Special Joint Council Meeting Minutes 12-17-2020.I9 9 -- City of Beverly Special Joint City Council and School Committee Meeting Public Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 17, 2020, 7pm l ? 0 This meeting was conducted under the `Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the ` Open Meeting Law G.L. c.3 OA, §20', signed on March 12, 2020. This remote meeting was held over Google Meet and live streamed by BevCam. Public access information for the hearings was provided on the meeting agenda. Paul Guanci, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm over Google Meet. City Clerk, Lisa Kent, took the attendance by roll call. City Council Members Present: Stacy Ames, Kathleen Feldman, Timothy Flaherty, Julie Flowers John Frates, Scott Houseman, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo, Paul Guanci School Committee Members Present: Michael Cahill, Kimberly Coehlo, John Mullady, Kaarin Robinson, Lorinda Visnick, Rachael Abell Houseman led the committees in the pledge of allegiance. Guanci read a statement on virtual meetings and made sure all members had access. Flaherty noted that the School Committee should be allowed to vote first so the Council can let them pick someone they would like to work with. Visnick appreciated the thought and agreed. Rachael Abell, School Committee President, noted she talked with School Committee legal counsel and considered that this is a decision that would typically lie with the voters and the ward 2 councilor and three at -large council members who were voted for by ward 2 members. Flaherty asked if there can be discussion between the School Committee and Council so the councilors can get a feel of where the School Committee is before holding the vote. Visnick offered that the School Committee has been operating meetings in a way that before motions come forward they do a round of discussion so everyone has an opportunity to speak and be heard before any motions are put on the table. Abell noted that they would follow Robert's Rules of Order and should exercise caution in having too many discussions or deliberations outside of motions. Bill Burke, Health Director, gave a public health update. He thanked the council for their resolution recognizing the work of the board of health and said he can't thank his staff enough. Until yesterday it was averaging 20 -30 new cases a day on a 14 day total; yesterday there were 40 new cases. Positivity rates are increasing in Beverly and they are seeing community spread. Unlike the spring, the hospitalizations have been fewer, but they are trending upwards now. Beverly City Council & School Committee Meeting Minutes — December 17, 2020, page 1 of 2 Teresa Kirsch, Public Health Nurse, added that the positivity rate for the last 14 days is 4.67 %. The average daily incidence rate per 100,000 for the last 14 days is 56.5% for Beverly. Houseman asked if there are any guidelines beyond the standard recommendations that Beverly can follow to help bring the curve down. Burke said the guidance is there. A common misunderstanding is that people think relatives are safe because they "trust" them, but it's not about trust. It's about limiting contact with other households. The mask is the most basic prevention we can do. The vaccine is coming, but we still have a long way to go. Cahill praised the Health Department's efforts this year, including with local businesses. Burke stated they try to have a partnership with local businesses and focus on education and helping the businesses follow the safety guidelines. Guanci turned the meeting over to School Committee President, Racheal Abell, who welcomed the three candidates. They have been asked to share about three minutes of remarks. She said the vote will be taken as a mixed, alphabetical roll call of the School Committee and City Council, with the chairs going last. She encouraged all three candidates to run for election and gave an overview of some of the work of the committee. The three candidates, Georgia Bills, William Karvourniaris, and Dr. Kenann McKenzie, introduced themselves to the School Committee and City Council. Visnick noted that under full disclosure, she had reached out to the City Solicitor's Office about an appearance of conflict of interest and filed the necessary disclosure form. Visnick motioned to appoint Dr. McKenzie. Ames seconded. Flaherty asked what other School Committee members think of the nomination. Coehlo thanked Mr. Karvouniaris for applying because she has two special ed children in the school system and expressed her support for him. Robinson disclosed she had a perceived possible conflict of interest for being related to a candidate, and she filed paperwork with Ms. Kent but feels she can still make an informed and fair decision. She appreciated what Mr. Karvouniaris said and thanked him for being willing to step in. Flowers noted that she also filed a disclosure based on professional relationships with spouses or partners of some of the candidates. Rotondo asked for clarification on the process and if there would be other motions or nominations. Abell said they have a motion on the table to appoint Dr. McKenzie, and it was seconded. When they are done deliberating, Ms. Kent will call the roll. There was no further deliberation from School Committee members or City Councilors, so Abell asked Kent to call the roll. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (15 -0). Abell welcomed Dr. McKenzie and noted her term would be effective January 1, 2021. She thanked all the applicants. Houseman motioned to adjourn. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (15 -0). The meeting adjourned at 8:03pm. Beverly City Council & School Committee Meeting Minutes — December 17, 2020, page 2 of 2