City Council Minutes 09-23-2020City of Beverly City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 30, 2020 This meeting was conducted under the `Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law G.L. c.30A, §20', signed on March 12, 2020. This remote meeting was held over Google Meet and live streamed by BevCam. Public access information for the hearings was provided on the meeting agenda. Paul Guanci, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm over Google Meet. City Clerk, Lisa Kent, took the attendance by roll call. Members Present: Stacy Ames, Timothy Flaherty, Kathleen Feldman, Julie Flowers, John Frates, Scott Houseman, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo, Paul Guanci Members Absent: None Houseman led the councilors in the pledge of allegiance. Resolutions Guanci stated he would entertain a motion to receive and place on file Order #194 — Police Resolution. Houseman motioned, Feldman seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion carried (9 -0). Order #202 — Police Resolution. Moved to receive and place on file. Seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion carried (9 -0). Ames moved to accept a late file on Order #202A- Revised Police Resolution and Cover Letter. Feldman seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion carried (9 -0). Guanci made a statement about the meeting being recorded by the City of Beverly and streamed by BevCam on channel 99 and BevCam's YouTube channel. He confirmed that all members present could hear him and noted the remote meeting format and process due to Covid -19. Order #194A - Ames moved to accept a late file on Order #194A- Revised Police Resolution and Cover Letter. Flowers seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion carried (9 -0). Guanci addressed Order #194A. He stated what started as a simple effort to recognize the Beverly Police Department for their work during the COVID -19 pandemic took a turn he did not expect. He thanked those who reached out to him with thoughtful and respectful comments. He stated he has asked Councilors Rotondo and Feldman to draft a new resolution to recognize all public safety workers, frontline workers and healthcare professionals for their efforts during this unprecedented time in our country's history. He and Councilor Flaherty asked that they use some of the original language from Order #194A in the final submission to the Council. Guanci then read Order #194A, except for the last part. Ames moved to receive Order #194A and place it on file. Flowers seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion carried (9 -0). Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes — September 30, 2020, page 1 of 3 Feldman spoke about the resolution she and Councilor Rotondo were working on. She said they both agree with the resolution as it is, they want to support the police department by not creating divides. She stated she comes from a law enforcement family and wanted to make sure the resolution protected the community bridges that they were trying to build and is hoping to snake a more inclusive resolution. Rotondo stated that over the next few weeks they are going to reach out to departments around the City and he hopes they can have a great resolution that they can all stand behind. Flaherty stated that he was trying to bridge gaps with this resolution and build confidence and trust in the community, not by being divisive, but by trying to bring the community together. Rand thanked Councilors Feldman and Rotondo for taking up a new resolution and thanked President Guanci for allowing her involvement. Guanci stated he had a conversation with Leah Jones ( ?) who was chair of the Human Rights Committee, and she is a wonderful asset to the City and a bridge builder. Flowers stated Caja Johnson is the new Human Rights Committee chair and wanted to welcome her to the role. Communications from other City Officers and Boards Late File Order #205- Communication- Councilor Houseman Rand motioned to accept the late file. Ames seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion carried (9 -0). Houseman read his letter, Order #205. Flowers thanked Councilor Houseman, and reiterated if this work feels uncomfortable then it's incumbent on us to push through. Ames stated how much she appreciated everyone's heartfelt effort here. Ames moved to reaffirm Councilor Houseman's letter. Flowers seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion carried (9 -0). Comments by Citizens Caja Johnson, Chair of Beverly Human Rights Committee, thanked the Council for their hard work and said it does not go unnoticed. She stated the growth is never - ending and she truly believes, like Councilor Houseman said, that it takes work to listen and to learn and to achieve unity in Beverly. She has talked to councilors about leadership and what our vision is for the direction of the community and to lead with love and unity and to open ourselves up to things that are uncomfortable, including for herself. Alyssa Rayman -Read stated she appreciated how everyone talks to each other and listens, and shared her experience at the last meeting she attended when the Council passed a resolution supporting safety and inclusion for transgender people. She spoke about her experience being a mother of a nonbinary trans child and being a Jewish woman. She talked about Beverly being a community that is inviting to others, which we can only do with the funding and support needed. She stated she would urge the Council to not pass either resolution at this time and appreciated the time to speak tonight. Andrew Difranza echoed thanks to the Council for doing good, hard work in a difficult time. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes — September 30, 2020, page 2 of 3 Feldinan thanked her fellow councilors and those that wrote to them. She stated she knows they were not alone this week and it made her think more about leadership, what being an ally is, and living in uncomfortability. She stated she is happy they can come together civilly and work together on something they can all be proud of and stand behind and represent the people of Beverly. Rand thanked Chief LeLacheur for always taking time to speak with her whenever she has a question and she looks forward to working with his department and supporting them in whatever way she can as a city councilor. She also thanked Caja Johnson for being at the meeting and being willing to give the Council her time and grace. Flowers thanked those that took the time to contact the councilors and let them know it does have an impact. She also thanked the speakers at the meeting tonight and Chief LaLacheur for speaking with her this week. Houseman echoed that Chief LeLacheur has always been incredibly responsive and available. He thanked those that reached out. Chief LeLacheur thanked the councilors and others for conversations this week and recognized the team the police work with, their partners in the fire department, the health department, Beverly Hospital, EMS. He spoke about the effect of COVID on police and stated about 500 in the United States have died of COVID since March. He spoke about the phrase "there's no tolerance for intolerance in Beverly" that he started using several years ago and the work the police does in the community. Ames moved to adjourn. Houseman seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion carried (9 -0). The meeting adjourned at 7:05pm. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes — September 30, 2020, page 3 of 3