1986-12-15 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: 12/15/1986 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Kathleen M. Henrichon, Edward E. Brindle, Katherine L. Fanning, Frances J. McCarthy, Kevin J. Murphy, Neil B. Olson, Susan M. Salt, Nathan T. Shindler, and Nancy A. White Board members absent: Others present: Diane J. Costa, League of Women Voters; Howard Calish, Friends of the Beverly Public Library Recorder: Sheila Glowacki Regular Meeting Board of Trustees -- Beverly Public Library December 15, 1986 7:30 PM Present: Edward Brindle, Kay Fanning Kathleen Henrichon, Fran McCarthy, Kevin Murphy, Neil Olson, Susan Salt, Toby Shindler, Nancy White Also Present: Diane Costa, League of Women Voters; Jon Ekstrom, Beverly Times; Howard Calish; Tom Scully and Sheila Glowacki Kathleen Henrichon presided. Disposition of the minutes of the previous meet: At the previous meeting Susan Salt had brought up the subject of formal performance appraisals and it was discussed under New Business. The project is in process. Kay Fanning gave the correct spelling of Susan Wise's last name. Susan Salt moved that the minutes be accepted as amended. Motion passed. Committee reports: Personnel: Toby Shindler reported that he has not met with the Mayor yet, but plans to meet with him right after the holidays to discuss the Director's adjusted salary and a contract for the Assistant Director. It was decided to postpone the discussion of the sample alcohol and drug abuse policy submitted by Edward Brindle until the next meeting. It was noted that there is currently no city-wide policy conceming this in force. Administration: A letter was received from Mrs. Priscilla Pilotte requesting overnight -parking for 3 cars. The current policy states that one space will be allowed per family. After discussion it was decided that since only one family has requested parking privileges, the Board will grant one permanent parking space and 2 additional spaces that may be used temporarily until other requests are received. Also, the cars must be moved for snow plowing. Mr Murphy is still waiting for correspondence from the city concerning the roof and from Jake Petronzio concerning the plaque. Finance: Mr. Scully announced that there will be a budget review meeting this Thursday, December 18 at 4:00 p.m. Long Range Planning: There has not been a meeting. The building commission has ben confirmed, and will hold its organizational meeting soon. Librarian's Report: 1) The Director and Assistant Director attended a seminar at Boston University dealing with Alcohol & Drug Abuse in the workplace. The intensive program was well done and provided a great deal of information on the topic. Mr. Scully will review Mr. Brindle's sample policy in light of what was learned at the seminar. 2) Draft specifications for the bookmobile are ready for review. Tom Scully, Toby Shindler and Tom Hindman went to North Reading to see the Eastern Region's Bookmobile and agreed that that style would fit our needs. 3) Received specifications for the asbestos removal at the Farms and gave copies to the Commissioners. A meeting of the Commissioners will be scheduled for early January and bid documents will be ready to go. 4) There has been a favorable response to the extended hours at the Farms. Circulation is up 30% over the same time last year. Mr. Scully recommended that the extended hours be adopted permanently with the branch being closed on Saturdays during the summer. 5) The Bulger Bill is dead for this legislative session and has been re-filed for next session. 6) Four applications have been received for the Bookmobile Librarian's position. 7) A discussion was held concerning donations to the library. Nancy White moved to ask the Board of Aldermen to establish a fund that will allow the Board to accept donations for the building program. Motion passed. Ms. White then requested the chair to reopen the question to reconsider the vote. After discussion Nancy White moved that the previous vote be removed and replaced with "ask the Board of Aldermen to establish a fund that would be managed by the City under the control of the Board of Trustees to accept donations including but not limited to donations for the building fund. Motion passed. 8) We still have the Lucy Larcom letters and have not sent them to the Historical Society. Unfinished business: 1) The Building Commission is in place and will be meeting before the next Trustees meeting. 2) Kay Fanning moved to keep the current extended hours as they are at the Farms with the exception of being closed on Saturdays during the summer months. Motion passed. New business: Susan Salt presented the vote by the Board of Aldermen to accept the gift of Howard Calish to the City of Beverly for $2,610.28 and to establish a fund to be known as the "Esther H. Calish Memorial Fund" for the benefit of the Beverly Public Library. This fund is to be used only for the acquisition of equipment for the Reference Room in the expanded main building of the Beverly Public Library. Mrs. Salt moved to accept with grateful appreciation the gift of Howard Calish. Motion passed. Public presentation to. discussion with the Board: Howard Calish wished the Board Happy Holidays and asked the Board to consider a public reception in the spring for the dedication of the Will Barnet Room and Esther Calish Reference Room. The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 20, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting adjoumed at 8:35 p.m. Sheila Glowacki - Recorder