12-2-20 OSRC minutes - finalCITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: December 2, 2020 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlie Mann (Chair), David Brewster (Vice Chair), David Alden -St. Pierre, Elizabeth Dunne, Wayne Miller, Marilyn McCrory, Todd Callaghan, Gregory Sharp, Alison Dudley BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: 1. Call to Order Jenna Pirrotta, Environmental Planner Members of the public: Ben Fabry and Bryan Reilly Sharlyne Woodbury Mann chairs and opens the meeting at 7:00 p.m., noting that it is a virtual meeting as allowed during the State of Emergency declared due to the national crisis of COVID -19. Mann confirms that all members are present and can hear all participants. 2. Members of the Public a. Ben Fabry - geocaching Ben Fabry of Noble Hill Road, attends the meeting to request permission to create a geocaching spot in Beverly Commons. Fabry explains geocaching and the Committee discusses potential concerns with litter and introduction of trail users in sensitive areas. Fabry provides details on the activity including the guidelines of proper geocaching. Fabry describes that geocaching is like outdoor treasure hunting and members agree that it is a positive way for people to enjoy the outdoors and learn to use navigational tools. Committee members appreciate Fabry coming in for advance approval and ask that the geocaching spot be hidden from plain sight. Sharp moves to accept the geocaching activity proposed by Fabry with the conditions that geocaching guidelines be followed stringently. McCrory seconds. The motion carries 9 -0. b. Bryan Reilly — trails questions Bryan Reilly of Beaver Pond Road addresses the Committee regarding wanting safer access from the trails between Beaver Pond Road and Harry Ball Field adjacent to the Route 128 ramp. His family utilizes the North Beverly trails and he would like more information regarding trail access and offers assistance to facilitate new trail development. Mann describes locations of trails near Norwood Pond and the planned connections for the "Emerald Necklace" trail system and encourages Reilly to stay in touch with the Committee. 3. Approval of Minutes Open Space & Recreation Committee December 2, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 The Committee reviews the draft October 7, 2020 meeting minutes and offers edits. Alden- St. Pierre moves to approve the October 7, 2020 minutes as amended. McCrory seconds. The motion carries 9 -0. The Committee reviews the draft November 4, 2020 meeting minutes and offers edits. Sharp moves to approve the November 4, 2020 minutes as amended. Dudley seconds. The motion carries 9 -0. 4. Principal Items of Business a. Community Preservation Committee — Representative Report McCrory provides updates on Community Preservation Committee activities. 13 pre - applications were submitted seeking Community Preservation Act funds. The next step will be to determine which applications proceed forward. There were three open space related projects, including the 27A parcel acquisition, 0 Folger Avenue parcel acquisition, and Congress Street pocket park creation. The 27A pre - application was approved. The City is still in negotiations with the owner. McCrory discusses the need for outreach to the owner of the Folger Avenue parcel regarding the purchasing process. Pirrotta explains the CPC would be the best entity to do so and not the Open Space and Recreation Committee. The Committee discusses the process for the City to purchase a private property. Callaghan inquires if it is necessary to be a 501 c3 to participate. The Committee sidebars, Sharp discusses Pole Swamp losing 8 acres of land; Sharp identifies the areas. Members discuss the loss of land and means to assist land preservation. The third project is the Congress Street pocket park project, led by Harbor Management Authority (HMA). McCrory asks Callaghan to fill in the Committee. The project previously went before the CPC and was not able to be completed due to a land dispute by the abutter. The CPC again voted the project to be eligible for CPA funding. Callaghan describes the area of the proposed pocket park area at the end of Congress Street near the new Sedna apartments. Callaghan reports that HMA has funds to contribute to the project and that it is a great area for public waterfront access. HMA is currently trying to figure out who owns what part of the land. McCrory suggests the Committee send a letter of support for the project. Callaghan moves to send a letter of support for the proposed Congress Street pocket park project. McCrory seconds. The motion carries 9 -0. b. Planning Board — Representative Report Miller notes there is nothing to report at this time. The Beverly Master Plan is still on track to be finalized as scheduled. c. Harbor Management Authority — Representative Report Callaghan provides an update on Harbor Management Authority (HMA) activities. Callaghan gave a presentation of the newly installed signs along the waterfront detailing public access and appropriate activities to the area/park. Callaghan provides an update on the kayak racks at Lynch Park as there is an unauthorized private rack on City property at Lynch Park and Rices Beach. Councilor Todd Rotondo is spearheading the initiative to remove the unauthorized racks, as City racks are present in designated areas and an annual fee is collected. Callaghan suggests having the Parks and Recreation Committee remove the unauthorized racks. Callaghan also reports that Open Space & Recreation Committee December 2, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 HMA is planning on conducting trash removal from the Bass River near McPherson Park. The debris removal project was approved by the Conservation Commission under Minor Project Permit. The Committee discusses the Mission Boathouse restaurant construction on Water Street and how it is impacting commuters to Baker's Island, as well as other entities for pleasure and recreational harbor cruising. Alternatives may be needed to continue commuting to Baker's Island. Callaghan provides a brief history for the Committee about the Mission Boat project and shuttle boat parking area. He notes that parking is an issue as the restaurant maximum capacity is 350, with limited available public parking and restaurant parking in the area. Members discuss the details of the construction demolition for the former McDonald's building. Future work will be required at the waterfront in this area including repairs to the seawall, public walkway, and the planks that are damaged at the pier near the Harbor Master building. Miller notes that the Planning Board would be involved with review of intersection improvements in the area at Water and Cabot Streets. d. Conservation Commission — Representative Report Pirrotta provides the updates and notes there are no major items to report at this time. The proposed City repair work on the seawalls at Lynch Park and at other public access areas along Lothrop Street continue to be under review. e. Parcel Updates i. Green Street update 27 A — This parcel was discussed under the CPC updates. The owner is still interested with updates made available as they come. 27X - McCrory asked if disbursements were done. Per Mann, the entities are paid to date for work that was completed. Funds are available to finish the project, but the MOU needs to be updated. ii. Draper's Point update There are no new updates to report. Callaghan keeps members informed of a possible interested seller who approached the Harbor Management Authority regarding a parcel of land that could be used as a connector for an existing trail. Mann and Miller plan to visit the site with Mayor Cahill on December 3, 2020. iii. Endicott trail update Pirrotta informs the Committee there is a site visit scheduled for December 11, 2020 for Dr. DiSalvo and Mayor Cahill to walk the area of potential trail easements. iv. Cabot Street parcel Mann provides an update on a Cabot Street parcel that will soon be on the market. The land abuts City open space and Trustees properties. Members discuss possible buyers and opportunities for increasing public access to the area and maintaining the open space. The land is protected by an existing Conservation Restriction. Mann confirms that if a private buyer Open Space & Recreation Committee December 2, 2020 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 purchased the property, there would still be a Conservation Restriction on the land. Sharp speculates that abutters may want to purchase the property, to add on to their existing lots. The area has a complicated patchwork of ownership, which members review on the map. Members discuss the property noting that it is in need of protecting. V. Encroachments McCrory notes the draft encroachment policy includes a logbook for tracking encroachments. Members discuss concerns with follow up from the Solicitor's Office after letters are submitted which identify possible encroachments. The Committee notes that recent a recent letter asked for a response within 30 days. 5. Other Business a. Master Plan updates Miller provided an update earlier in the meeting. b. Trail discussion and outreach Pirrotta provides the details for the MassTrails Grants Program and notes the Committee may consider putting something forward for funding. The Committee notes the generosity of the grant funding and will consider possible projects or acquisitions. The Committee reviews current trail concerns. The proposed trail at Sally Milligan is on hold; the Conservation Commission held a site walk with Mann and requested a wildlife evaluation be performed in the spring before building a new trail through an area of relatively little disturbance. Alden- St. Pierre proposes an idea for a bike pump track/skills park in the area near the water tower. Alden- St. Pierre suggests that creating such a park could deter people from creating rogue trails which can destroy open spaces. Members discuss encouraging more public outreach and following up with those who do reach out to maintain interest and encouragement for the public to come before the Committee. Miller offers a contrary position for members to consider. Callaghan inquires if the Committee has an official letter to use in the trails to discourage the painting of trees. Pirrotta reads language from previously used signs. Members discuss the areas where trail destruction remains an issue. The Committee further discusses the signage and reviews pictures provided by Alden- St. Pierre of trail destruction and sign placement. 6. Future Agenda Items The Committee would like to invite the City Solicitor to a future meeting to discuss the encroachment policy. Per Miller, staff from "Change is Simple" would like to attend a future meeting as well. Dudley inquires about guidance for potential projects on vacant lots in her neighborhood. Members provide guidance and suggest becoming familiar with the geo site. 7. Adjournment Callaghan moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 pm. Brewster seconds. The motion carries 9 -0. Next Meeting: January 6, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.