey
barriers but no restaurant ownerswere pressured into ending their outdoor dining season. The
City hopesto finish roadwork in the spring. The Oty hopesto set up for outdoor dining assoon
as possible.
Program provides technical assistance, not grant funds. It is related to planning around the
recovery such as marketing; placemaking; how to make outdoor dining spaces permanent. Any
plan that would emerge from the process won't be available until June and then it would need
to be implemented. Applications are due next Friday. They are anxiousto provide assistance.
The City can pretty much just say that they want help and they will help the City explore a
Guanci - Peturning to the draft outline of the ECDCstrategy as proposed by Neiland Douglas,
Guanci suggeststhat the ECDCreview it over the next month and then take further action in
January. He encouragesthe ECDCto offer suggestions.
Douglas suggests that he will pull together action steps fort he full ECDCto review. Theycan be
reviewed in January and then proceed to a finalized version in January or February. Douglas
stresses that the ECDC has to own it and the whole ECDC has to agree upon its contents. Sand
commentsto Deschamps. Douglas wants to hear about any missing components. Vincent
statesthat it may take more than one meeting to review and approve a document. He
compliments Douglas on his efforts.
Guanci entertains motion to adjourn. Howard makes motion to adjourn. Vincent seconds.
The meeting isadjourned.