City Council Minutes 03-09-2020Regular Meeting — Beverly City Council, Beverly, MA MINUTES — Monday, March 9, 2020 @ 7:00 PM Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3 11 Floor Called to Order @ 7:00 PM Roll Call: Stacy M. Ames, Kathleen M. Feldman, Timothy P. Flaherty, Julie R. Flowers, Scott D. Houseman, Todd C. Rotondo, Estelle M. Rand, Vice President, Paul M. Guanci Absent: John P. Frates Jr., Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Councilor Flowers Moment of Silence: Resolutions: None Presentations, Awards & Memorials: 1. Mayor Michael P. Cahill State of the City Address. Comments by Citizens (subject to the conditions contained in Appendix A to the "Rules and Orders "): Anyone who would like to speak at the Meeting has until 9:30AM on the day of the Meeting to register with the City Clerk. (Limit of 3 @ 5 minutes each). Public Hearings: None Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: Regular Meeting — February 18, 2020 Council President Entertained a Motion to Accept the Minutes - Approved 8 -0 Communications from His Honor the Mayor: #071 March 5, 2020 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly has been awarded a $48,000 Supportive Coastal Infrastructure Project Grant from the Massachusetts Seaport Economic Council (SEC) to repair the city's commercial fishing pier. The Harbor Management Authority (HMA) and the City of Beverly will each provide a $6,000 match for a total of $12,000 as required for the grant. This grant funding will be used for the first phase of the project which includes design, permitting, surveying and engineering. Phase two will be the reconstruction project work. The hoist pier is vital for the commercial fishing industry to unload their catch and equipment and sell their haul to consumers. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53A requires both City Council and Mayoral approval before any grant, earmark, donation or gift to the City can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request the City Council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your meeting on March 9, 2020. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill, Mayor Referred to Finance & Property #072 March 5, 2020 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly has been awarded a $48,000 Supportive Coastal Infrastructure Project Grant from the Massachusetts Seaport Economic Council (SEC) to repair the city's commercial fishing pier. The Harbor Management Authority (HMA) and the City of Beverly will each provide a $6,000 match for a total of $12,000 as required for the grant. This grant funding will be used for the first phase of the project which includes design, permitting, surveying and engineering. Phase two will be the reconstruction project work. The hoist pier is vital for the commercial fishing industry to unload their catch and equipment and sell their haul to consumers. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53A requires both City Council and Mayoral approval before any grant, earmark, 2 donation or gift to the City can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request the City Council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your meeting on March 9, 2020. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services #073 March 5, 2020 The Honorable Beverly City Council 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: Enclosed please find a proposed amendment to §15-24(A) Contributory Retirement Board of the City Ordinance concerning the composition of the Retirement Board. The proposed change will make the ordinance consistent with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 32 Section 20(4)(b) concerning the establishment of Contributory Retirement Boards. Please initiate action on this matter at your next City Council meeting on March 9, 2020. Thank you. In the year two thousand and twenty. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows: By amending Chapter 15. Boards, Commissions, Councils, Committees and Authorities. Article II. Specific Multiple- Member Bodies. Section 15- 24. Contributory Retirement Board. Subsection (A) Composition as follows: § 15 -24 Contributory Retirement Board. A. Composition. There shall be a Contributory Retirement Board which shall consist of five members. The city auditor or other officer having similar powers and duties who shall serve, ex officio, as a member of the Board, one member shall be appointed by the Mayor, two members shall be elected by the members in or retired from service of such system from among their number, and the fifth member, who shall not be an employee or retiree or official of the City of Beverly, shall be chosen by the other members. The terms of all members shall be for three years. [Note: See MGL c. 32, § 20(4)(b).] Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill, Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs 3 #074 March 5, 2020 The Honorable Beverly City Council 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby reappoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Mr. William Finch, 50 Front Street, Beverly to serve on the Beverly Historic District Commission. His term is to be effective from April 1, 2020 until April 1, 2023. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs #075 March 5, 2020 The Honorable Beverly City Council 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby reappoint, subject to your review and recommendation, the following citizens to serve on the Beverly Waste Reduction Committee: Susan Higgins 17 Crosby Avenue Joyce Herman 36 Hull Street Sandy Burgess 14 Walker Road Their terms are to be effective from March 31, 2020 until March 31, 2023. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services 2 #076 March 5, 2020 The Honorable Beverly City Council 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I hereby reappoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Mrs. Fran Macdonald, 2 Fielder Road, Beverly to serve on the Registrars of Voters. Her term is to be effective from March 31, 2020 until March 31, 2023. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Public Services #077 March 5, 2020 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Re: Vehicles and Traffic Ordinance Revisions Compliant with MassDOT Traffic Control Agreement Dear Honorable City Council: I am writing in support of the attached proposed Order amending the Vehicles and Traffic Ordinance to satisfy MassDOT and federal regulations relative to a Traffic Control Agreement to improve three intersections. The proposed Order will make revisions that will reconcile the existing signal and signage conditions with the federal standards thereby qualifying our project for federal funds. I have attached a draft copy of the Traffic Control Agreement for your information. Sincerely yours, Michael Cahill Mayor G J MASSACHUSk,•I'TS DEPARTMENT Or TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC r.NGINGRRING TRAFFIC CONTROL AC REEMEN"I' MIRFEMRNT RM -WEEN THE ,,•iASS.ACHOSP.TTS DFPARTA'.FNT OF TRANSPORISHON ANU 1'1IL 3:I1T c1r• 13L'Y1U4.LY dl'IMIAL AID PRO 6CT NO. 608437 AGIU FMKNTMI. it AGIWENIFNT, made fiis d>,yuf ,^.( rl9bynrdbetaetm Ike hlusxuchuselis Dcpartmai: of Ttacaprntafmi, htacinollct t:AW " MMIOT; and ([to ('31'Y of BEVERLY. hcreimailcr efillni the 'CITY," pmsu;an .0 1110 piucisiotia of ^3 U. S. C. t p 107fd) bt 11 b. urd hi auMt>aanec wirh the 036:r1 ahsn ;laials of MASSDO7. tthich hive hmm adulaed in canfitrmity with the pmvistera and avuatium lulivas ut AM Mancal ui Uctlm m Ttufl3c Control Dcvims tinr S•recis and HiRlmrays pub,Acd by the Uepurtmout nt "l'ruvs }a >tuditni, Iredual Hipjiway Adminixhatimi, liciebtellu' etlted 4 STA.ND.UWS'." WHIMPAS, \7ASST1()T and the CiTY have agieed (hid CABOT STU1 RAN'('Util. STRI:ftT, \irKAY STRP.F,T and I3ALCH ISHWE' , hamg at whole tie iu Iiiin it City way, has qualified in pirtiripatn III Ike lrcdod Aid 1 with the win`s heinb IIunce i ht put by the Fcderal fiavemm am; aid WWRVAS, the Unired Stamm Gavamircet, •hrntigh it Thgmunieisl uf'Iriripurlation. Iledcml Hi .jWway Admini<•mtier, rrgr:iu:e Ike I'm prujeot area moot curnp!ehuti will be opureled and rurntai:ud in an adc,rair milmnrr; ird \'i11LALAS. the CI'T'Y atrprm•cs the proposer plans t'nr tic fillym ettleaU and lipm tomple1w): of Ike prolm. , . will be IN. nmWimb ity of ncc CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, in cunsidrm liwi (licred, the CITY limby apices lu conform to the foilnwing pnivisinns. General Provistuns A. All infcnn;i ion.tvguhdm orwIt1Iing5iws, all tru is cer of sienals, flashing hca•_nns, ?rallir. idau 1, 1" ull:er ImfC:c. mdrol deuces one all pavement cr other maikinps within ibe ways liieattA is lhr projeel ,uru shut€ be dwiped, Incated aid npzmrcd ill acandanec uiih Pic STANDARDS of MAS311 fur such cev: ces. 13. 'I ne Police Department of tho f shall bu Iliu emfutowneml ageuty for urtlic regulu:imis estrhltshm. in ae.m.1% ;:c with ihia AGICEMPKTaud the traffic t6it= msl.dled in wmiuzmun thxinvila. In the year two thousand and twenty : An Order amending an Ordinance entitled Ch Vter 270 - Vehicles and Traffic Amending CC Ater 270 (Vehicles and Traffic) - Section 25 B (Stns intersections) by removing the following street segments: On Direction of Travel At Intersection of Balch Street Nest McKay Street Amending Chapter 270 (Vehicles and Traffic) - Section 33 BI (Obedience to special traffic- control devices ) by adding the following street segments: Name of Street Direction of Travel At Intersection of Balch Street Westbound McKay Street Amending Chanter 270 (Vehicles and Traffic) - Section 33 GI (Obedience to special traffic-control devi s by adding the following street segments: Name of Street Direction of Travel At Intersection of Cabot Street Northbound Goat hill Lane McKay Street Southbound Balch Street Referred to Legal Affairs #078 March 5, 2020 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: 7 The City has been actively trying to resolve a blighted property issue at 11 Charles Street. It is now clear that the building is at risk of collapse and our Building Inspector has determined that the building must be demolished. The owner of record of the building is non responsive and the law allows the City to tear down the building in the interest of public safety. The City must pay the costs associated with tearing down the building and will then place a lien on the property equal to the costs incurred. We are in the process of bidding the work and do not have a final cost yet. Based on past experience and input from our Building Department, we are requesting authorization to transfer up to $195,000 from the City's reserve for unforeseen account into the building inspections department to pay for the costs. A public hearing is required for such a transfer. Please initiate action on this request at your upcoming City Council meeting. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor Referred to Finance & Property LATE FILE - #084 March 6, 2020 The Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable City Council: I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly has been awarded a $98,206.59 grant from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (ELD) to support operations at the Councilon Aging (COA). This is the State Formula grant cities and towns receive each year through the State operating budget. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53A requires both City Council and Mayoral approval before any grant, earmark, donation or gift to the City can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request the City Council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your meeting on March 9, 2020. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Michael P. Cahill Mayor cc: Catherine Barrett, Director of Grants Maryann Holak, Council on Aging Referred to Finance & Property Communications, from other City Officers and Boards #079 February 20, 2020 Beverly City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: Chapter 188 of the Acts of 2010, An Act Relative to Municipal Relief established under local option a retirement system may increase the base of a retirees benefits that any cost of living adjustment (COLA) would apply to. Currently any COLA voted by the Retirement Board applies to a retirees first $12,000 of pension benefits. Recently the Retirement Board voted to grant a 3% COLA which took effect in July of each year. A 3% COLA applied to the first 12,000 of benefits represents $30 each month per retiree, or not more than $360 annually. Retirees receiving benefits of less than $12,000 realize a 3% on their total pension benefit, which is less than the full values of $360 annually using the 3% example above. At its January 30, 2020 meeting the Beverly Retirement Board voted 3 to 2 in favor of increasing the COLA base from $12,000 to $13,000 to take effect on July 1, 2020. If approved by the Beverly City Council, this adjustment would apply to a retiree & #39;s first $13,000 in benefits for any future COLA. To illustrate this proposed adjustment if the Board were to grant a 3% COLA on $13,000, the new monthly COLA amount would be $32.50 per month, per retiree, as opposed to $30 if the base remains at $12,000 ($390 vs. $360 per year). Currently there are 478 retirees in the Beverly Retirement system. If all retirees receive the full $32.50 per month (which they will not) the estimated additional annual cost to the retirement system is $186,420.00. As this is a local option the Beverly Retirement Board respectfully requests the consideration of increasing the COLA base amount from $12,000 to $13,000 effective July 1, 2020 Respectfully Submitted, Richard Pierce, Chairman Referred to Finance & Propert y Z Late File #085 G a , r-✓l,- loo o 8 , W CITY of BEVERLY 191 Cabot Street CITY OF OEVERLY Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 nECi IvEO nHU RECORDED -- Phone (978 -606 -2326) , •I Y CI- Clots OFFICE I 2010 14Af1 -3 A 2 22 FEE_ $100 Application for License to Peddle (Under the provisions of Chapter 101, General Laws, and Amendments and additlans thereto.) This form of application must be filled out ea directed, duly signed, and returned to this office with the full amount of the fee, before a license will be Issued. CASH, CERTIFIED CHECK, REGISTERED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER: Make check payable to the City of Beverly. Do not mall cash. ' To: Beverly ( Clark's Office, 191 'Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 09p..191 S. 978 - 605.2326 wel MC9 . 1 the undersigned, hereby apply for a license to peddle ,$f1,t 5 4•i <t..•t+• +�..� tYy �0 T goods, wares, or m mhandlse) In the City of Beverly. I declare that the answers to the following questions to be true and I understand that such license, Ir granted, shell not authorize peddling by any person other than myself. TYPE OF 000Ds SOLD: 5h A y h , `�r�l l t1 P r LiT�i - o ct g \ ' 'sa��a °i�'1�✓ N�1ivLII:. f I, rl A . �).1 .�i C1Yl SSNIt OR FED IIJf / ��X Kd�x� �x ADDRESS: — L — , - 90 h ie- I- Rrl CITY: Bp.VPlltl STATE IVA ZIP A) q IS DATE OF BLiZTH: �-�]-7� pHONENCg q1 Q ADDRESS: ellp rl,_113e- Qjfj j15C. 1. DoyouuseamoWrvebicle7_YE3 V NO Rogistratba No. rn Girt 2. Bav you bees cenvinted of any o11[ a against. the laws of Lila state or the mr&aeo ' s by laws of any oily or t "I � YE3 ITO if yes tints Rdly the nnhue oC the o1'1'anae" the court Where oorrvinted, dam of —l.t on and penally imposed. 3. Rave you had a It— to Peddle within the Isst live Y-7 � YI38 _ NO If yea, License Number ' 4. pDARQANT TO M-A-SSA CBSUNWTS GENRRAS., LAW =. APTER 62C SECTION 49A. T CERxr-vv UNDER TT PENAXlrB2S OF PERTURY THAT I, TO TnR BEST nV MY ENOWI ED 079 AND BUr"P. IrAV3% Ifl n ALL STATE TAX RSTU nNS AND PAID ALL STATE TAXES REQirIItRD UNDXX LAW. Stgnatnre of Awlican;: FD 4 +.,. [2 . e 1 r r OA,ry Data: -3I 5) CERTIFICATE OF CHARACTER: (Must be signed by chief of Police of the city pr town In which applicant reskjos.) I, the uhdelslgns ljo � LC LAGNL.wr -- W the Clty /T.uwu of &WrJG feLT hereby certify that to the beat cf my knowledge and bailor that, F�- • 9 \A�3 moo.. -f the above named applicant, le oapu f Iorole and Integrity. SIGNED; Chlaf of Police Dato: ? olr�J • Pleas ok wit .. a Community for local rules end rogutetlon partalning to sales from stationary or fixed loeallon ' Referred to Legal Affairs u�i 1 scan � ' GOwl WC Late File- #086 r K March 0. 2020 Dear City Council, osi C•3UNCILCfFAT•1M3= 14hIU CUUNCILCM NuA A1. GyKe. candidates for the city council's consideration. Christine Dixon and Lisa Kent have boon Invited Vlue 1 Icon C. F-.- - . M.. „.. //fi�tt Vux• Z h:ans M H -1•+ — vwr„ n,u..r• (Ll•1' V of 31 etperlLT Cs — Yee I•. rwev. Z' R 1 S *¢r A A— CITY COUNCIL V,c-o a S: U I XW. -e V 5 K•h1 F. IA Fn — vo'a 0 Jew P. F.. ' A+ r K March 0. 2020 Dear City Council, osi The Preliminary Screening Committee for the position of city clock has voted to advano*.o ” candidates for the city council's consideration. Christine Dixon and Lisa Kent have boon Invited to appear in front of the city council as a committee of the whole on Wednesday, folarch 11, 2020 at 7 I:m on the 3•d floor of city hall in a reserved con(wenca room. The purpose of this meeting will be for council members to inte view the two candidates. This is a public meeting. Attached arc the Me candidates resumes for your information and review Respectfully submitted. Fstolle Rand Chair, Preliminary Screening Committee for the City Clerk Received and Placed on File 11 Communications, Applications and Petitions #080 nationalgrild ' u. i Il. 6 Fch•uar/ 1 20*20 CiwafRevoTly To It N-by Corcurr.: EIIC:AF.ed p:wst: find v. potilim ofKAJIGNAI (4RID and i; NATIONAL Gka). VIl.R IZON p:,je lotxdul(sl 1: yu u havo a;ly fruslions voyr.vdin7 'lim pm. plate uawl: Pk.nma rn id's Vircuw. 1,76uldi:c of !I ';1001 We,' ii=-Ut 4"IF3 - 7 M , 1 '191 .11* Vi �ror ts( iiidiuo 'i i;t�.t:icn:�.lGrid�cro +• L'thi. - poliLivu :wuls wj-.h AJI I)ICaSC MUMMUU0need 0.f-ytnCACh OHIC '.'bC%'dZLUWd I.lntinnal Orid Cantsvi'. 11%11 Mrnp kc Simet; NcYr%.ILA-lLdUVCl,WL 013.l) Vcly y5tivs ))j Hhijr DcsiP Supav R DhiTibuiva Voiga Ellcluailres Referred to Public Services 12 #081 J nationalgrid f6rauty 26. 7910 CA". oraviccly Tr.. Whein it A - a nceml Em,FDscd it:rosoflud a poth'an of NATIONAL CrRTI)!- jk NADONAL NT. R 17.0 N.' r , 1 1— 0 W ata) If you llcva anycUcmlaax J<,Ardiom III it vl-mwwtlkc I PIVIVOWLE.' .YNLLik!T.91 Ul'.d', Vin L,!n*. ExCluid'Ci! of the kcarin dal p: limo at I V/Lm If 66 pulou MtAS ',•!'-h /UUT APT.111 please Term mi - xcoi:l ed ropy M matt f, r.itomtwwr. am in"I Campanics. Natr, Grid ContEv.: V LoGwdfoc; 1101 Turnpika Wool; No Amo MA 11184 Y4ry truly yjuri, Rat 6TC & , & ae;Ar& rJoign Airclpsatex Referred to Public Services 13 #082 Mir d• P. aondio: Coutzselors -at -Law ma ooms ®siwsky.°om •a m•i t%teY �so.atzs February 14, 2020 ` VIA H -MAIL AND REGULAR MAIL Anne Canaday, MEPA Analyst MBPA Unit 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900 Boston, MA 02114 Re, EEA Rile No. 16149 ENFfor I Water Street and Cabot Street Beverly, MA (the "Property (Beverly Restaurant Associates LLC) Deer Ms. Ci nsday: On behal£of Beverly Restaurant Associates LLC (the "Project Proponone'), this conespondelnce is intended to supplement the above- referenced ENF with respect to the applicability ofA.rticle 97 to the proposed restaurant development at the Property (ss more particularly described in the ENF, the "Proposed Project'). It is my understanding that you have asked for clarification as to whether the Proposed Project implicates the procedural requirements contained in the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs' ( "EEA's ") Article 97 Land Disposition Policy dated February 19, 1998 (the "Disposition Policy"). For the following reasons, it is our conclusion that the Disposition Policy is not triggered by the Proposed Project: 1. As described in Sections I and 5 of the ENF narrative, the Project Agreement for the Urban Self -Help Grant t14, and the subsequent amendments to the Project Agreement (collectively, the `•Project Agreement "), together contemplate and authorize the proposed lease of the Property to a third -party for restaurant use, subject to certain use and design parameters contained in the Project Agreement. 2. As outlined in the November 26, 2019 Re'sponsc Letter from Kurt Gaertner to Gcorge H. Whitney, included in Appendix B of the ENF and reproduced as an attachment hereto, the Pr jcot Proponent has reviewed the design and use of the Proposed Project in detail with EEA staff and City of Beverly officials, and EEA has opined that: (a) the Proposed Project complies with the conditions in the Project Agreement, (b) the Icase of rho Property for a 1ooaiai9 ( Eight Washington Streat Beverly, MA 01915 Tel: 978.922.5000 --- glovsky. rn Received and Placed on File 14 #083 I P.repn: er! kir. AHn: MEPA Mwlowor _ RE: Endica8 Seawall Replacement - EDEA No. 16145 As a result of the MEPA scoping session conducted on February 6, 2020, Fo:h is providing the enclosed revised plan sheets C -103. C -107, and C -108. Additionally, Foth is prcn'iding Sheets A -101, A H 2, and A -103 which.sltow mad ified reve`.rr nt layor is for Areas Band C which relocate the structure inure landward in an 9ffurt to reduce Coastal Bcoch impacts as requested by MA Office of Coastal Zone Management (MAUM) The revised plan sheets reflect the following design changes to the preferred coastal structt•res for Areas E and C., ■ A 135 LF section of Aren B originally proposed to be avertical concrete wall has been replaced with a stone revetment with a toe stone tieing placed in contact with the eklsting vertical we I and extending landward :nto lav :n which is mowedfmaintained bythc college, • Tie proposed revetment in Area C has been r.vised to extend a - maximum of 12 feet less s..Iward than originally proposed, thereby reducing impactsto Coastal Reach Alternate R see Sheets A -107. to A -103) was found to be uvotechnicaliy unfeasible due to concern over the instability oftha bank a! a crest height at EL 29 NAVD88 and above. Accordingly, this alternative presents a health and safety risk of collapse daring construction and due to a larger amount of excavation required alung the coastal honk. The preferred revised Area C section minimizes Impacts to Coastal Beach and to Coastal flank to the greatest extent possible Without resriltirg in compromised stability by aligning the revetrent sfope with the bank slope where possible. • Concerns over the transition he ween the vertical :wall and revetment designs has been addressed by the recuctlon In overall proposed vertical wa;1 length and the Iicluslan of a return wail as shown or the attached revised plans. • The aroposed seawall will be toAs'Jfl tee In plidses which will be outlined In future enyhonniental pernilt : pplicationsbut ; wililikelyrummenc with those araaswhich have aFeadyiaded. • AlIalteroatvesareabletoberaisedhithe '. isurewithoutdemolitinnoftheprnpp .seddes:gntoaccnmrnodate Sou leac'I 1'15^_. • There are no plans to move :hn hi;.toric Pearli House and Carriage House (nnth of vrhirh pre -date! 19301 at this time, due to the tolnpiex nature of their'ecndations and historic relationshlas with adjacent st•uctun!s. Received and Placed on File Unfinished Business: None 15 Motions and Orders: 3rd Reading and final passage for the Ordinance #050 - Request for Handicapped Sign on Carver Street. 3 Reading and final passage for Ordinance #055 - Request for Handicapped Sign on Federal Street. Reports of Committees: Legal Affairs Committee #061- The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Communication – Appointment – Beverly Planning Board -Ms. Andrea Toulouse have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointment. — Vote: 8 -0 #062- The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Communication – Reappointment – Constable- Timothy R. Creamer- have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve reappointment— Vote: 8 -0 #063- The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Communication Appointment – Economic & Community Development Council -Mr. Neiland Douglas, Mr. William Howard, Mr. Richard Marino, Mr. Michael Obrien, Mr. Richard Vincent, Mr. Aaron Clausen , Mr. Michael Collins and Ms Denise Deschamps have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointments. — Vote: 8 -0 Motions and Orders: #050 3rd reading and final passage February 3, 2020 Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows: In the year two thousand and twenty. An Ordinance amending an Ordinance relative to: Chapter 270: "Vehicles and Traffic ", Section 270 -49. "Off Street Parking "; Handicapped Parking "Amending Section 270 -49 as follows: ADD: A handicapped sign adjacent to the western park entrance, located 40 feet from the end of the roadway on the northern side of Carver Street. First Reading: Monday, February 3, 2020 Second Reading: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Ordinance to take effect upon Publication & Final Passage. 16 Final Passage: Monday, March 9, 2020 Attest: Lisa E. Kent Assistant City Clerk As per order of the City Council #055 3rd Reading and Final Passage February 3, 2020 Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows: In the year two thousand and twenty. An Ordinance amending an Ordinance relative to: Chapter 270: "Vehicles and Traffic ", Section 270 -49. "Off Street Parking "; Handicapped Parking" Amending Section 270 -49 as follows: ADD: A Handicapped Parking sign to 4 Federal Street. First Reading: Monday, February 3, 2020 Second Reading: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Ordinance to take effect upon Publication & Final Passage. Final Passage: Monday, March 9, 2020 Attest: Lisa E. Kent Assistant City Clerk As per order of the City Council Meeting Adjourned: 7:38PM Attest: Lisa E. Kent 17